Informative Workshops

Workshops Links
Academics in the Commons new

Career Center Workshops

The Center for Women and Men

Diversified Liberal Arts Program (DLAP)

Scholarship Resource Center (SRC)

Student Research Program (SRP)

PLUS students are encouraged to attend these informative and beneficial workshops that cover a wide range of topics. As an incentive for first year students, some workshops count towards the quarterly PLUS requirements (please see your PLUS counselor for more details). Also be sure to check your "MyUcla" subscriptions (e.g. PLUS, AAP, Rosa Parks...) for the newest upcoming events.

Remember to subscribe to the PLUS subscription on MyUcla to get the latest news and announcements on events and workshops.


Academics in the Commons

Academics in the Commons is a division of the College of Letters and Sciences. Academic support workshops from dealing with stress and graduate school applications to career planning and time management.
Visit their Web site for workshop schedules.


Career Center Workshops

View a list of workshops that interest you:


the Center for Women and Men

The Center presents workshops, support groups and referrals on many topics, including medical and legal concerns, child care, self defense, assertiveness training, sexual assault prevention and education, career development, single parenting, health, returning to school and personal relationships. It also provides personal counseling on sexual assault and sexual harassment matters.
Please see their Web site for workshop offerings.


Diversified Liberal Arts Program (DLAP)

The DLAP specialization provides you with the academic background to teach elementary school children and it exempts you from the MSAT.

Every Tuesday at 2pm - 3pm, (Weeks 2-10) at A-316 Murphy Hall
Every Wednesday at 11am - 12pm (weeks 2-10) at A-316 Murphy Hall
Email DLAP


Scholarship Resource Center

Numerous Free resources and services provided, even for those without a 4.0 gpa.
  • 1 on 1 counseling, writing assistance.
  • Tips on writing personal statements
  • Proofreading of application materials
  • Scholarship database
  • Library with extensive listings


Student Research Program

Information workshops for students interested in participating in the Student Research Program can be found by subscribing to the SRP subscription in their My.UCLA account.
Then, by viewing the SRP calendar, they can see a list of all the available informational workshops, one of which they MUST attend for participation in the SRP program.

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