"Malo periculosam libertatem quam quietam servitutem"

UPDATED: February 17, 2001

Congressional Watch

Congressional Bills that are 'Hostile' to the Constitution
and the Republican Form of Government of the United States of America

Extremist radical right members of Congress
continue their unrelenting attack on the Constitution,
and on the Republican Form of Government
of the United States



Since 1992, radical right members of Congress have been instrumental in introducing thousands [5,000+/-] of Congressional Bills, which have religious or faith based provisions in them. These bills have had one common dominator [with little exception], and that is, they have favored the primary religion of those authoring, sponsoring, co-sponsoring, and voting in favor of those faith based Congressional Bills. In many instances, these religiously tainted Congressional Bills have become Law.

These religiously or faith based tainted Congressional Bills are extremely troublesome, and a cause for great worry and concern. Many of these religiously tainted bills are proposed amendments to the US Constitution, which if passed by both Houses of Congress, and then ratified into law by three-quarters of the States, would seriously abuse, misconstruct, or outright do away with many of the 'restrictive' and 'declaratory' republican principles embodied within the United States Constitution. These constitutional republican principles and rights, are absolutely necessary for preserving and maintaining the constitutional guarantee(s) of a Republican Form of Government. This Republican Form of Government, is guaranteed to the masses of American people by virtue of the United States Constitution, Article IV, Section 4; "The United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a Republican Form of Government..." This guarantee applies to the central government of the United States, as well as to the States themselves.

Radical right members of the US Congress, continue to introduce, propose, and in some cases are able to pass, legislation that is hostile to the preservation, protection, and defense of the US Constitution. More often than not, these hostile legislative actions by radical right members of Congress, are in direct violation of specific orders within the US Constitution itself, that Congress, and members of Congress, are NOT to abuse or misconstruct the Constitution.

No where else is this situation made any more clear, then in the radical rights continuing battle to weaken and destroy the First Amendment of the US Bill of Rights. The opening clause of the First Amendment is very clear on one very specific 'restrictive' and 'declaratory' constitutional demand from the very start, and that is; "Congress shall make no law....," which will abuse, misconstruct, interfere with, lessen, or in any other manner, infringe on the "absolute" basic American human rights and principles, which are contained in the First Amendment. The complete text of the First Amendment reads as follows; "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances." The constitutional demand that "Congress shall make no law....," is specific and very well clarified, and the intent and meaning imparted to Congress by the US Constitution, in regards to the First Amendment, is hands off - you have no rights to alter it, for anny reason.

So by what authority do radical right members of Congress continue to EXEMPT themselves from their constitutional Oath or Affirmation to preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution of the United States of America? There is no authority or power from within the working body of the Constitution that exempts any member(s) of Congress from their constitutional obligation to support the United States Constitution. Radical right members of Congress just take it upon themselves, to ignore the mandatory constitutional 'rule of law,' and to apply their own agenda of what they perceive is the correct rule of law to follow, namely the rule of law under God and the Bible. Radical right members of Congress continue to support only those parts of the US Constitution that are appealing to the rights needs and purposes, while ignoring, abusing, and misconstructing the rest.

Have radical right members of Congress forgotten, that failure to properly preserve, protect, and to defend, the 'absolute' and Supreme mandatory rule of law, the United States Constitution, is considered an act(s) of TREASON?

In the days during the Impeachment Trial of President Clinton, the Nation heard alot from the GOP House Managers about the constitutional rule of law and how much that they, the GOP House Managers, respected this rule of law. So why don't the radical right members of Congress absolutely respect that constitutional rule of law, and apply it to themselves in the same manner that they applied it to the President during his House and Senate Impeachment Trial? It appears that what is really at work here, is a total failure of the members of the conservative radical right element in Congress, to apply to themselves what they are trying to shove down the throats of the rest of the Nation, and that the only rule of law that these "outlaw" members of Congress are concerned about, is not the constitutional rule of law, but rather the rule of law as the right view's it under their God and Bible.

Since when did the constitutional rule of law not apply to members of Congress and only apply to everyone outside of Congress? Since when did these rogue members of Congress not consider the United States Constitution to be the highest, and therefore, Supreme Law of the land?

Why are these radical right members of Congress not to be held accountable for their own clear and publicly open acts of failure to support the Constitution? Acts which the right continue's to commit, and acts which are for all intents and purposes, clear acts of Treason and Conspiracy to Commit Treason against the United States of America! When was attempting to overthrow the Constitution of the United States through a hostile misconstruction and alteration of it - not treason?

It has become abundantly clear, that there are two sets of the rule of law at work in the United States; 1.) The constitutional rule of law which is to be followed by the masses of people in America, and 2.) The Godhead and Biblical rule of law of the radical right, where the constitutional rule of law is under the authority of God and the Biblical rule of law. What type of government have we got here people, because it sure is not the same one that was ordained and established by those who fought and died in the American Revolution, and for the founding of this great Nation?

The American People Want to Know....

What ever happened to the part of the constitutional rule of law, which puts into place the lawful and public accountability of those members of Congress, who purposely manipulate or misconstruct the United States Constitution, and in so doing, violate their constitutional Oath or Affirmation to 'support,' and therefore, preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution ? Just merely voting a religiously or otherwise misguided member out of Congress, for their hostile transgressions against the US Constitution, has no longer become enough of a deterrent. Radical right and other members of Congress, who continue to tamper with the US Constitution and the Republican Form of Government in a hostile manner, need to be held accountable for these hostile actions, and they need to be held accountable as if they were giving aid and comfort to the enemy.

