Hey there! Welcome to the Osu Stud Guestbook!

Soph Dog - 12/11/00 19:39:12
My URL:/rockets_ut_316/Soph_Dog.html
My Email:msopher@pop3.utoledo.edu
Favorite Band: Creed, Vertical Horizon
Favorite Music: Rock
Favorite Sport's Team: Any Cleveland Team
Favorite College: OSU, DUKE, and UT
Just trying to promote my site, and I figure i'd do it on one of the best webpages on the net. Well, good luck Josh, maybe I'll run into you sometime back home.

Carla - 10/08/00 04:14:34
My Email:kdcrgardner@hotmail.com
Hey Josh! Just wanted to see how you were doing. Nice car ya got there! Grandma Lester sends her love.

Capt. Bob Lester - 08/28/00 17:16:54
My Email:bwlester@gte.net
Favorite Sport's Team: Tampa Bay Bucs
Favorite College: OSU
Hey whats up?

Rex Stephens - 08/04/00 02:13:02
My Email:fishrex1@aol.com
Favorite Band: to many to list
Favorite Music: same as above
Favorite Sport's Team: BROWNS
Favorite College: what do u think?
Hi Son,Glad see you had a good time at Cedar Point.Was nice to see you and Amy last week.I'll get you guys those big bass pictures soon.We will have to get some updated photos of us.Well if you don't already know I'm proud of you and love you.

Marcas Miles - 06/22/00 19:35:30
My Email:radiowild@hotmail.com
Favorite Band: Blessid Union of Soulds
Favorite Music: Mix
Favorite Sport's Team: Browns
Favorite College: No Opinion...although I have a degree from Malone College
Hey Josh, Ran across your web page at work. Why arent you mastering the WTUZ web page...does ED know you can do this....your holding out on us. Very Cool! Make me one..................:) Anyway...very cool...........take care

Matt - 06/20/00 02:50:58
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/oh3/AZTIVI/index1.htm
My Email:curtin.14@osu.edu
Favorite Band: don't know
Favorite Music: everything except country
Favorite Sport's Team: Buckeyes
Favorite College: OHIO STATE
Nice page. I've been at OSU forever.. I'm a Spanish/French/Int. Bus Major.. nice to see there are other "normal/cool" people on the net. later

- 05/22/00 01:59:32

Amy - 03/12/00 14:29:42
My URL:/amy_loves_josh
My Email:kollege_chick_19@yahoo.com
Favorite Band: N'Sync
Favorite Music: Anything
Favorite Sport's Team: none
Favorite College: OSU
Hey honey! I just wanted to sign your guestbook b/c you yell at me when I don't..and if I sign it too much, you yell at me for that too :) So I thought I'd give you a reason to yell this time. I love your webpage....you're really talented. I LOVE YOU!!!!!

STEPHANIE - 02/28/00 04:29:19

Bru$e E. Babe E. - 02/02/00 04:30:50
My Email:bruce9281@hotmail.com
Favorite Band: Hot Boys, Mary J. Blige, Lauryn Hill, Missy Elliot
Favorite Music: Rap/R&B
Favorite Sport's Team: Pittsburgh Steelers
Favorite College: No comment
Awesome Site Josh!! Good look with you and Amy and school, I know you'll achieve everything you want to.

Bob Lester - 01/28/00 18:50:44

AMY M. - 01/24/00 03:06:45
My Email:amy10680@yahoo.com
Favorite Music: all kinds
Favorite Sport's Team: Cleveland Indians
Favorite College: Ohio State
HI Josh!I loved your page!

AMY M. - 01/24/00 03:01:51

Bob Lester - 01/04/00 12:24:14
Favorite Sport's Team: Bucks
Just wanted to see whats new with you.

Andreas Gerold - 12/01/99 10:52:57
My Email:ange@uni-paderborn.de
Favorite College: Uni-Paderborn
Hello Joshua, I come from Germany and found your site by searching for "wushu" in "Geocities"!

