Jenny's Story
The age old question…”When did you know he was the one?”
Well, I knew fairly early on in our relationship that
Matt and I would be perfect for each other.
We were sitting in the Macaroni Grill near his apartment
waiting for our dinner to arrive and happily
drawing pictures on our table cloth when
I looked up at him and felt this peace.
We were so comfortable together.
Our story isn’t the typical one by any means.
We met through a web site designed for young Christian
singles to meet and possibly find their mate.
On January 21st of this year Matt wrote a sweet
letter to me, and of course I couldn’t resist his charm.
We began writing every day and soon
we were talking on the phone for hours.
Our first meeting was a little awkward, but then whose isn’t.
However, we quickly got past that and are now
happily in love and looking forward
to spending the rest of our lives together.
The distance hasn’t been easy to overcome,
but with God’s help we have found each other and
have created a relationship that is strong and good.
I thank God that He has sent such a wonderful man into my life.
- Jenny