Following are pages which you can go to and get information on legislation that threatens to do a great deal of damage to the United States Constitution, and to the future Blessings of Liberty, not to mention what it will do to the peace and good order of our Republican Form of Government, and our Nation in general. These Congressional Bills are a 'clear and present danger' to the preservation and survival of the US Constitution and Republican Form of Government, therefore, these Congressional Bills constitute an extreme danger to what little is already left of the "true" Republic of the United States of America, for which the US Constitution was Ordained and Established in 1787.

Constitutional Fact: One of the greatest reasons that the United States Constitution was Ordained and Established in 1787, is as Article IV, Section 4 states; " The United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a Republican Form of Government..." Without the republican enumerated 'restrictive' and 'declaratory' provisions in the US Constitution, there can be no true republic, or guarantee of a Republican Form of Government. Not only must these absolute provisions be in the Constitution, they must also be in good maintenance and in proper working order.


107th Congressional Bills

106th Congressional Bills

 The Roundhead Watch


Doctrine & Agenda of the Right

Congress shall make no...

 The Original US Bill of Rights


Petition for Redress of Grievances

 The F.A.C.T.S. Directory
Main Index

 About F.A.C.T.S.


Book Selection: FEDCON:
Death of the American Republic

 Contact the US Congress

Look up Congressional Bills from the 101st Congress through the 107th Congress, for both the US Senate & the US House of Representatives: Thomas - Legislative Information on the Interneet
Be wise, Be informed



The one most single important thing that each and every American can do, to help save the Constitution and the Republican Form of Government, and therefore the 'true' Republic, is to become involved. Beyond that:
1.) Contact your elected member's of Congress, in the House and in the Senate, and let those in Congress know that you support the United States Constitution and the Republican Form of Government, and why aren't the radical right members in the US Congress doing the same thing? Let those in Congress know about your opposition to current and past Congressional Bills, which are 'hostile' to the preservation, protection, and defense of the United States Constitution. Let those in Congress know about your displeasure with continued "hostile" acts and attempts to misconstruct the United States Constitution, which in many cases amount to acts of Treason by certain members of Congress. Ask members of Congress why nothing is being done to prevent these 'hostile' acts and attacks against the United States Constitution?

2.) Contact the White House, and let President George W. Bush know your opposition to 'hostile' attempts to abuse and misconstruct the US Constitution, and therefore destroying the guarantee of a Republican Form of Government. Let the White House know how you feel about 'hostile' attempts by right wing members of Congress to misconstruct the US Constitution for their own benefit and gain. Ask the White House why there is nothing being done to prevent these right wing 'hostile' acts against the US Constitution.

3.) Write the Chief Justice of the United States Supreme Court, and let the Judicial branch of government know exactly how you feel about these same issues.

4.) Help us to form a National chain of 'true republican' citizen alliances, run and made up of Citizen Statesman from every walk of life, and from every element, of every individual lifestyle in America. Dedicate yourself to uniting and working for the peace and good order of the 'true' Republic, where the masses of American people have a real voice in their government. Help us remove the radical right element from our political parties and our government, a voice which is a harmful and negative element to the United States Constitution, and therefore, to the preservation and maintenance of our freedoms and liberties.

5.) REGISTER TO VOTE AND THEN EXERCISE THAT AMERICAN RIGHT TO VOTE!!! THE TRUE REPUBLIC AND THE US CONSTITUTION NEED'S YOUR SUPPORT AND YOUR VOTE!!! Help us to get out the Citizen Statesman vote for the 2002 & 2004 Elections, and lets show those in Congress and elsewhere in US Government who the real American people are, and what that voice is all about. Help us to form a large National voice so that we can remove those from Congress who continue to harm the US Constitution, and the Republican Form of Government.

6.) Help us return the United States to one that has the proper amount of constitutional representation in the House of Representatives, with which to properly preserve, maintain, and support the constitutional guarantee of a Republican Form of Government. In order to maintain the guarantee of a Republican Form of Government, it is necessary for the intent and meaning of the original US Constitution to be strictly followed in regards to how many members are to be in the House of Representatives. In order to have the guarantee of a Republican Form of Government, then the constitutionally correct number of members in the House of Representatives must be maintained at the constitutionally correct ratio of one member for every 30,000 people enumerated to in the Census. Over the last 150 years, conservative right wing backed Congresses, for the benefit and gain of their own private agendas, have arbitrarily and underhandedly re-established that ratio at a level, which in 2001, equals roughly one member in the House for every 650,000 - 700,000 people. That is not a republic; what it is though, is a Federalist run and manipulated oligarchy masquerading as a republic.

Help us return the voice of 'We the People' into United States government, by DEMANDING an immediate return to the constitutionally correct representation in the House of Representatives, at one member for every 30,000 people. Together we can all rebuild the 'true' Republic, and turn the United States into an even greater America, where the masses of people have a real voice in government, and where the voice in government is not just the voice of the select few.

Help us to stop the ongoing Federalist rape of the 'true' American Republic [A].




Let Those in Power Hear Your Voice!
Be Informed and Knowledgeable About Government
Be Pro-Active in the Affairs of Your Government
Support the United States Constitution
Save America - Save the Constitution!
Be a True American
Be a True American
Be a True American
Be a True American
Be A True American


Read the book that tells the whole story on Federalism, and the misguided direction that those in power, and in Congress, have guided the United States and the masses of people into. For a limited time the author of the book, FEDCON: Death of the American Republic, has granted special permission to you, so that you can get a FREE copy of this all revealing book about Federalism and Congress. The only cost to you is the time to read it.
FEDCON: Death of the American Republic



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Copyright © 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001 F.A.C.T.S. & Sherwood C. Ensey