The Laurel High School Class of 1998

Webpage Page

Here the urls to webpages designed by other members of the LHS Class of 1998.

Ivy Brown's Webpage
A nicely down webpage about the life of Ivy Brown. Please sign the guestbook.

Kim Featherstone's Webpage
A very nice bilingual website(English and German) done by Kim for a class assignment.

Theresa Janko's Webpage
An excellent webpage done by Theresa. Includes poetry, lots of links,
and and some nice senior pictures.

Patrick Stakem's Webpage
Extreme! Has several pictures from grad night. Be sure to stop by,
and don't forget to sign the guestbook.

Meghan Smith's Webpage
The second of two webpages done by Meghan Smith. Another great website.
Please stop by to take and take a look and as I always say, sign the guestbook.

The views and opinions expressed on these webpages are soley the views of the designers and do not necessarily reflect the views of any other members of the Laurel High School Class of 1998.

Links Around The LHS Class of '98 Site

Location Page| Birthday Page| Email Directory Page| College Information Page| College Survey Page|

Webpage Page| Picture Page| Guestbook Signing Page| Guestbook Viewing Page|

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