In ancient times, it was Ossian, the great poet and warrior, who married Niamh and went to live in Tir na nOg, the land of the ever young. After 3 years he was homesick for Glenann and he wanted to return home. He came back and was eager to see his family again but he was warned that he could not touch the ground as he would die if he did. He did not know it but 300 years had passed and his family and friends were all gone. He was very sad and as he was going to go back to Tir na nOg on his horse, he stopped to help some men move a very large boulder. The girth of his saddle snapped, he fell to the ground, grew old and died.
Here you can see where Ossian now lies and beside his grave there is another memorial to John Hewitt, a famous poet who loved Glenann so much he wanted to be buried here.