Here is a collection of all sorts of cool things I have found or have experienced. I'll keep adding these various items as I come across them. If you have any, then please let me know by emailing me the info or attachment, and I will definitely put it here. Enjoy!!!

The Dunk! The crazy dunk by Vince Carter over the 7'2" center in the Olympic games. This is the best dunk I have ever seen in my life, including the ones I have seen in slam dunk contests, or even video games. MPEG format.

A crazy fight scene. This guy made this flash movie which includes stick figures doing martial arts. But they do look real, and includes all the famous moves from decades of martial art flicks including Jackie Chan, Jet Li, and even moves from the Matrix. You will need a flash player to view this. Click here to get it.

The Ninja game. I absolutely love this game which is a variation of Animal Kingdom. These are short clips taken from a summer retreat with KCPC. Clip One. Clip Two. Both are MPEG format.

My belief of the stupid people around me. It may include me, but it's all good.

A pic of my former roommate, Elbert Choi. All the girls were in love with him and you can definitely see why for yourself.