• "ACG '99 Retrat" pics are college group pics from the 1999 Retreat at Panama City Beach.
  • "Emory" pics are pics from my college days at Emory. Various pics from my freshman year to my last year at Emory.
  • "SAVE Ministries" are pics from my home church, SAVE Ministries at KCPC Atlanta. They are pics from all sorts of groups and activites from the past 5 years or so.
  • "SAVE Ministries 2" pics from 2002.
  • "JAMA" are pics from the Jesus Awakening Movement for America (or All Nations) that was held in San Diego in the summer of 1999. Five of us from SAVE Ministries went to JAMA to have an experience of a lifetime.
  • "Various" pics are the pics from all over. Baby pics, nasty pics, and others are found here