- 10/28/00 20:25:17 My Email:salehashim@hotmail.com Name: Salehuddin Hashim | Comments: Any plans for a grand 30-year reunion? Pope, I still have your sweater but it shrank after being put in the wash. Hi to everybody! |
- 08/31/00 09:15:30 My Email:rpgo4it@aol.com Name: roger prior | Comments: Great page. Interesting to see what you all are doing after all these years. I am now living in USA with a son Rostam at university Purdue doing engineering and a daughter Norlia in her final year of high school and off the uni next Sept. Am now semi reti ed working with dyslexics who need help wiht maths. Does anyone know how to contact Tuan Syed the art teacher? I found a web site with a photo of him with machine gun; I trust his life has not been as dull as mine. Would appreciate hearing from any old boys who were in Prep school and/or pavilion 69-71. Th nks |
- 05/02/00 05:31:10 My Email:shahrom@atsz.com.my Name: Mohd Shahrom Mohamad | Comments: my new office: Abu Talib Shahrom & Zahari Advocates & Solicitors 43 Jalan Desa,Taman Desa Off Jalan Kelang Lama 58100 Kuala Lumpur Tel:7844833 Fax:7845434 DL:7849989 e-mail: shahrom@atsz.com.my |
inul & clxx 9599 - 04/01/00 13:58:58 My URL:http://misaibibir.com My Email:eh..luopo lak Name: heheh..jambu ooo | Comments: hm..sungguh cantik sekali..kami berdue sungguh terpegun apabile melihat kecantikan gambar hitam putih yg mungkin di pilih dari kalangan gambar2 lainyg menarik..tahniah diucapkan..tidak kami sangka bahawa batch yg berade pade zaman yg tiade scanner dan it masin mampu berdiri same tinggi ngan batch2 yg lain di penghujung abad ke 20.. walaubagaimane pon..kami berdue ingin menaburkan jutaan terime kasih kerane membolehkan kami mengenali seniors2 kami yg terdahulu..... oleh yg demikian...gluck di ucapkan..bye |
Name: Free For Chat | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | |
Nizzawebsite. Dank für das Lassen ich Ihr guestbook unterzeichnen
Hanif Jamil - 09/08/99 05:23:20 My Email:hanif@mardi.my Name: Dr. Mohamad Hanif bin Mohamad Jamil | Comments: Assalamualaikum, I just discovered that you guys have been having contacts with each other for quite some time. I was only in contact with Nik Ishak (we live in Subang Jaya), Izham Ahmad (we work in MARDI), Shahein (our children studied at MRSM Taiping). I had occasional ndirect contacts with Abdullah Muda (wife was a teacher at SMSU S. Jaya) and Bastamam (wife Norazila is a member of the PIBG Academic Committee of SMSU - I am chairman of the committee) , Elias Musa (I met at Sungei Besi mosque)and Wan Hamzah (I met at Ov rhead Bridge Rest area Sungai Buloh - on the way to send my daughter back to Universiti Petronas. What a relief to know that our bunch is well and kicking. Of course, we have very prominent people among us. Please send feedbacks to me, whenever appropriate. I would appreciate it very much. p.s. About me :- Mohamad Hanif bin mohamad Jamil B.Sc. (Chemistry, U. Malaya - 1976) Ph.D. (Nutritional biochemistry, Univ. of Wales, Cardiff, U.K. - 1983) Research Officer MARDI (HQ - Serdang, Selangor)since 1976. Wife - Zaharah Children 5 (Hazrin - 19; Ezanee - 18; Hafiz - 15; Nursyukriah - 13; Fadly - 10) |
Nazalan F5-75 - 06/23/99 11:28:36 My URL:http://www.usm.my/bio/nazalan.htm My Email:nazalan@usm.my | Comments: Hoi Pope, Ape makin lame makin smart hompej ni. Kalo tengok bec aku punye macam tak mau siap aje. |
- 06/04/99 11:15:10 My URL:http://zap.to/basement My Email:zainudin@dbp.gov.my Name: zainuddin jamil | Comments: ho boy! i'm in de wrong klass! why don't someone from my class do work like this? |
