The Laurel High School Class of 1998

College Survey Page

This is the LHS Class of 98 College Survey Page. This is just some interesting facts about college life for some of the LHS class of 98 alumni:

Name: Ivy Brown
College: Towson University
Major: Business
Career Interest: Something that involves traveling and presentations
Current Activities: Towson University Gospel Choir, Project Lean on Us, Black Student
Union, Circle K, and Students Achieving Goals through Education
Worst Thing About College: The horrible transportation situation when you don't have a
car,and not the having money when I need it!

Name: Karintia Abner
College: James Madison University
Major: Integrated Science and Technology
Career Interest: Telecommunications Engineering or Biotechnologist
Current Activities: Women Of Color (Social Commitee Exec.), Students for Minority
Outreach, Word on the Street(urban&hip-hop culture magazine), Ecclipse (dancing team),
Contemporary Gospel Singers
Worst Thing About College: Somebody is always up in your face invading your space
(roommate), nosiness of some of my dormmates, the highway being right next to my dorm
(Rt. 81), I miss all my fun friends

Name: Maia Davis
College: University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (Go Tarheels!)
Major: Sports Medicine/Exercise Science
Career Interest: Traveling with teams aiding in their injury care
Current Activities: Track & Field, Black Student Movement (BSM)
Worst Thing About College: I hate the early classes, the no snow days, and not being with
the friends I know so well and that know me the same: LHS graduates!

Name: Dante Robinson
College: Bowie State University
Major: Computer Science
Career Interest: Computer Programmer
Current Activities: None
Worst Thing About College: I hate the slow paper work the most

Name: Michael Cheek
College: Morehouse College
Major: Computer Science
Career Interest: Software Designer/Teacher
Current Activities: Volunteering at a homeless shelter in Southeast Atlanta
Worst Thing About College: Having a campus in the ghetto

Name: Patrick Stakem
College: Frostburg State soon to be UMD College Park
Major: Mass Communications/Journalism
Career Interest: Magazine/Film
Current Activities:Writing, Drawing, Working, Trying to get by
Worst Thing About College: @$$#0le$ that don't know what "Ouiet Hours" are

Name: Jason Gilmartin
College: Kennesaw State University
Major: Marketing/Sports Management
Career Interest: Not sure, something business oriented
Current Activities:School, work, anything else when I have time
Worst Thing About College: The pointless core classes I have to take that have nothing to
do with my major or anything really. I had Music Appreciation, and I found it pointless.

Name: James Darr III
College: Saint Louis University
Major: Meteorology with minor in math and computer science
Career Interest: International man of mystery , Pro Gambler, or weather guy
Current Activities: Making money, drinking
Worst Thing About College: How hard it is to find good cheap liquor

Name: Theresa Janko
College: College of Notre Dame of Maryland
Major: Computer Information Systems
Career Interest: Computer Analyst...or something
Current Activities: Work, rollerblading, and reading classic novels plus my textbooks for
Worst Thing About College: It's an all girls school so I cant meet any guys unless I go to the
other local universities, like Hopkins and Towson

Name: Meghan Smith
College: Ashland University
Major: Electronic Media Production (TV) & Journalism
Career Interest: TV stuff
Current Activities: Yearbook, Newspaper, O-SCRAM! (e-mail magazine), Lit Club,
catering (work), WRDL TV2
Worst Thing About College: The price!!!!! Ouch!!!!

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