Nasir b Jantan
ke Rahmatullah,
Bad News
Dengan penuh rasa insaf dan takzim and with the deepest of regrets I wish to inform
everyone that our dear friend Mohd Nasir b Jantan has been called back to meet his
Creator... telah kembali ke Rahmatullah today Sun 20FEB00.
He met with a fishing accident. Further details are still not available.
Allah Yarham's home address is:
No 5 Jalan 2/4B Taman Bukit Mas, KL
(Immediately behind Taman Melawati)
Semuga Allah mencucuri Rahmat keats Ruh Allah Yarham dan
menempatkan nya di kalangan mereka mereka yang solleh, serta kesabaran disematkan
dihati keluarga yang telah ditinggalkan...
Sebarkan Salam. Ad.
He was jungle trekking with 4 others at the Hulu Klang Dam and had to
descent via a rope at one stage of the journey. Whilst doing this his friends noticed that he just let go off the rope and fell about 2m on
to the rocks. Initial findings indicate that he could have suffered a heart attack
before he fell, as evidenced by his unusual panting and the foaming in his mouth. His body was airlifted out at about 1600hrs
this evening.
The jenazah is expected back at his home at about 2100hrs tonight after a post mortem at the HKL and the pengkebumian is expected to be early
tomorrow morning at the Tanah Perkuburan Danau Kota. From Allah we came and unto Him is our return....al-Fatihaah......
Salam ISLAH, Sebarkan Salam. Ad.
Good News
lillah, wa syukuru lillah... jenazah
Allahyarham Nasir telah selamat disemadikan di Tanah Perkuburan Islam, Taman Ibukota, Gombak at
approximately 1000hrs, this morning 21 Feb 00.
Alhamdu lillah, we are pleased to announce that the funeral, both this morning
and last night, was attended by a huge crowd, I think simply reflecting the amiable character that he was. It was very pleasing
too, and I am sure most of all to Nini (Allahyarham's balu) and the family members, to see so many of our
colleagues from JI65 present, either last night, this morning's funeral or both.
Even Hassan Merican showed up for the first time ever, for our "gathering", at Allahyarham's house this morning. The brotherhood
MUST be maintained if not enhanced! And it is at moments like these, it is most called to test.
If there was a lesson that was to be learnt from the events following Allahyarham's demise, it is the need to have our data base to be updated all the time. It was rather frustrating to call either the hse or handphones, only to be told that they were no longer in service or changed or simply went on to other people's houses. I appreciate very much if any change in phone numbers, addresses, places of work, newborns and even new partners, be made known so that the data bases can be constantly updated. POPe is maintaining
our JI Homepage and I am maintaning the data base. So, a call or the email to
either of us, advising us of these changes is most welcomed!
Lastly, we r hoping to
organize a "get-together" to remember Allahyarham Nasir, during which time we hope to launch a collection ikhlas to be handed over to Nini. Insya Allah, the time and place will
be announced soon, after consultation with her. It is hoped that as many of us as possible will make time to attend the do. Insya Allah it will be in the form of a solat maghrib and do'a selamat sort of do.
Once again, JazakuMullahu khairan kathira...to
everyone who attended and those who cudn't attend, but sent messages of condolonces to the bereaved family.
Salam ISLAH, Sebarkan Salam.
Ad. Mon, 21 Feb 2000 20:47:57 +0800
dan takziah kepada keluarga allahyarham... Got the sad & shocking news from my sister With TNB Malacca few
minutes before opening Fuad's mail. Halim.
Sun, 20 Feb 2000 20:28:24 +0800
It was a great shock to me to read the sad
news. Some of his last few emails still remained unopen on my server. Please convey my takziah to his
family. Al fatifaah. Najeeb. Sun, 20 Feb 2000 20:57:51 -0800 (PST).
