Classmates HEHS 1984 Class of 1984 A-G

HEHS Class of 1984

Classmates with last name beginning with A-G


Larry Abbott
Charles Adams
Mark Adams
Katrina Adkins

Kirk Adkins
Went to Ohio State and now does Satellite Surveying. He lives in Creswell, Oregan and has journeyed to all corners of the country and South America. (update by Charlie Brown)

Ronald Adkins

Ronnie Adkins
Married Kristy Smith

Scott Adkins
Andrew Allen
Teresa Anderson
Kathryn Bailey

Melissa Basler "Missy"
Pharmacist, married Chuck Bish (Weirton) and has 2 sons, Brennan and Ethan. She lives in Teays Valley and works at Huntington State Hospital. email=mbb9876

Cynthia Baumgardner
Works for Alcon Surgical in Huntington. Married Jamie Smallridge and has one son, James (7).

Paul Beals
Timothy Belville

Jamie Bird
Currently a homemaker, but went to Virginia State University and has a teaching degree (K-3). Married T.W.Taylor of Va (a Pharmacist/Entrepreneur/Pilot/ex-Winston Cup owner/driver.) They have two boys, Hunter (7) and Levi (6 mos). She lives on Lake Chesdin in Matoaca Va.

Carolyn Bishel
Michelle Black
Melinda Blake
Charles Blake
Christina Blake

Larry Blake
Manager at Big Bear. Married (Patricia) with 1 child. Living in Huntington

Nancy Blake
Nurse. Married Joey Nicholas (Class of 1984) with 3 children. Living in Culloden

Ronald Bland "Ronnie"
Manager in the horticulture industry with certification from the State of Florida. Currently attending USF persuing a degree in Speech Pathology and Audiology. Single, no children.

Kevin Blankenship
Roberta Bortolini
Christina Jo Bowen "Tina"
Daphne Bowman
Stephen Bowsher
Tamara Bozzay
Lola Brewer
Sean Brodtrick "Buzzy"
Avalene Brown

Charles "Charlie" Brown
Graduated Wilmington '88 with a B.A. in Communications.. Married Monica Seta (UMassachusetts '88) and has two children; Evan (3½) and Claire (8 mos). Lived in Chicago for 4 years, but relocated to Cincinnati in 1995. Keeps in contact with Evan Hinshaw, Craig Errington and Kirk Adkins.

Kristy Brumfield
Kathalyn Bunn "Kathy"
Lori Burdette
Tracy Burgess
Frederick Byer "Fred"
Rebecca Byrd "Becky"
Wendy Byrd
Gary Carico
Tina Carpenter
Gregory Carter

Michelle Carter
Nurse- worked in Oncology, ICU, Pediatrics and OB. Presently working in an orthopedic office. Owns "The Mustard Rooster" a primitive craft business and has had a few of her own designs published. Married Bill Ferguson (Class of 1983), two children: daughter, Brynne (16½) (pronounced just like Lynne, but with "Br") and son, Brycen (11) Lives in Teays Valley.

Ferguson Family Web Page

Ralph Chapman
Jairo Chois "Jay"

Cheryl Clatworthy
Married Tim Goheen (Class of 1983)

Holly Cline
Teresa Collins
Trina Conley
Kevin Conn

Craig Coster
Pastor of Barboursville Baptist Church. Married for 4 1/2 years with one daughter. Living in Barboursville (14 Williamsburg Drive) Link to church's home page may be coming soon!

Johnn Cox

Melanie Craze
Lives in Huntington, one son.

Connie Crigger
Married Eddie Anselmi (Class of 1983) has two children, Jourdan and Ashton. They live in Sarasota, Florida.

Thomas Curry
Married Beth Ross and has one child, Jason. Works as a Rehab Nurse Tech at Healthsouth in Huntington. Lives in Salt Rock.

Lisa Curtis

Wendy Curtis
Married Keith Chapman, three children (Paige-12, Corey-9, and Shelby-3). Works at Cabell Huntington Hospital as a nursing assistant & attending Ashland Community College. Lives in Lavalette, WV.

Susan Cyrus
Married to Earl Legg (Class of 1983), a Lt. on the Huntington Fire Dept. and has two children. Meredith (10) and Garrett (4). She is the office manager/personal surgical assistant for a doctor in Charleston.

Leigh Ann Dailey
Married to Brian Bellomy, three children. Living in Ona

Todd Dailey

Brian Daniels
Married Katie McGinn (HHS '87), has one son- Samuel Quentin 1996. Works as Real Estate Appraiser for Cabell County Assessor's Office.

Jill Davidson
Recently married. New info to come

Stacy Davis
Doctor. Married Kevin Dickenson, has one son. Lives in No. Carolina.

Mario Dea "Tony"
Edward Dean
Kimberly Dean
Thomas Delleman

Michael DeMoss "Mike"
Works for State Electric. Married with 3 children.

Kelly Dickens

Timothy Dillon
Married Amy Flanagan (Class of 1985), has one son, Kevin.

Sidney Dillon

Robin Dirton
Married Phillip Skeens and has two sons- Christopher (12) and Drew (10). Shift manager for Telespectrum Worldwide, lives in Hamlin, WV.

Matthew Dunbar "Matt"
Robert Duncan "Robby"
Kimberly Earl
Brian Easthom
Pamela Easthom

Kerri Egnor
Graduated from MU w/ nursing degree and works at Cabell Huntington Hospital in the neonatal intensive care unit for almost 12 years. Married Kevin Blankenship (Class of 1984) after dating for 8 years. They have two daughters; Katelyn (7) and Kasey (4 ½) and live in Huntington.

Lisa Elkins
Thomas Ellis

Donald Elswick
Presently working for Rhone-Poulenc after Navy term. Married with 2 children. Living in Milton.

Traci Epperson

Craig Errington
Married Mary Beth Brown from Baltimore. They have lived all over the world, and are now in Greensboro, NC. Two daughters: Alex (4) and Julia (1½). He is Director of Marketing for Wrangler.

Charles Evans
Kristen Farley "Kris"
Tammy Farnsworth

Gary Felder
"Married with children" as per his guestbook entry. Joined the US Army after graduation and has traveled all over the world. He is currently in Europe and is First Sergeant in charge of training center, graduating about 4000 soldiers annually. He has worked for both President Bush and President Clinton as a White House Logistic/Operations NCO. Will be back in the states in December 2000.

Robert Flaugher "Rob"
He & wife, Roz, recently moved back to the area (Teays Valley) after living in Columbus, OH a number of years. They have 2 children, Elizabeth (7) and Matthew (2). He is a lawyer with a very well-known firm in Charleston.

Kelly Flora
Juanita Foster

Debra Fox
Married Douglas Good from Athens, GA and they have two daughters, Lindsay (8) and Kelsey (3). She's the former manager of Benson Music in Nashville, TN. They currently live in Parkersburg.

Neal Frazier
Gregory Gardner
James Garrett
Michael Gartin
Timothy Gartin
John Gibson

Deborah Goheen
Lives in Huntington

Steven Gorden

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