
Flowbug is a 21-year-old Computer Graphics Artist, and Web Designer.

He is currently seeking employment with Hi-Tech Computers of Ruston, LA:

Where, "It PAYS to be Hi-Tech."

Seriously, it's The place to go for all of your PC, and copy/print shop needs.

Here are Flow's vital statistics:
Some may be a little redundant, but this time it's for the record...

Real Name: Jeremy Douglas

Screen Name: (If you haven't guessed, I won't tell you)

Occupation: Freelance Artist & Web Designer

Age: 21 (22 on March 27)

Height: 5 feet 9 inches

Weight: About 180 lbs.

Eyes: Blue/Green

Blood Type: A+

Social Security Number: (Yeah, right... very funny)

Distinguishing Marks: Wears Glasses. May or may not be found with an "evil" looking goatee. Almost always sighted with a tell-tale marking of black shoes with neon-green shoelaces.

The question most frequently posed by newcomers to the field of
Flowbug research is undoubtedly,
"What does 'Flowbug' mean, anyway?"
For a comprehensive response, Go Here. It also explains:

What's with all of thosegreen glowing bugs!?

Like many other comprehensive responses, it manages to say
a lot about the subject, without directly answering the question.
We hope you'll at least find it an interesting essay, though.

And then there's the ever-present Shoelace Anomaly.

Why does this bizarre creature have them? What possible function could they serve? Just how do you connect insects and shoelaces, anyway?

A little light is shed on the subject, Here.

If you really want to know everything about Flow, check out
the Epic of a Flowbug. It is a detailed analysis of his life and lifestyle, from hatching in the midwest, all the way up to reaching mature adulthood in Albuquerque, New Mexico.

But Be Warned! This article is lengthy, graphics heavy,
and has not been updated in some time.

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All images and content © J. Douglas 2003: Legal Info.