Amy - 10/18/99 22:28:39
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/amy_loves_josh
My Email:amy_loves_josh@yahoo.com
Favorite Band: Jack and the polka miesterrs
Favorite College: Take a wild guess
Hey pooky! I just wanted to drop you a line in your guestbook since I haven't in a while. I miss you bunches when you're away and I love you bunches!!!!!! *kiss*

Amy M. - 09/28/99 01:27:47
My Email:amy10680@yahoo.com
Favorite Music: anything
Favorite Sport's Team: Cleveland Indians
Favorite College: Ohio State
Hi!I just checked out your homepage, it's pretty cool. I liked your dedication to your wonderful girlfriend.C-ya

MIKE SOPHER - 09/19/99 04:17:26
My Email:surly_23@hotmail.com
Favorite Band: Phil Collins
Favorite Music: Rock n Roll
Favorite Sport's Team: Any Cleveland Team
Favorite College: OSU AND TOLEDO
i'm just bored tonight, so i thought i'd look at your webpage

Amy - 07/25/99 02:55:21
My Email:amy_loves_josh@yahoo.com
HAPPY 19th BIRTHDAY HONEY!!!! :) I know it's a day late, but we were busy yesterday, so I thought I'd do it today. I hope your day was wonderful!!!! I love you so very much! You are my sunshine :) *kiss* (it'll be 10 months on Wednesday...July 28th)

Carla - 07/23/99 18:35:23
My Email:kgardner@tusco.net
Hey Josh!!! Love your page!! Keep in touch. Love ya, Aunt Carla :)

Robin Lester McClelland - 07/18/99 13:28:28
My Email:robinann@mindspring.com
Favorite Band: REM, Matchbox 20
Favorite Music: Most, 70's & 80's
Favorite Sport's Team: Don't laugh....Tampa Bay Bucks
Favorite College: Florida State
Josh, it is Auntie Robin! Your page is great and shows much effort, but I could not pull up the photos of your family and girlfriend. Your Grandmother Mary Anna gave me the info and I passed it on to all my brothers and sisters. Keep in touch! Love, R bin

Bobby Wm. Lester - 07/18/99 03:51:47
My Email:blester2@tampabay.rr.com
Favorite Sport's Team: Buckeyes
Favorite College: OSU
Krissy,Mandy & Lacey all said Hello, Tell everyone we said Hi and we're all doing great

Lori Lester Coscarart - 07/17/99 00:44:56
My Email:Coscarart@mindspring.com
Favorite Band: Jimmy Buffett
Favorite Music: Classic Rock
Favorite Sport's Team: none
Favorite College: U.S.L
Very impressive!!!

Tiffany - 06/02/99 00:52:02
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/oh2/stewart
My Email:stewart132@hotmail.com
Favorite Band: not sure
Favorite Music: anything
Favorite Sport's Team: Cleveland Indians
Favorite College: Ummm Ohio State for you Josh!
Josh, Your web page is really cool! You have a lot of talent. By the way I just have to add that you and Amy are the cutiest!!!!!!!! Talk to you later Tiffany

Amy ( your future wife ) - 06/01/99 17:48:22
My URL:/Hollywood/Theater/1394
Favorite Band: N'sync
Favorite College: Ohio University
I was sick of seeing my last entry on top, so I decided to make a new one. I'm so glad that this year is over and it's finally summer. It's going to be an awesome 3 months...I swear. *grin* I LOVE YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Amy - 03/30/99 02:10:47
My Email:orgy@orgy.com
Favorite Band: ORGY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Favorite Music: Anything by orgy
Favorite Sport's Team: whatever orgy plays on
Favorite College: wherever orgy went to college :)
Hey! I'm just kidding about the Orgy stuff. I had a really good week w/ you. You are just too cool for me :) I really like my gift too *wink*. I can't believe it's been 6 months already. I'm so happy :) I can't wait to see you again!!!!!!!!!!!!! I LOVE Y U THE MOST!!!!

