
Through its first food-drive in 1999, the club was able to assist the Kallap family of Curepe, the Wesleyan Orphanage in Longdenville, the Salvation Army Night Shelter in Port Of Spain, the Simeanna Home for the aged in St. James, the St. Vincent de Paul Society, Families In Action and the Foundation For The Enhancement and Enrichment Of Life. The club was also able to contribute to the Venezuela flood disaster relief effort
in January 2000.
In August 2000, the club also sent care packages to the fire victims
at the Spree Simon Centre in Port Of Spain as well as to the St.
Vincent De Paul Society, the Salvation Army and Families In Action.
With the celebration of World Food Day 2000, the club was able to
advertise the United Nation's theme of "A Millennieum Against
Hunger" throughout the campus. An article was published in the
UWI Draft Newspaper highlighting the club and World Food Day.
Our 2000 Christmas food collection campaign was a resounding success. The response from the campus this year was much greater than 1999, and we must thank everyone for their generous donations. We were able to donate boxes to three families in the St. Augustine area, one family in the Sangre Grande area, and through the assistance of the Member Of Parliament for Fyzabad, Mr. Chandresh Sharma, we were also able to donate eleven boxes to flood-victims in that area.
JULY 2001
We continued to assist families in the St. Augustine area in August 2001, through the donation of care packages.
Future projects for the new semester
will be discussed at our weekly meetings. If you have a suggestion,
feel free to e-mail us at projects@uwiaid.cjb.net.
This page will provide more information about these future projects
as soon as information becomes available.