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Alumni Directory

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Congratulations to Anthony Ciacco and Michael Antar, Manchester House's newest alumni.

Alphabetical listing, by last name:

Abrams, Jonathan "Toomer" - Class of 2000
Mahwah, New Jersey
Email: JAbrams3@yahoo.com
Photos: 1, 2, 3, 4

Acker, Steven G. - Class of 1988
Bellmore, New York

Adame, Jose - Class of 1994
Commack, New York

John S. Albanese
Marietta, Georgia
E-mail : albanesj@osdgc.osd.mil or

Amante, Chris Marietta, Georgia
E-mail : c_amante@mindspring.com Photos: Stevie Wonder Float - Homecoming

>Anderson, James E. - Class of 1984
West Islip, New York

Antar, Michael "Goldberg" - Class of 2001
Penn Valley, Pennsylvania
Email: Cubanoj@aol.com
Photos: 1

Ardouny, Bryan D. - Class of 1991
Smithtown, New York

Baldo, Michael - Class of 1984
Santa Monica, California

Barba, James V. - Class of 1991
Brooklyn, New York
Photos: Homecoming '89, Stevie Wonder Float - Homecoming

Barrone, Steve - Class of ?
City?, State?

Bigness, Dave.
Hoboken, New Jersey
E-mail: ilikeribs@hotmail.com or David.Bigness@showtime.net

Bisco, Dave.
Columbia, Maryland
E-Mail: Dave.Bisco@firstdata.com

Berthelsen, Christian - Class of 1994
Montvale, New Jersey

Boccuzzi, Joseph A. - Class of 1983
Cockeysville, Maryland

Bredbenner, Mark E. - Class of 1987
Derry, New Hampshire
Email: mark.bredbenner@ncr.com

Bruno, Jeff
Burlington, Vermont
Photo: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7

Burke, Jeff "Fightin Irish" -Transferred 1983
Hanson, Massachusetts

Caccamo Jr., John A. - Class of 1984
East Northport, New York

Carl, Michael F. - Class of 1985
Mineola, New York

Carty, John A.
Commack, New York
Photos: 1, 2, 3

Casey, Brian - Class of 1977
Baltimore, Maryland

Celestin, Joel - Class of 1988
Queens Village, New York

Anthony "Cha Chi" Ciaccio
New Hyde Park, New York
E-mail: ciaccioanthony@hotmail.com
Photo: 1, 2, 3, 4

Cintron, Mike - Class of ?
?, ?

Cipriano, John - Class of 1993
New York, New York
E-mail : remsencipriano@worldnet.att.net Photos: Homecoming '89

Cobelo, John
New Hyde Park, New York
Photos: 1

Cohen, Todd - Class of 2000
Long Beach, New York
E-mail : toddcohen@bigfoot.com
URL: http://www.geocities.com/tlc32tlc
Photo: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
, 7

Collins, Richard D. - Class of 1981
Carle Place, New York
E-mail : cmgesq@worldnet.att.net
URL: http://www.cmgesq.com

Costa, Tony
Whitestone(Queens), New York
E-mail : silvabullt@aol.com or TCOSTA@GTINTERACTIVE.COM

Curran, Brian P. - Class of 1981
New York, New York

Daniels, Michael "Boomer" - Class of 1999
Huntington, New York
E-mail : mailto:MDanie1@hofstra.edu
Photos: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9

Davey, Christopher J. - Class of 1988
Brick, New Jersey
E-mail : ctdavey@worldnet.att.net

DeYoung, Neil "Ozone" - Class of 1996
Brooklyn, New York
Email: ndeyoung@scholastic.com
Photos: 1, 2, 3

Devereaux, Michael J. - Class of 1985
New York, New York

Diliberti, Salvatore J. - Class of 1983
White Plains, New York

Dill, Eric "Bull" - Class of 1983?
Garden City, New York

Draper, Don - Class of ?
City?, State?

Dreyer, John W. - Class of 1991
Ridgewood, New Jersey
Photos: 1, 2, 3

Duvivier, Stefan - Class of 1991
Poughkeepsie, New York

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Todd Cohen
This page maintained by Todd Cohen
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