Sheila - 03/16/99 20:29:27
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Area51/Corridor/1677
My Email:sschumac@mail.sjcme.edu
Favorite Band: Lots of them
Favorite Music: Everything country
Favorite Sport's Team: None :)
Favorite College: St. Joseph's College of Maine
Cool homepage.

Junhua - 03/05/99 16:58:57
My Email:junhua78@usa.net
Favorite Band: Roxette
Favorite Music: Pop
Favorite Sport's Team: None
Favorite College: National University of Singapore
hehe just read about others comment about u and found out wat a cool guy u are ....! well ur home page is real nice and improvement from the last one....wat do u use for the web page notepad or those programs like frontpage or netscape composer?

Junhua - 03/05/99 16:06:56
My Email:junhua78@usa.net
Hi it's me junhua nice web page hehe here to give u support hehe

Amy - 02/24/99 02:27:57
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Hollywood/Theater.1394
Favorite Band: Aerosmith
Favorite Music: Whatever
Favorite Sport's Team: Bobcats (OU)
Favorite College: Ohio University!!!!!!!
Joshie, Hey! I just figured I'd sign your guestbook again that way if anyone already doesn't know, they can see how much I LOVE YOU!!!!!! I'm so lucky to have you for a boyfriend. You are everything to me and I don't think that I could get along w/ out yo . Luckily, I won't ever have to find out :) Thank you for doing everything that you do for me. Thank you for putting up w/ me at those bad times of the month and thank you for listening to me talk on and on and on about being a lollipop guy in my school m sical (April 23rd and 24th). You are the coolest cat I know, except for that one minor flaw....But that will be over in around 3 and a half years and we can move on from there :) JUST KIDDING! You know that I really like Ohio State, but I LOVE Ohio U. I c n't wait until we're out of college and married....then when people say that we fight like we're married, it'll be true :) Going out w/ you can only be described as A wonderful ting......a magical ting! :) I love you......more!!!!!!

Charlotte - 02/23/99 19:24:50
My Email:appleton.5@osu.eud
Favorite Band: Metallica
Favorite Music: Anything goes
Favorite Sport's Team: duh. bucks
Favorite College: duh again.
Hey. It's me. I like your homepage! I need to get one of my own. That is really cool how you devoted sections to you friends/girlfriend/fam. I might steal your idea, assuming I do eventually get a homepage...and a boyfriend (see my recent email). I hink I am safe in the fam/friend dep't though. You know, I have another friend who's bday is 7/23. Mine is 7/16/79. Summer people are cool. Incase I haven't already told you my specs: blue eyes, long/straight blond hair, 5'7", 150lbs...um, that is all I can think of. Oh, I haven't met a female yet that I can't beat in armwreastling. I'm still working on being able to beat some guys though. I have only beat one. Well, ciao for now.

Stephanie - 02/20/99 02:55:17
My Email:stephanieamann@yahoo.com
Favorite Band: there's way too many!
Favorite Music: country, R&B, some rap
Favorite Sport's Team: Cleveland Indians of course!
Favorite College: University of Toledo
Hey Josh! Hi Amy, u don't know me but i met Josh on the computer, don't worry though we're just friends, he talks about u ALL the time. Anyways, this is pretty cool Josh, I need to make mine soon. Thanx for listening to my "Bill" problems - ur great! So h w was my advice, did it help? LOL Well good luck in school, hopefully I'll be going to college next year. Well bye for now, and I just want to say that I wish u and Amy the best of luck together cuz from what I hear ur meant to be!!

Jen Still - 01/27/99 23:02:54
My Email:still.2@wright.edu
Favorite Band: radiohead..beck..Scott
Favorite Music: rap chaps my ass
Favorite Sport's Team: sports chap my ass
Favorite College: Wright State University... the best college ever
Hey.. where is my picture.. you know with the title coolest person on earth..i am just joshing you .. get it "josh"- ing you.. it was nice to meet your woman .. she was very nice.. she prolly think i am some crazy person.. oh well and so on.. well i bette end this..dont want to hog space.. keep beefing up.. sweet page :)-B (my boob woman)