Inna lillahi wainna illahi rajiun...
semoga Allah mencucuri rahmat ke atas roh Allahyarham dan menempatkan beliau di
kalangan mereka2 yg. soleh. I'll be going to the hse with Rashid Hassan after 9.00pm and hope to
see as many of us there. Saya cadangkan Add initiate the collection bagi sumbangan derma kita
kpd keluarga Allahyarham. salam... sidek. Sun, 20 Feb 2000 21:02:37 +0800
Innalillahiwainnalillahiroji unn......Semoga Allah SWT mencucuri
rahmat ke atas roh Allahyarham dan menempatnya dikalangan orang-orang yang soleh.
Amin. GrandPaEwok Sun, 20 Feb 2000 21:59:02 +0800.
...kepada Allah juga kita semua di kembalikan; semoga Allah mencucuri
rahmat keatas roh Allahyarham dan menempatkan beliau dikalangan mereka yang soleh.
Kesabaran dan keinsafan untuk semua. Azman.
Sun, 20 Feb 2000 21:59:57 -0800
Inna lillahi wainna illahi
rajiun... Amek sekeluarga menghadiah Al-Fatihaah dan mengucapkan takziah kepada keluarga allahyarham...
semoga Allah mencucuri rahmat ke atas roh Allahyarham dan menempatkan beliau
di kalangan mereka2 yg soleh. InsyaAllah, I'll be at the house in the morning. Amek.
Mon, 21 Feb 2000 07:54:27 MYT
Semoga Allah SWT mencucuri rahmat keatas rohnya. YEE DAN KELUARGA. Mon, 21 Feb 2000 13:32:19 +0800
I just came back from his house in Taman Bukit Mas, Ulu Klang. Met
his wife and his elder brother. I also met Ramli Adam who arrived immediately after me. Thanks
Jublintan65 for the news. Lets us offer Fathihah for him. Al Fathihah. May Allah be
pleased with him. Khairuddin Haji Mokhtar.
Mon, 21 Feb 2000 14:02:03 +0800
Innalillahi-wainna-ilaihi-rajiuun... Saudara-saudara seangkatan. Kita buat perancangan, Allah s.w.t.
membuat penentuan. Sama-samalah kita berdoa agar Allahyarham diampuni
dosa-dosanya dan dirahmati Allah. Semoga amalan baiknya sebagai seorang Islam akan
memberi manfaat di hari pembelaan. Sedih bila rakan segurauan kembali kepangkuan Ilahi, tetapi perlulah
juga kita bersedia untuk masa kita pula. Alfatihah. Allahu akbar! Allahu akbar!
Allahu akbar! Ad, thank you for the message. Dr. Mohamad Hanif
Jamil. Mon, 21 Feb 2000 14:36:58 +0800
Daripada Allah kita didatangkan dan kepada Allah kita dikembalikan.
Takziah daripada saya sekeluarga dan saya berdoa semoga rohnya ditempatkan bersama
mereka yang soleh. Wan Ngah bin Wan Ali CEO Syarikat Air Terengganu Sdn Bhd.
Mon, 21 Feb 2000 16:25:10 +0800.
Assalamualaikum, Saya sekeluarga ucapkan takziah kepada keluarga Sdr. Nasir. Dia seakan
masih bersama saya sebentar tadi kerana saya baru sahaja habis membaca e-mail yang
dihantar dua hari lepas. Semoga Allah mencucuri rahmat keatas rohnya. Kepada kawan2 yang tak dapat menziarahi beliau dan sembahyang, diharap
dapat melakukan sembahyang jenazah ghaib, belum terlewat. Seperti yang disarankan oleh Dolah Hamid tadi, marilah kita aturkan
satu perjumpaan tahlil untuk beliau di KL. Wassalam. Kamarudin
Mamat. Mon, 21 Feb 2000 23:25:21 +0800.
Assalamualikum, Ucapan takziah juga dari saya sekeluarga kepada keluarga sahabat kita.
Semoga Allah mencucuri rahmat ke atas rohnya.. Haji Imran
Idris. Tue, 22 Feb 2000 07:40:14 +0800
...sedih menerima berita kematian sdr Nasir Jantan
dua hari yg lalu. Hashim.
