HEHS Class of 1984
Classmates With Last Names Beginning With Q-Z

Deborah Qualls
Denise Raban
Emergency operator. Married Scott Keaton (class of 1985). One son. Lives in Virginia.
Jackie Ray
Gregory Reed
Sona Rellan
Deirdre Reynolds
Danny Rose
John Rowsey "Darrin"
Married a Flatwoods, Ky native (Shirley) and they have one son, Michael. He has a gospel group named New Journey and recently signed a national recording/touring contract and is touring throughout North America. He lives in Flatwoods, Ky.
Eugene Roy
John Sanns
Trent Samson
Brent Scarbro
Larry Schofield
Cynthia Shank
Charles Shepard
Angela Simmons
Lisa Simmons
Donna Simms
Kathleen Simms
Joseph Simonton
Darrell Simpkins
Michael Simpson
James Slone
Married Barbette Purvis (class of 1984).
Katharyn Smith
Lisa Smith
Melissa Smith
Rodney Smith
Married Kelly Morris (class of 1985), one daughter- Morgan (7yrs old).
Kimberly Southworth
Janet Spillman
Angela Spurlock
Office Manager for local attorney. Married Mark Gibson (class of 1985), three children. email=KincaidC@Citynet.net
Denise Spurlock
Married Clint Howard (HEHS 1983). Lives in Dallas Texas and is attending Medical Assisting school there. email=spurlocklhoward@hotmail.com
Richard Spurlock
Carissa Stark
Married Scott Riggio (in Army), one son.
Alfred Starkey
Kenneth Stettler
Tamera Strickland
Married John Skeans (HEHS 1979) in 1987. Two daughters, Kelsey (7) and Karli (1). Lives in Huntington, but relocating soon to Racine, Wisconsin. email=jskeans@aol.com
Lisa Strode
Married Jeff Hedgecock (class of 1982). One daughter, lives in Detroit Michigan.
Donald Suiter
Gary Sumpter
Teresa Sunderland
Sarah Swann
Married Steve McKenzie (MU Class of 1984), two children (5 & 3). Email=STEVEE03@AOL.COM.
Michelle Sylvester
Kindergarten teacher. Married Skip Holbrook (class of 1983). Lives in N.C., two children.
Richard Terry
Douglas Thacker
Larry Thacker
Works for WV State Roads. Married Mary Lynne Wills (class of 1984), three children. Lives in Huntington.
Virginia Thacker
Married Robert Bowden
Tuana Thomas
Dental Assistant. Married Dana Adams, one daughter. Lives in Huntington
Arthur Thompson "Del"
Married Mary McClellan (class of 1984), two children. Lives in Huntington.
Mona Thompson
Teresa Thompson
James Toler
Suzanne Tomkies
Now married and living in Italy with her new husband, was an Attorney in Houston Texas-specializing in Intellectual Property Law (copyright,trademark,etc). B.B.A. from Texas Christian University; J.D. South Texas College of Law. email=STomkies@email.msn.com
Patricia Traylor "Patty"
Former Paralegal and Management team member for Huntington Blizzards, now a full-time mom to Madison (6) and Hunter (3). Married C.D. Hoskins (class of 1982). Lives in Huntington. New email address to come soon.
Shelley Upchurch
Alfred Vance
Raymond Varney
Tracy Waddell
Married with 2 children. Lives in Huntington.
Gregory Walden
Scott Walker
Christopher Ward
Graduated from Marshall w/ a BA in Elementary Education. Married Jennifer Whitt (Hurricane) and has three children, Rachael, Josiah and Brynna. He recently took a full-time positon as Associate Pastor of Ormsby Heights Baptist Church in Ky. email=cjward@iolky.com.
Phillip Ward
Timothy Waugh
Lori White
Married to Challen Jay Kelker (Las Vegas, NV) for 13 years and has three children. Very active with her children's activities, has lived in Texas, Germany, Washington, Louisiana and Virginia as her husband is in US Army. email=kelker@bigfoot.com
Mary Lynne Wills
Married Larry Thacker (class of 1984), three children. Lives in Huntington.
James Wilson
Lisa Wilson
Married Ronnie Adkins (HHS) and has two sons- Chase (14yrs) and Trace (1½ yrs). Lives in Huntington. email=adkins924@aol.com
Mark Wolfe
Scott Wood
Assistant Band Director for new Spring Valley High School. Graduated from WV State College in 1989 with an Education Degree. Taught for 4 years in Beckley before moving back to Huntington to teach at Buffalo-Wayne High School. It was consolidated into Spring Valley High. email=srwood@citynet.net
Kimberly Woodyard
Sherri Wooten
Former Manager at Musicland/Suncoast Motion Pictures in the Huntington Mall. Lives in Proctorville, Ohio with husband, Stuart Price (10 years) and 3 daughters ( Jenny-6, Jessica-2 and Julie Marie-1). She is now a full-time mom. email=sheribowlr@aol.com
Howard Young
Kurt Zabel

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