webmaster - 06/01/99 00:44:39 My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/co/mckk My Email:mcid@mckk.zzn.com | Comments: THE NEW MALAY COLLEGE OFFICIAL HOMEPAGE The homepage is now ready (English version) at www.angelfire.com/co/mckk Update your links!! MCID 1999 |
webmaster - 06/01/99 00:44:34 My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/co/mckk My Email:mcid@mckk.zzn.com | Comments: THE NEW MALAY COLLEGE OFFICIAL HOMEPAGE The homepage is now ready (English version) at www.angelfire.com/co/mckk Update your links!! MCID 1999 |
webmaster - 06/01/99 00:44:26 My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/co/mckk My Email:mcid@mckk.zzn.com | Comments: THE NEW MALAY COLLEGE OFFICIAL HOMEPAGE The homepage is now ready (English version) at www.angelfire.com/co/mckk Update your links!! MCID 1999 |
Alismurda - 04/22/99 15:24:30 My Email:esrdmd Name: Rusli@Ideris Adam | Comments: POPe, Where do u put the Aku Tak Khabaq intro dulu? Please don't throw that. Should keep that. |
Ich besuchte Geocites und oben auf Ihnen homepage irgendwie beendet. Wieviel Zeit haben Sie in Ihrem Internet-Aufstellungsort investiert? Ich hoffe, meine Selbst zu haben bald.
Jed the KK boy - 03/15/99 15:42:15 Name: jed | Comments: Semua oghang dah komen, jadi tak payah le aku komen lagi. Kalao puji POPe banyak2 sangat nanti kembang pulak. |
Name: Bad Bunny | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | |
Cool page Thanks for letting me sign your guestbook
sabre - 09/18/98 03:59:38 My URL:/CapeCanaveral/1328/sabre.htm My Email:sabre-gb@sabri.pc.my Name: S.M.Sabri S.M.Ismail | Comments: Nice page with complete info. Surprised to see roslank here. ;-} sabre 7377 http://members.tripod.com/~mc7377/ |
Tanpa Nama - 08/27/98 12:31:48 My Email:mshaari@hotmail.com Name: Tanpa Nama | Comments: Why is it that so many collegians are not in touch with reality ? WHy are they so hung up over old memories? |
- 08/11/98 01:16:04 Name: Fuad Abd Rahman | Comments: Assalamu 'alaikom, POPe, There is only ONE POPe...and that's U. The one in tha Vatican comes nowhere near. Jaza kAllah POPe, for a wonderful job. Please keep it up. Am thinking hard on how to make it better. But must admit, so far still don't know how! |
- 07/04/98 08:11:51 My Email:nasirj@tm.net.my Name: Mohd Nasir Jantan | Comments: Apahal dah lama tak update Homepage? |
- 04/20/98 14:30:30 My Email:bakrimn@pc.jaring.my Name: yee | Comments: Keep up the good work |
Nazi-adek Ceti - 03/20/98 11:31:35 My Email:nazalan@usm.my Name: Nazalan Najimudin | Comments: Stumbled into this whilst looking for KLSE results. Now I'm afraid to look for NYSE; might stumble into another MCKK homepage. Good job, Pope. The Form 5-1975 must do a better job to emulate this. Nazalan Najimudin, adek Cheti F5'75 |
- 03/18/98 08:03:36 My Email:nasir@generation.tnb.com.my Name: Mohd Nasir bin Jantan. | Comments: It's a wonderful thing to meet again - always. |
ID - 03/17/98 09:45:00 My Email:IderisA@mni.com.my | Comments: Selepas perjumpaan dirumah DWSS saya berasa terharu dapat bertemu teman yang sekian lama tidak diketemui. Alangkah seronoknya ketika bersembahyang di Masjid Negeri Shah Alam saya berimamkan taulan kita Hanafi tanpa diketahui. Begitu juga makmum adalah kes muanya batch kita juga iaitu Monsa, Hashim, Dollah Muscle dan... Allah |
