Allison Lafon
Malcolm Lambert
Frank Lambertus
Graduated from Vanderbilt with Engineering/Economics degree, graduate degree from from University of Colorado. Lives in Denver, works as a CPA.
Richard Lee
Lorraine Leigh
Melanie Lewis
Tonya Lindsey
Brian Louden
Mary Lowe
Married Scott Hilton.
Jendonnae Lycan
Attorney. Married Charles Houdyshell. Lives in Huntington.
Lisa Mann
Angela Mannon
Theodore Market
Lisa Mason
Craig Mayes
Jennifer Maynard
Graduated from Marshall and married Rickie Bledsoe, two children (Jessica 2 and Payton 3 months). Lives in Louisville, Ky and works for Humana as a progam integrity specialist.
Mark McCallister
Pamela McClanahan
Mary McClellan
Married Del Thompson (class of 1984), three children. Lives in Huntington
George McCollins
Audra McComas
Jonda McComas
Robin McComas Wilson
Works at St. Marys. Married with 2 children.
Sandra McComas
Kerri McDaniel
Tammy McKenzie
Melinda McNeely
Margaret Meadows
Sally Meadows
Married David Ashworth (Class of 1985). She is a policy processor for an insurance company in Raleigh, NC. David is a manager for a nuclear pharmacy there.
Steven Meadows
Married Dawna Nelson (class of 1984) Pharmacist with a small chain pharmacy in Delaware. Graduated from Marshal with a B.S. in Zoology in 1989 and from WVU School of Pharmacy in 1992. Two children, Kelsea (5) and Hayley (4)
Karl Meek
Paige Meek
Diagnostic Medical Sonographer (ultrasounds, etc)-- travels a lot with her job. Married to Mike Cobb who just retired from military. Works for Nashville Memorial Hospital.
Kathy Merritt
Charles Miller
Christina Miller
Married Greg Adkins (B'ville '84). Currently a stay-at-home mom/MU Student majoring in Elementray Ed. K-8. Two children, Kala (10) and C.J. (5)
Lawrence Miller
Frank Moeller
Robert "Bobby" Morris
Attended MU. Currently divorced with three children, Zackary, Alesha and Caleb.
Thomas Morrison
Amy Munsey
Christina Murray
Sam Mya
Sandra Mya
Shelli Myrtle
Nurse Manager for cardiovascular surgery dept in North Carolina. Two daughters (Ally, 5 and Holly, 3). Married Mike Thevenin (class of 1985).
James Nance
Mark Neale
Dawna Nelson
Married Steve Meadows (class of 1984) and has 2 daughters, Kelsea and Hayley. Graduated from MU and is a CPA, Accounting Manager with Citicorp part-time so she can stay home w/ her daughters.
Kathryn Nelson "Kathy"
Teacher. Married Joey Neely, one child. Lives in North Carolina.
Jeffrey Newberg
Joel Nicholas "Joey"
Salesman for Dolly Madison Bakery. Married Nancy Blake (class of 1984 and has three children. Lives in Culloden.
Danny Nichols
Michael Ore
Manager for Bell Atlantic. Married Carla Eden (Barboursville) with two children, Nicholas and Michaela.
Terry Ours
Carol Panetta
Kelly Parker
Raymond Parks
Assistant Sales Manager for J.H. Fletcher & Co. Married Denise Williams (HEHS 1987), daughter (Madison) is 3 years old. Email
Tammy Parsons
Tessia Patrick
Ann Patton
Darrell Payton
Married with three children. Lives in Huntington.
Shelia Peyton
Product Mgr. for Arrow/Bell Components in Foothill Ranch, California. Married James C. Starkey III from B'ville (1985) who is serving in the US Marine Corp. as a Gunnery Sergeant. No human children... just a little white Maltese named, "Killer" who loves to be by her side. email=
Jeanette Phillips
Married Paul Scott, one son.
Sonya Phillips
Gregory Pickens
Police Officer. Married with one son.
Paul Porter
Works for AEP in Baltimore, OH in their Help Services Dept.
David Poston
Ronald Poveromo
Ronald Prichard
Lives in South Point, OH, divorced. He is a Project Coordinator with the Design and Construction Department of the home office of Kmart out of Troy, MI.
Jay Pruitt
Steve Pruitt
JoAnna Purvis "Barbette"
Married James Slone (class of 1984)

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