Your information will be sent to me (for in-house purposes only) and I will add your name to the Alumni Contact sheet as soon as I can. Additionally, we will only post information with your approval such as your name, graduation class year, and e-mail on our MH ALUMNI page. Thanks for your help.
Alumni website/database vision: we are attempting to reunite MH alumni by including an e-mail address and city of each name in alphabetical order. The site is currently listed on most popular search engines including Yahoo by using the query "Manchester House Fraternity." We are also compiling a database of every alumnus' contact info and their career title/company/status. This will help younger guys with networking and internships, or just to talk with someone in the field. Eventually, we could consider accepting donations to get a domain name cheaply, and send out a full list to every alum (aprox. 250). The next part would be to post more photos, so that eventually every name on the site also has a face. We would then cross-reference it with each name on the online alumni directory.
If you have any Manchester House Photos to add, please e-mail them to or mail them to Todd Cohen at 23 Annette Lane, Suffern, NY 10901. I can be called at 845-368-1366.
Below is an exerpt from an e-mail that I wrote to one of our alumni:
Thanks for contacting us! We've had a page for about 3 years now, but it has become highly active since about March of 1999. Since then, we've been on search to find all of our long lost bretherin that have been dispersed around the nation. We've been e-mailing everyone, and hoping to multiply the people we know of.
To put it in perspective, I estimate that we have approximately 220 alumni total. I have 192 people that I have either an address, phone number, e-mail address, or just an idea that they left the house in good standing. I have 66 e-mail addresses and many outdated phone numbers that i'm working on. The goal is to contact everybody and start to meet regularly during homecoming, MH annual reunion, Spring Picnic, etc. In addition I'd like to set up a small job network, which will be very beneficial to the younger guys for internships, first jobs, or just somebody to tell them what the field is REALLY like. Most guys that i've spoken to have been more than willing to help out with this cause. Recently we have become a Alumni Charter, which means free mailings.
Recently this task has become even more important with the news our our fellow alumnus, Ray Santiago, discovering that his daughter Gabrielle was diagnosed with Nephrotic Syndrome (a very rare illness which affects the kidney's and in some cases requires a kidney transplant as a last resort). Chris Wilson has setup a website at to help with the cause. Additionally, we will collect donations for Ray's family during the reunion.
The next big step is taking the website to another level. Already, you can find our homepage with the search "Manchester House Fraternity" under most major engines (particularly Yahoo). I have scanned dozens of photos, both past and current, so every body now has a face on the page. The hits seem to fluctuate based on how often i get to update the page - pictures are usually a big sell People scan them and drop me e-mails or just send them in a SASE and i take care of it.
We'd love your help along the way. The big help would be to let me know of anybody you are in contact with, and send me their e-mail addresses.