Jen Still - 01/27/99 23:01:32
My Email:still.2@wright.edu
Favorite Band: radiohead..beck..Scott
Favorite Music: rap chaps my ass
Favorite Sport's Team: sports chap my ass
Favorite College: Wright State University... the best college ever
Hey.. were is my picture.. you know with the title coolest person on earth..i am just joshing you .. get it "josh"- ing you.. it was nice to meet your woman .. she was very nice.. she prolly think i am some crazy person.. oh well and so on.. well i better end this..dont ant to hog space.. keep beefing up.. sweet page :)-B (my boob woman)

Jen Still - 01/27/99 23:01:23
My Email:still.2@wright.edu
Favorite Band: radiohead..beck..Scott
Favorite Music: rap chaps my ass
Favorite Sport's Team: sports chap my ass
Favorite College: Wright State University... the best college ever
Hey.. were is my picture.. you know with the title coolest person on earth..i am just joshing you .. get it "josh"- ing you.. it was nice to meet your woman .. she was very nice.. she prolly think i am some crazy person.. oh well and so on.. well i better end this..dont ant to hog space.. keep beefing up.. sweet page :)-B (my boob woman)

Amy - 01/03/99 00:05:41
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Hollywood/Theater/1394
Favorite Band: Aerosmith
Favorite Music: Rap, R&B, Pop, Rock
Favorite College: OU
Hey! I just wanted to tell you that Christmas break was awesome! I don't want you to leave me, but it had to happen sometime. Thanks for helping with my extra credit and fixing my homepage. It was nice to get to spend our anniversary together. I wish we c uld do that every month. Well, I have to go and cry now....I miss you a lot and love you even more than that! BEHAVE!!!! *nottafinga* *LOL*

Jan - 12/15/98 07:01:25
My Email:janamy@tusco.net
Favorite Band: No favorite band but love Garth Brooks
Favorite Music: Any
Favorite Sport's Team: Cleveland Indians
Favorite College: Ohio University
Hi Josh, You really did a nice job on your web page. It must have taken a lot of time. I'm going to miss our late night talks when you go back to school. And thank you for taking such good care of Amy. Jan (Amy's mom)

Doris Caranda - 12/14/98 17:14:58
My Email:kcar446232@aol.com
Favorite Band: Kiss, Metallica, Firehouse, and Slaughter
Favorite Music: Rock
Favorite Sport's Team: Cleveland Browns
Favorite College: Ohio State
This is Josh's mom. I am very proud of how Josh has did in school and in the martial arts. Good luck in school and stay out of trouble!

Cassie - 12/10/98 05:43:11
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/oh/SilverKat
My Email:silverkat19@hotmail.com
Favorite Band: hmm to many to choose
Favorite Music: Metal
Favorite Sport's Team: Indians
Favorite College: bwah...prolly osu if i really really had to choose a school heh
Your page is very delightful sir...please do continue wiff it...you do alot better than i could anymore heh....ahh welp...a trick for you i leave...if ever sad in any way....yell SPORK at the top of your lungs...the word is silly enough to make you laugh n it's self...heh...bubyes now

Monica Furniss - 12/09/98 16:12:39
My Email:furniss9339@duq.edu
Favorite Band: Barenaked Ladies
Favorite Music: Any
Favorite Sport's Team: Indians
Favorite College: Duquesne University
Great Page Josh! Have a great year!

Grandma - 12/06/98 19:47:25
My Email:maccotter@yahoo.com
Favorite Music: 50's
Favorite Sport's Team: Buckeyes
Favorite College: OSU
we are proud of you! Keep up the good work at OSU. No partying cause I'm paying for this. Remember stick with it better than I did. Love you!!

