PLUS Applications & Information

Downloading an Application
In order to View or Print the PLUS application, you need to have the Free Adobe Acrobat Reader installed on your computer (get Acrobat Reader here). Print out and mail the application to PLUS (address on application).
  • Download Application

  • Facts on Applying

  • Application and Information Request
    To request a PLUS application , please fill out the following form. Within 10 days, you should receive a confirmation of your request - if not, please contact PLUS either through email or by calling (310) 825-9276. Please view our application FAQ for answers to frequently asked questions about the PLUS application.

    Full Name:
    UCLA Student ID (if applicable): --
    City/Town: State/Prov.: Post./Zip Code:

    Your email address:
    Telephone number (with area code):

    Please select any of the following that pertains to yourself:
    1st Generation College Student
    Low Income background
    Physical Disabilities

    Have you participated in TRIO programs before? (Optional, for statistical purposes only)

    Your High School (please include city and state)

    How did you hear about the PLUS program?

    How did you hear of the PLUS website?

    PLUS brochure
    A link from another Education related website
    Search Engine (e.g. Yahoo, Excite...)

    Please list any additional comments you may have:


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