02/07/06 - Added my vacation pictures 08/21/05 - *FINALLY* got my music back online. Woohoo! After... three years? 07/27/05 - Some re-arranging to make things a little easier to find 07/22/05 - adding of basic drawing material and pen in hand drawing to the artwork page and my portfolio - updates to the about me section, maybe a few others 05/16/04 - Added Piņata Party v1.50 Team Edition to the Creation Factory. - Updated the me page a little - My resume is ready, and a digital portfolio as well. - A few other fiddlin's 05/07/04 - AHA! The Mosquito Zone is reborn! - I have made many improvments. Or so I think... - Let's see... I like my new page-bottom menus much better... they are now all identical, and pretty. - Ummm... I re-arranged stuff to be more sensical alsmost everywhere. - I added new artwork, and re-did the art page to be much nicer and not be as large (byte-wise... removed unnecessary gifs and clickings) - The BETA version of TMCGM 0.99k2++ is now accessible to anyone willing to use it. - Wow... three years? Really? - My About Me page... (will be) re-done... main page... re-done. Art page... You guessed it, re-done. SPAM is on hiatus, as are Astronomy Stuffies . Things I Made... TMC's Creation Factory!... re-done. TMCGM... only slightly modified. - I shall probably put my resume here. And also my collection of nonsense I like to write. ??/??/?? - Nothing? - Added my GameBox Logo sometime in early '04 12/21/01 - Spell checking (by EYE!) assorted pages - Adjusting a few other small tidbits for niceness effect, including, but not limited to: colorizing the Things page, adjusting a few texts for my artwork, and... ummmm... that all. - Oh, and fixing a couple of date typing errors. There are *not* 90+ days in December, and it is also not December of 2002 when I am wriiting this (though it may be when you are reading it...) 12/19/01 - Rearranged the order of a few main page items - Darkened the background here SO YOU CAN READ IT! - Resizing and making more useful the imaging of the selected on the art of the Digital Page for my creation - ... 12/17/01 - Updates! Wheeee! - It's now The Mosquiot Zone '01 - Changed the main page a timy bit... tiny even - The Mosquito Zone '01 even - Shall hopefully be retranslating with babelfish.altavista.com... done (of sorts) - Link added for Skyline Publications, for which I made the 2002 cover art 05/14/01 - Made an artwork page for Digital Squid 04/18/01 - Updated Things I made to include my digital music. 01/12/01 - Updated my Game Menu again. - Ate some grapes for breakfast. - Fixed minor mess ups on various pages. You can actually see this page again. And the translation of the translation of my old homepage. - Added a Things I Made page. - Got rid of the stupid online shopping ad banner page that never made me one red cent. Well, the links to it anyway. 10/20/00 - Fixed a gaff on my game menu page. ??/??/00 - A tribute to my mother. - Minor changes, can't quite remember what though... 09/17/99 - Made the front page look much nicer, and fixed the background picture code so if you look at the page from geocities, you can see the blood red mosquito in all of its gory glory. Bzzzz 09/15/99 - So lazy... - Stuff got updated a little at some point, mainly the Game Menu and its accompanying page. - Updated stuff, so it should be... up to date! Also made it so you can actually navigate through my pages without going nuts. 04/25/99 - Hmm, lagging behind here... - Added my Game Menu page on the 21st - Added screenshots and the actual program yesterday, more shots today - Updated main page a bit (haven't actually done that yet. About to.) 03/18/99 - Think I've finally fixed all of the links on my hompages. - Added some ads. Oh boy! - Added descriptions for my 3rd and 4th Computer Art projects (took me long enough...) and updated the last Media Arts description a little. Still don't like it. 10/08/98 - Had to move much of my stuff over to Geocities.com as my account 10/07/98 is suffering from some shrinkage. 05/04/98 - Oh boy! Now you can see what I look like! 02/06/98 - More art re-arrangement/descriptifying... 01/31/98 - v0.75! Rock on! - Well, OK, it's not THAT exciting... modified the front page and moved things around a bit, most notable my artwork onto it's own page... 10/15/97 - Fourth Computer project implemented. - Awww, hell, a new version number too. Ummm, seems to already be up to 0.71. Hmm, when did that happen? Oh well, now it's 0.72. Yeah, that's it... 10/08/97 - Continuing below... 10/07/97 - In the process of adding some Computer Art stuff. 09/15/97 - NEW mosquito background! Blood red! Mmmmmmmmmm. 09/02/97 - I think I've finally recovered from one line down... - Changed my personal info page somewhat, with changes to my Love page and main page to follow. - Oh, hey, would you look at that! My love page is done. - And my third (displayed, fourth from the class) Media Arts Studio page has been updated slightly. 12/08/96 - Had my heart torn out today. Love page reflects that. 09/18/96 - "Mmmmmmm, Chalklettes... doh!" 09/14/96 - Spamity Spam, it's wonderful Spam! Spamity Spam, it's wondeful Spam... 09/09/96 - More love stuff... 08/31/96 - Just a small addition to one of my Media Arts things. 08/28/96 - I actually put the SPAM stuff on the SPAM page. Imagine that. - And, my main page is beginning to resemble something. What that something is I know not. 08/25/96 - I think this was the day. Just a little bit on the bottom of my love/sorrow page... 05/09/96 - These are the last changes for a while. A third picture from Media Arts Studio has joind the collection. - Yes, a new version number, 0.7 I think maybe I'll get up to 1.0 some day, but probably not. Not now anyway. I'm going home for the summer tomorrow. You may ask if there is a set way in which I assign these numbers, but I don't really think there is. - Going to try to add Mike Fanning's house on the map of my neighborhood. - Found the CENTER tag to be useful. 05/08/96 - The second is here too. I should be sleeping however. 05/07/96 - The first of my pictures has arrived... 05/06/96 - This deserves a new version number. I'll give it a 0.6 - Adding a link to my personal info... after fixing the picture so the words line up next to it... - Asking "So, do these white words on this particular background mess up your eyeballs?" - Isn't love grand? Read all about it. 04/19/96 - working on my SPAM page and personal info stuff. See my street! 04/15/96 - v0.42 - Background and text colors changed. Looks much nicer now. 04/07/96 - v0.41 - Changed stuff, moved this off of the main page... - I think I'm going to add some personal info - Tried to line this stuff up right, but did it work? 03/01/96 - v0.40? - Wow! I've got a link to something! Sure it's a file in my own directory, but still... you can actually see the SPAM now. - Figured out the email thing. 02/11/96 - v0.3 - Ummmm, I did something... 02/08/96 - v0.2 - Something here too... can remember what though. 03/??/95 - v0.1 The Mosquito Zone was born - Used "insta-hompage", written by one Scott Benner (I smell a link here!) to make a homepage with just about as much useful stuff on it as I have now. (wow, it was that long ago??? Let the progress ASTOUND you...)
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