Brian Stull - 11/28/98 04:42:45
My Email:bstully@aol.com
Favorite Band: ccr
Favorite Music: classic rock
Favorite Sport's Team: bucks & braves
Favorite College: stark state
very cool josh!!! go bucks

- 11/27/98 23:41:56

brandy helwig - 11/26/98 18:07:40
My Email:brandyhelwig@hotmail.com
Favorite Band: outkast
Favorite Music: all kinds (except classical)
Favorite Sport's Team: unknown
Favorite College: don't know yet
hey josh your a great friend and please don't lose touch w/me

Areon Lissa - 11/26/98 13:45:27
My Email:Areon_18@yahoo.com
Favorite Band: Beatles
Favorite Music: Modern Alternative
Favorite Sport's Team: *thinks real hard and then shrugs*
Favorite College: *Afraid to say Culver Stockton so fibs and says OSU*
Um heyya Josh!!! Hello...HI...Hows it going? Nice lil page ya gots yourself here....*grins* well, just wanted to say Sup? *waves and poofs off the page*

Botanybay2 - 11/25/98 02:21:34
My Email:botanybay2@aol.com
Favorite Band: dont have one
Favorite Music: anything but rap
Favorite Sport's Team: GIANTS
Favorite College: Rutgers

Botanybay2 - 11/25/98 02:19:22
My Email:botanybay2@aol.com
Favorite Band: dont have one

Marc Vance/Johnny Reb - 11/25/98 01:22:52
My Email:johnnyreb10@hotmail.com
Pretty damn good homepage buddy.

Lori Doon - 11/24/98 14:13:40
My Email:lori_doon@oclc.org
Favorite College: Ohio University
I'm Josh's cousin and live here in Columbus. When Josh was born, I stayed with his Mom and Dad for the first week when they brought him home from the hospital. I tried to help out as much as I could, but his Mom really enjoyed taking care of her little aby boy. Josh has grown up to me a young man that all of us are very proud of. I'm sure Josh will excel at everything he attempts.

Juan manuel Soaje - 11/24/98 03:52:15
My Email:jmsoaje@pinos.com
Favorite Band: Rolling Stones
Favorite Music: Blues, Jazz, rock
Favorite Sport's Team: Miami Doulfins
Favorite College: PennState
Josh, it reminded me so much during my college years at PennState all the things you have recorded here. I congratulate becouse of your wonderful family, yous buddies from the College and all the sports you have been involved, spacially body building wher I meet you this year. I hope everything goes the best you can get because you deserved as a good guy you are. Keep up with that spirit and you īll be a winner, I am shure of that. Take care, lots of care Juan Manuel.

Louie - 11/24/98 03:37:06
My URL:http://www.gecities.com/hollywood/academy/5281
My Email:cyrus_virus@mailcity.com
Favorite Band: has to be any No Limit artis or DeathRow artist
Favorite Music: rap
Nice page. Take care of Amy or I will hurt you :)

Nic Bower - 11/24/98 02:37:46
My Email:nic_style83@yahoo.com
Favorite Band: I dont think Josh really wants me to write that!
Favorite Music: Alternative Pop
Favorite Sport's Team: Washington Capitals
Favorite College: OSU (duh!)
CoOl! Page Cuz.....Hi AMY! Just so u dont feel left out! This page is pretty cool....most are boring BUT i like all the pics on here! Well Good Job! Talk to u lata...NiC~

Carrie Menapace - 11/24/98 02:26:50
My Email:carrisam@muskingum.edu
Favorite Band: Aerosmith
Favorite Music: anything, except country!
Favorite Sport's Team: Musky Football!
Favorite College: Muskingum College
Josh, Your page is sooo neat, it really must have taken forever to do! Keep working on it and Christine and I will be visiting it often!

TAZ999 - 11/24/98 01:09:54
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/SouthBeach/Island/4885/index.html
My Email:taz_1000@hotmail.com
Favorite Band: Eagles
Favorite Music: Don't really have a favorite
Favorite Sport's Team: VIKINGS!!!!!
Favorite College: Don't have a favorite one.
Josh, I like your homepage. You have done a very good job at it! You are still crazy for getting all painted up like that. TAZ999

- 11/23/98 22:09:29
Back row and Back corner will always kick ass!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Back Row: CALVIN, KRINY and JOSH Back Corner: Joey, JOSH, CALVIN, Matt and KRINY Don't forget the years at Tusc.

