Matt's Story

Several months after our relationship began
we started talking about the big "m" word...marriage.
We aren't even sure who first started these talks.
Initially, the plan was to wait until Jenny had finished
school after the summer of 2004. That idea changed quickly!

Another plan was to wait to be engaged until Jenny
met my family in mid August. I dreamed up ways of
proposing in the Rockies until yet again changing my mind.
I realized that as wedding talks continued that
I wanted to propose earlier than August.
I desired to express my commitment to her
before continuing with planning the wedding.

Before driving to Tennessee in July, I called her
father to ask for Jenny's hand in marriage.
He gladly agreed and the stage was set.
In fact, the people in her office and most of her family
knew I planned to propose a month earlier than expected.

On July 18th, I came to her apartment...ring in pocket!
Again my plans changed because rain kept us from having an
outdoor picnic. I'd wanted to propose at a nearby lake
but it didn't matter. Nothing could ruin that night!
After dinner I asked Jenny to stand, dropped to one knee,
and watched her smile grow.
I nervously pulled out the ring,
tried to put it on the wrong hand,
and asked if she would spend her life with me.

She exclaimed "yes"! and threw her arms
around my neck. Only then did she look at the ring.
My plans may have changed several times but I wouldn't
have changed a thing. This will always be a great memory
and most importantly...she said YES!

I realize our lives will be full of ups and downs
but I welcome them with Jenny.
She is an amazing woman who has
richly blessed my life in many ways.

Jenny, I love you!

We also appreciate our many friends who
have opened their homes to us during the many trips.
It's wonderful having a Christian
family no matter where you go!

- Matt

Jenny's Story
Matt's Story