Berry Sinfonia: The Home of Phi Mu Alpha Sinfonia at Berry

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Phi Mu Alpha National Fraternity
Brother Slacker All Hail! My name is Dave "Slacker" Barry, and I am your new Alumni Scretary. I am a senior voice major, graduating this spring, 2002. This is great news for Kappa Gamma, because I will be serving Kappa Gamma as an alumni! With the installation of an ALUMNI for Alumni Secretary (ha- what a concept), we're hoping to make YOU, the alumni, a more active part of the collegiate experience. So what does all this mean? Better communication between the alumni and the chapter. Say you want to get in contact with a brother you haven't talked to in a years... The Alumni Secretary is the person to call. Want to know what the brothers of Kappa Gamma are up to these days? Check the web page, and contact the Alumni Secretary! Of course, it is also my job to inform you of updates from the chapter, as well as information from the National Office. Please check back regularaly for information concerning chapter events, and please contact me if you need any information!
Dave Barry
AOL Instant Messenger screenname: daedalus1898
Send me an IM!

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Site last updated on Apr. 2, 2002 by Daniel "Bluto" Keen