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Claire Dienhart's Friends

My best friend Kate being silly at work
My friends are the most important thing to me. Without them, I'd be lost. They are always there to talk to and have a good time. I could write a novel on my best friend, Kate, but I'll keep it short and sweet. We've been friends since first grade so that shows the depth of our friendship. We've grown up together and I can't imagine my life without her in it. Want to read more about Kate, go check out her webpage.

Claire and Chris
This is my friend, Chris (originally from Florida before he moved to Boston) and we always have fun together. He always makes me laugh and smile and I am so glad to call him my friend. This picture was taken from my porch deck. We get great sunsets in the summer.

Melissa and Me In just a few years, Melissa and I have developed a great friendship. We talk about everything and anything and we are great support for each other. There's nothing that we can't say to each other and I wouldn't have it any other way. I really miss being able to see her every day at school but hopefully our friendship is strong enough that distance will not break it.

Dan and me before the senior formal
Dan is great. It's hard to explain our friendship. Dan's my buddy. He helps me with all my computer problems and he's always there for me when I need to talk about my newest dilemma in the game of LIFE. He's a great friend and I hope it continues long after we're out of school.

I don't have pictures of the rest of my friends scanned yet, but I will tell you a little bit about them and when I get the pictures up, I will add them in. I don't know who to start with so I'll go alphabetically to spare any favoritism...

First there is Julie. What a great friend to have, she'll help anyone in need. She always puts her friends first. Julie is such a great supporter of all her friends, and someone I look up to. She has dedication and such a strong desire to help people. If only more people could be like Julie, this world would be such a nicer place to live. "Peace and love" as Julie likes to say.

Kevin and I have been friends for a few years now and it's always good to know a guy like Kevin because he's a lot deeper than he comes across and that's what I like about him. He's always thinking about something else and adds a new dimension to what you're thinking. I value our friendship.

And last, but definitely not least, there's Mike. I love Mike to death. We have been through a lot of stuff. We've been friends for over 10 years now and both of us have done a lot of growing up in that time. There will be times when we won't talk for a long time, but when we do, we pick up right where we left off. He's such a great friend.

Now of course, I have more friends, but if I go into a little paragraph about all of them, this would be a very long and boring page. But I don't want anyone to feel left out. To those who were not mentioned on this page, and you know who you are, don't be upset. You know I love you all. Without you guys, my life would be so empty. You guys make me so happy and I value our friendships more than you will ever know. Thank you!

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