Kriny - 11/23/98 22:04:38
My Email:kkreinbi@muskingum.edu
Favorite Band: Tupac
Favorite Music: rap
Favorite Sport's Team: Browns
Favorite College: Duke even though I'm not smart enough to go there.
What's up Josh and everybody else. Hope everyone is having a good time in school and not parting to much. E-mail me sometime and I'll try to get back to ya. Hey Josh you're getting huge. If you want to go beat some people up sometime let me know. It would be fun to watch ya kick some ass.

Mike Sopher - 11/23/98 18:32:23
My Email:msopher@pop3.utoledo.edu
Favorite Band: Metallica, Bruce Springsteen
Favorite Music: Rock, Classical
Favorite Sport's Team: Indians, and Rockets
Favorite College: UT Rockets!
Good Webpage Josh. Seems like your more wild than last year. I never thought you would paint your chest for a football game. You never went to one in High School! Good Luck at OSU. Go Rockets!!!

Joe Lee - 11/23/98 18:23:41
My Email:jlee@muskingum.edu
Favorite Band: Sublime
Favorite Music: Ska
Favorite Sport's Team: Muskingum College Wrestling and Rugby
Favorite College: Muskingum College
Good page Josh. Keep up the good work. Back corner rules!!!!!!!

b-man - 11/23/98 18:09:01
My Email:bman14@hotmail.com
Favorite Music: a little of everything
Favorite Sport's Team: the Buckeyes
Favorite College: Ohio State
nice page

Shawn Powers - 11/23/98 18:00:48
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/timessquare/stadium/1243
My Email:roaland@yahoo.com
Favorite Band: Metallica
Favorite Music: Hard Rock
Favorite Sport's Team: GO BUCKS!!!!

Hung Yong - 11/23/98 17:38:02
My Email:anan@cyberway.com.sg
Nice piece of work. Maybe,you can tell a bit more about your gongfu on the homepage.

Kendra Huprich - 11/23/98 17:31:57
My Email:huprich.7@osu.edu
Favorite Band: don't have one
Favorite Music: basically anything, but i really like country
Favorite Sport's Team: Ohio State Buckeyes
Favorite College: The Ohio State University
Josh, you are the OSU stud. Thanks for letting me visit your webpage.

Calvin Funkhouser - 11/23/98 17:18:41
My Email:calvin@bgnet.bgsu.edu
Favorite Band: Aerosmith
Favorite Music: classic rock
Favorite Sport's Team: the Indians
Favorite College: BGSU
Josh, you'll always be one of my best friends. Always remember that the back-row and the back-corner rule. Don't party too hard. If your ever up here in the northwest corner look me up. There's not too many Funkhousers in BG.

David Steele - 11/23/98 16:24:56
My Email:steelemobile@hotmail.com
Favorite Band: OSU marching band
Favorite Music: classical/jazz
Favorite Sport's Team: Buckeyes
Favorite College: duh? OHIO STATE UNIV.
Good webpage! Go buckeyes!

travis wilker - 11/23/98 15:11:25
My Email:wilker.8@osu.edu
Favorite Band: creed
Favorite Music: rock/alternative
Favorite Sport's Team: the buckeyes
Favorite College: ohio state
very nice homepage, josh. it shows that you took a lot of time working on it. good thing you dropped math to free up that much needed spare time. (only joking!!) well i have to go now, i will visit this page often to see your improvements.

Amy - 11/20/98 13:53:04
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Hollywood/Theater/1394
My Email:wildchild18@itookmyprozac.com
Favorite Band: Aerosmith
Favorite Music: Rap, Pop, R&B...etc.
Favorite Sport's Team: The Ohio State Buckeye Football Team (of course)...(not really)
Favorite College: Ohio University!!!!!!!
Hey Joshie, I like your page so far. I'm not sure, but I think it needs a little something....hmmmm....how about a little.....ME!! I'm just fooling w/ you. I know you're going to put me on here soon! Good job! I love you!

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