Assalaamu 'alaykum wa Rahmatullah,
My dear Member Jublintan65s, I was out of town di kampung area in Kelang, and with the Tabligh
group of friends, one of them Dr Nasoha (ex-UKM MSc Optometrist Australia) di Bukit Naga and seperti biasa bila latihan rohani kita tak peduli
the newspaper or radio especially saya 'dah tak layan NST or Utusan only Harakah !!
So boy was I shocked upon my return last nite at 11pm bila dapat the message that Allahyarhamhu Nasir had passed away since still many of his
e-mail messages still unopened in my PC di opis UPM !! The MOST important impact I personally terkesan
was: Man!! That's me !! He's my classmate, just like me, SAME age, same style the MCOBA spirit
(by the way I recently got elected into the MCOBA AJK along with JED, our KK boy dgn the President Tunku Adnan ).
Naby Muhammed SAW told us that ALLAH Ta'ala has 2 preachers: ONe is DUMB the other ELOQUENT. The dumb one is DEATH while the other is the QUR'AN !!
he had a stroke while climbing there?? How's our health?? Tetapi for those who have gone on ahead, they are with GOD!! What's MORE important is
kita ambil iktibar!! Learn the lesson!! How prepared are we to face our creator?? Apa dia syarat kejayaan di situ? What do we need to bring
along for that journey?? Bekalan terbaik according to GOD is TAQWA!! Are we
earning that?? Sebabnya yang terpenting di alam akhirat, IF ada kekurangan, tak cukup, TAK boleh balik dunia untuk penuhkan keperlengkapan!! Too late!! So
sad!! Nasi dah menjadi bubur!! So, we really should get together ane fine day, sebelum we reach the stage where we start dropping dead like flies!!
to kerjasama macam mana boleh work together to berjaya di dunia situ semacam disini!!
IF suka, please respond so we Julintan65s can have a rap session and together to
re-vitalise/ realise/ explore FULLY that world to come yg suka. Tak suka SEMUA mesti kembali: to check it out, NOT take it for
granted: betulke hanya dgn ckap kita beriman, dgn tulisan dan nama IMAN, kita akan lulus ujian itu dan berjaya?? Your member yg sayang untuk member apa dia sayang untuk diri
sendiri: Dr Syed Kadia' Alsagoff ABU
Mahmood, FEP, UPM. Tue, 22 Feb 2000 12:23:36 +0800
I have fond memories of Almarhum Nasir. From the time I met him in
Brighton, and until recently (last month, I think) outside TNB Gen Bldg, he was the same friendly guy, come to think of it, at my last
meeting with him he was extremely jovial and friendly. My one regret was I was in such
a hurry that day that I didn't spend more time to chat. Semoga Allah mencucuri Rahmatnya keatas roh Almarhum, al-Fatihah.
Rgds Abdul Ghaffur Ramli <ashida@pc.jaring.my>.
The late Nasir Jantan worked for me at Port Dickson and later joined the
Generation Project Team when I was the CE. Nasir was one of the nicest people I had the
previlege to work with. My most sincere condolences
go to his family. Eustace Robless <eustace@pc.jaring.my>
Monday, February 21, 2000 6:02 PM
Such a young person from my perspective, I did not know Allah Yarham Nasir but my
sympathy goes to all his family and friends. Ismail Omar <ismailo@pc.jaring.my> Monday, February 21, 2000 8:09 AM.
Great and humble guy. May he rest in eternal joy.
Albert. <albertpr@yahoo.com>
I am very saddened to hear of Allahyarham Nasir Jantan's demise. I know him very well of course, as he was in my batch in Brighton, and we
also worked together at Tuanku Jaafar PS under Mr Robless - those long night
shifts! Aruah Nasir was a true gentleman, he'd always have time to help you and
would remain forever pleasant under any circumstances.I have never known him to loose his temper. Its a great loss.
His sportsmanship and atheletism always shone through especially for his love of football. We had some jolly good games together during several SOA's tournaments.
My deepest sympathy goes to his family. May he rest in peace. Semoga Allah mencucuri Rahmatnya
ke atas roh Allahyarham, al-Fatihah. Sam Samad <sam@rtk.co.uk>