The Pleasant's
Paper Gazette
& Constitutional
Journal |
The Antifederalist Papers 2002:
Paper No. 1
Roundhead Articles
02-24-2001 - The Sworn Duty of Congress
is to Preserve, Protect, Defend & Obey the United States Constitution
Why is this Duty Ignored
by Congress?
01-15-2001 - The Radical Right and the
Christian Reform Movement
Part 1: Understanding the
Motivation Behind the Movement
Part 2: Propelling the Movement
The It's So Argument of the Right
New: 05-27-2001
The Ashcroft Papers
January 1998
The Roundhead Agenda
Lies & Hatred Work Together
The First Amendment
Under Attack
Nationalist Federal Fascism or Protecting the Flag?
Commom Cause
White Rose
Commentary Pages
From the Left
The Cosmic Penguin
of Religious Freedom
Pat Robertson,
The Religious Right & The Christian Coalition
Institute for First Amendment
The FACTS Link's Page
Radio Links
WBIX - Anti right-wing and anti-fascist
The Tergiversator's of Untruth
Know Your Enemy
Important Constitutional Information
What the Government Does Not Want You to Know About the Constitution
The Original US Bill of Rights
The United States Constitution
Freedom of Speech
Freedom of Speech #1
Freedom of Speech #2
S.L.A.P.P. Notice
The Roundhead Watch Religious Papers
For God, Guns, And the Glory
The Bible
Commentary Pages
Missing the Message
UN Human Rights Commission Gives
US the Boot!
The Drum beat of the Right Marches
A Tale of Two Georges
to The Roundhead Watch.
With this first edition of 2002, we have
added a new section.
Introducing, The Pleasant's Paper Gazette & Constitutional Journal, which is the newest
addition to The Roundhead Watch.
The Pleasant's Paper Gazette & Constitutional Journal, is home
to the explosive new Antifederalist
Papers 2002. This newest treatise
of papers exposing the inherent dangers of Federalism, continues the 214
year-old tradition, of exposing the harmful lies surrounding Federalism
and the Federalists, which the original Antifederalist Papers started with
the publication of the first Antifederalist paper, on November 26, 1787.
These new Antifederalist Papers, much like
the originals, will be written by a variety of authors, using various pen
names, much like the authors of the original Antifederalist Papers did.
Who the authors of the articles will be
and what pen names they will use, will be entirely up to you, the reader,
to figure out, but it will only be a guess on the readers part. One of the
criteria for those that will be writing the new Antifederalst Papers 2002, is that they are not under any obligation to reveal their true
identity, unless they want to do so.
Paper No. 1 in the series, deals with exposing
the manipulations and the lies of the Federalists, and what primary political
ideology they belong to, i.e., conservative or liberal. The paper also touches
on some of the basic concepts of what the Federalists and the Antifederalists
espouse. Many people are going to be very surprised by the information that
they will discover in this useful and informative series of articles, and
that there is more to Republican and being a true republican, than meets
the eye, or what people have thought about republicanism, or been told.
Sadly, a vast majority of Americans no longer understand the history and
the unique concepts of Antifederalism and republicanism, and what those
terms really mean, and many people have also come to equate republicanism,
with being a part of the Republican Party and the conservative right-wing,
which is not the case.
Who are the the real "Anti-republicans?"
"The Anti-republicans consist
1. The old refugees & tories.
2. British merchants residing among us, & composing the main body of
our merchants.
3. American merchants trading on British capital. Another great portion.
4. Speculators & Holders in the banks & public funds.
5. Officers of the federal government with some exceptions.
6. Office-hunters, willing to give up principles for places. A numerous
& noisy tribe.
7. Nervous persons, whose languid fibers have more analogy with a passive
than active state of things."
Thomas Jefferson, Notes on
Prof. Ebeling's letter of July 30, 1795
An explanation of what Jefferson meant
by this statement, and much more, can be found in Paper No. 1, of the new
Antifederalist Papers
The closer and closer that we get to the
Congressional elections this year, the more important it is for us as informed
individuals, to have a clearer understanding of the eminent danger being
posed by the ultra-conservative right-wing Federalists. Having an important
understanding and clear meaning of just who and what the Federalists are,
come the election's this year, and for the years and decades beyond this
year and this election, has never been more important to us, as a nation
and a people, than it is for us now, and in the future.
The Antifederalists wrote this about the
Federalists and the Federal Constitution, and the Antifederalists opposition
to both, in 1788:
"Aristocracy, or government
in the hands of a very few nobles, or RICH MEN, is therein concealed in
the most artful wrote plan that ever was formed to entrap a free society."
Antifederalist Paper No. 26,
April 1, 1788
In the same paper, A FARMER AND PLANTER
had this to say about rich men:
"View your danger, and find
out good men to represent you in convention - men of your own profession
and station in life; men who will not adopt this destructive and diabolical
form of a federal government. There are many among you that will not be
led by the nose of the rich men, and would soon scorn a bribe. Rich men
can live easy under any government, be it ever so tyrannical. They come
in for a great share of the tyranny, because they are the ministers of tyrants,
and always engross the places of honor and profit, while the greater part
of the common people are led by the nose, and played about by these very
men, for the destruction of themselves and their class."
Discover the facts about Federalists and
Federalism for yourself, read the Antifederalist
Papers 2002 today.