If you think you are a good friend of mine and deserve
to be on this page then send me a picture and if you're nice, I'll put
you up!

This is Chuck and me at a Cleveland Indians
baseball game. He has been a really good friend to me. We met
each other about 6 years ago when practicing martial arts at H.J. Karams
Karate. We have trained very rigorously together in the past
and have achieved quite a bit in the martial arts.
Chuck has a wonderful wife named Linda, and two children
named Faith and Max.

These are some of my college friends at Ohio State. From left to right: Frank, Dan, me, Tim, and Travis.
Frank was
one of my three roommates my first year, Dan and Travis were my roommates my
first and second year and
Tim is just a another friend I met through Travis.
Here is a listing of some of my high school friends. Put your
pointer over any picture to see their name and click to see a bigger picture. If
you don't see yourself and would like to, just let me know and I'll put you up.
