The Mosquito Zone Reborn!
Welcome to The Mosquito Zone... the online home of The Master Cow.
"Ahhh, so why mosquitoes?" you might ask. Well, to tell you the truth, I don't know. I think
one day I was just sitting there doing nothing in particular when the word mosquito popped into
my head. Personally, I can't stand mosquitoes. I go outside in the summer at night, and
within a minute or two, every mosquito within a fifty mile radius is trying to drink my blood.
Really annoying. The word mosquito, however, is sort of interesting. It's one of those
words you can just repeat over and over and it still sounds right every time you say it. So I
guess I just took that word, tacked on the and zone and came up with the title.
"OK, fair enough... but The Master Cow? And just what do mosquitoes have to do with cow
slavery?" Umm, well... they are in fact quite unrelated, except in that fact that they are
both me and/or mine. The Master Cow came from an email I got from a friend ages ago. I liked
it, and it has since developed into my "brand" as it were. Plus cows I guess would have lots
of blood, being that they are the size of cows. Maybe mosquitoes like cow blood... Mmmmm!
Me And Stuff
- General info and the likes... maybe a rèsumè or something as well...
My Masterpieces of Artwork
- Digital art from two classes I took, and actual drawings from a third class... and some
other artwork as well...
The Master Cow's Game Menu
- My wonderfully amazing, one of a kind, name's been used by way to many people Game Menu.
OK, so I changed the name. It's still pretty bad though. The name, not the menu. The menu's
pretty good.
The Master Cow's Creation Factory
- Contains an assortment of things I have created, frome cheeses of the world to biblical...
wait... that must have been someone else... Includes links to the above two categories, on
account of I made them... Be sure to check out the NONSENSE area here as well.
Sometimes I scare people. Sometimes myself, too.
A look at how my page used is/was, and what can happen when good things go
astray; namely, the conversion of English to Spanish and then back to English using Kinda funny. You should try it some time. (don't be fooled by the
links there... the page is *remarkably* similar to this one... *cough*)
The Original
El Translasion
For my mom
Are you in love with that special someone?
Don't know how to ask them out???
Get that special someone a box of Chalklettes!
Chalklettes are small, and come in a really nifty box.
In fact, you too can get your own at virtually no cost!
Just go to your local school classroom (preferably one with a chalk board) and scoop up some
of those lovely little Chalklettes that are left lying under the board.
If you're lucky, you could even get some multi-colored Chalklettes.
Added variety means added intrigue!
And, best of all, if that special someone turns you down, even when you bring
him/her that wonderful box of Chalklettes, you can eat... no, wait... ummmm.... draw....
really nice... ummm... pictures with them I guess.
Probably on a wall or a slate or something.
Hmmm. Oh well.
Click here ->
* for a list of modifications...
Don't send me mail. I just like having something you can click.
Well, I guess if you actually took the time to look at this, you might as well. It'll give
you something to do for a few minutes anyway...
last modified 05/16/04