PlugBoy - 03/13/98 09:59:49 My URL:http://www.xantheus.com.my My Email:webmaster@xantheus.com.my Name: Xantheus Commune 85-89 | Comments: Excellent job! Good to see some "old boys" keepin' up with the times...:) Ever imagine how you guys would look 20 years later? If so, look here: http://www.xantheus.com.my For the boyz of 1985-1989...see, we're 20 years younger. |
ID - 03/03/98 11:10:55 My Email:IderisA@mni.com.my Name: Rusli Adam | Comments: Bila tengok badge college semangat naik. Sebab saya tak gheti macam mana nak buat you orang yang tera tolong bikin. Sapa ada kolej magazine, extractlah gambar-gambar dsbnya masuk kat dalam. Boleh ngelamun tengok. |
E.S.ARDIMADI - 03/03/98 10:36:01 My Email:IDERISA@MNI.COM.MY Name: Rusli @ Ideris Adam | Comments: Year 1965 is significant to our group. Used that as our year because all of us were in form one - baru nak baligh. 50 years thereafter is the college punya centennial. So nampaklah batch kita ni unique. |
GrandEwok - 02/25/98 14:04:29 My Email:fahima@pl.jaring.my Name: Fadzil Abdul Rahman | Comments: Tiada gambar secantik lukisan.Fabulous work POPe. I've not accessed the Homepage for a long time and was surprised to see my Family Photo(GrandEwok family).It's a work of art. |
Bab - 02/25/98 12:14:28 My Email:anuarism@tm.net.my Name: Anuar b Ismail | Comments: POpe, It's a great job you have done. Congratulations. I hope others do make use of this. |
none - 02/25/98 08:56:56 My Email:jalalbk@tm.net.my Name: Dr.Hj.Jalal b. Halil | Comments: Pope, Congratulations for your excellent efforts. Our homepage provides a very handy referrence for me to in terms of determining who among us are the most productive(and perhaps most virile)! Joke aside, it serves as an exquisite conduit for me to trace and contact 'lost' friends (Jejak Kasih). Tahniah an syabas Pope! |
YEE - 02/10/98 12:36:07 My Email:bakrimn@pc.jaring.my | Comments: Pope More photos plesase. Please request following photos 1) Gambar 1965-1971 2) Gambar semasa 1997-1998 3) Gambar family |
YEE - 02/10/98 12:32:35 My Email:bakrimn@pc.jaring.my Name: ALBAKRI | Comments: A Pope Good job. Can we have old photos to be included. Or for everybody, beri dua gambar. Semasa muda(1965-1971) , dan satu lagi current photo(1997-1998). Another suggestion..family photo. |
YEE - 02/10/98 12:30:01 My Email:bakrimn@pc.jaring.my Name: ALBAKRI | Comments: A Pope Good job. Can we have old photos to be included. Or for everybody, beri dua gambar. Semasa muda(1965-1971) , dan satu lagi current photo(1997-1998). Another suggestion..family photo. |
saya - 01/30/98 06:35:25 My Email:merbah@yahoo.com | Comments: Sangat bagus jika tambahkan gambar banyak sedikit. Buatlah peraduan apa-apa |
- 01/26/98 14:29:08 My Email:Mozahas@hotmail.com Name: Zahar | Comments: POPe, Well done for updating and UPGRADING OUR homepage. Kalau kau rajin macam ni dulu, tentu Aznam tak ada can jadi head boy. BTW bila our "Sembang-sembang" boleh operational? Salam. |
Fauzi O - 01/22/98 10:53:04 My Email:wizard@tm.net.my Name: Fauzi Othman | Comments: Good job POPe for this homepage .My only complain is for heaven's sake please do not use yellow cos a living fossil like me cannot read yellow!! |
- 11/21/97 18:34:20 | Comments: |
- 11/03/97 18:35:52 | Comments: |
Not that I know of - 09/06/97 12:30:09 My URL:http://www.malaysia.net/people/roslan My Email:roslank@pc.jaring.my Name: Roslan Karimudin | Comments: The homepage has improved tremendously since the last one. Maybe as an idea I propose that a photo of each member should be included as well. Congratulations on the good effort Pope! |
- 09/04/97 08:40:10 | Comments: Finally... |