
UWIAID - Solutions For Hunger is an official student-run club of the St. Augustine Campus of The University Of The West Indies. We are proud to be a member of the NetAid movement. The power to end extreme poverty is within your reach. Take action with
At the dawn of a new era, humanity is awakening to some of the harsher realities of our global interdependence. With spectacular advances in transportation and communications have also come much greater awareness of human deprivations, including the needs of some three billion people who live on less than $10 a day (the cost of an average lunch at Café UWI is $15). Among the world's extremely poor are an estimated 1.5 billion people without access to safe drinking water and 125 million children who are missing out on primary education. An estimated 12 million under-five-year-olds die every year from illnesses that could be prevented with vaccines costing a few cents.
In the face of these and other manifestations of extreme poverty, is the fact that the richest one fifth of the world's people consume 86 per cent of the world's resources. The poorest fifth have access to just 1.3 per cent of global resources.
UWIAID - Solutions For Hunger was established in October 1999, to inform students on the St. Augustine campus of The University Of The West Indies about the problem of hunger and starvation in the world today, and to promote awareness of the world food crisis. Our mission is to educate students on the measures which may be taken to alleviate the problems of hunger and starvation in Trinidad & Tobago and the rest of the world. We will establish relations with Non Government Organizations in Trinidad &Tobago, dealing with the problems of hunger and poverty in society. To this end, our goal is to establish a club project which will be held once per semester, to assist in the fight against hunger in Trinidad & Tobago, the Caribbean and the rest of the world.