Malo periculosam libertatem quam quietam servitutem

 *** June 2001 - Freedom and the Advancement of the Conscious Truth in Society - Num. 6 Issue 6 ***


FEDCON: Death of the American Republic



This Website & Webring Owned by One of the
Founding American Families of 1776
Baltimore Colonies 1636
364 Years of the American Experience


Updated: June 07, 2001

 King George Bush
The Roundheads
America's Own KGB

The Roundhead Watch

Keeping a watchful and informative eye on the elements of the Radical Religious Right, and the right's continuing quest for total domination and control of the United States of America, and the rest of the world.

The Roundhead Watch

Keeping an eye on 'King George' Bush and his Radical Right Republican allies.

The Tergiversator's of Untruth

Know Your Enemy

New at FACTS is the Tergiversator's of Untruth pages. Knowing the ridiculousness and lies of the enemy is the theme of these new pages. The radical right is exposed even further!

It's So.... Because We Said It Is So!
The Radical Right Argues Their Cause



 The F.A.C.T.S. Online
Book Selection

Death of the American Republic

The United States
is NOT a Republic!

Read the book that exposes the 200+ year old truth about who and what the Radical Right Federalists really are!
Federalism and "republicanism" are looked at and explored like never before!
The truth about the current United States Government not being a "true" and "pure" Republican Form of Government, as required by the US Constitution, is looked at in depth!
This is the book that the Federalists and the radical right had hoped would never be written!!!

FEDCON: Death of the American Republic

An Original at Yahoo! Since 1998 

 Congressional Watch

Listing of Congressional Bills from past and current Congresses, which are 'hostile' to the preservation of the United States Constitution.

Faith-Based religious Bills are among the Bills listed as 'hostile' to the Constitution - Find out why here!

Read how certain members of Congress are violating their constitutional Oath or Affirmation to preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution

Congressional Watch Index





 The Original US Bill of Rights

UPDATED: May 28, 2001
What Those in Government
Do Not Want You to Know
About the US Bill of Rights!
The Original US Bill of Rights

 The US Constitution

US Constitution Part 1

US Constitution Part 2

 Freedom of Speech

Freedom of Speech
The Backbone of Basic American Human Rights

The Flag Desecration Dispute
Nationalist Federal Fascism or Protecting the Flag?

Freedom of Speech
The United States Constitution
Under Attack Again!!!

 Political Writings
Updated 06-07-2001

 Lysander Spooner
No Treason
The Constitution of No Authority
Part 1 * Part 2 * Part 3 *

Natural Law
Chapter's 1, 2 & 3

 Thomas Paine
The Rights of Man, P.1


 The Natural Laws and
Basic Human Rights

of the American People

Natural Laws and Rights

What the Critics are Saying:
An excellent essay supported by excerpts from the Constitution. Maintainer has spent the past 28 years studying legitimate government and observing the actions of those acting in the name of our government. His concept of federalism (on other pages) earned him a place in my Top Sites list. See Maintainers Comments for more of my thoughts on this site.TCNbp

 The War on Drugs
America's Longest Running Joke

From the Front Line of America's War on Drugs!

The War on Drugs in Chimayo, New Mexico
and northern New Mexico, USA!
Index to Articles and Updated Material

Index to the War on Drugs in northern New Mexico - USA  


Information For The Emerging Constitutional Crisis in the United States of America
This section of F.A.C.T.S. contains different articles and subjects pertaining to the United States Constitution and Bill of Rights.


First Amendment
Redress of Grievances
The US Constitution Does Not Work for the Masses of People in America!
This First Amendment Right asks the BIG QUESTION: Do we really have a Republican Form of Government? Find out the startling truth for yourself that we don't have that form of government!
Redress of Grievances

This challenge and US Constitutional right to a Redress of Grievances remains unanswered and ignored by all three branches of United States government.  

 Views & Values

Conservatives and Liberals

 Let The
Buyer Beware!

The Amway Files - A tragic and factual experience with a potentially hazardous and dangerous product made by the compassionate conservative organization known as Amway.


 About F.A.C.T.S.


  Site Links

The F.A.C.T.S Top Site Links

 The F.A.C.T.S. Science Section
This section is about cutting edge science, and a new indepth look at our unpredictable and violent Earth.


Oghma's World of Books

Original Works by Sherwood

Old Glory!

Production Line Blues

American Civil Liberties Union

 ACLU Contact Information


 Merlyn's Pond

Ancient Celtic Myths & Ballads


Want more education & knowledge on the United States Constitution?

Important Constitutional Site Link Information

For a complete and informative source of information, facts, and educational study material, for both Online and Offline modes, on the United States Constitution, then please go to TCNbp's,WEB GUIDE to the CONSTITUTION of the UNITED STATES. This site is a very useful and most necessary tool for anyone that is serious minded about researching and studying the US Constitution. Many important issues are found there and they are very broad-ranged and provocative in thought. Want a neutral and totally educational perspective? Then the TCNbp Web Guide to the Constitution of the United States is the place to go. Want the best and greatest links to a lot of other great sites on the United States Constitution and subjects related to them? Then TCNbp is the place on the internet to go!

 Come and YAHOO! with F.A.C.T.S.


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Some material located at F.A.C.T.S. Copyright © 1976, Sherwood C. Ensey
FEDCON: Death of the American Republic, Copyright © 1998, Sherwood C. Ensey