This is the page where I will be describing my ministry and all the guys who are taking an active part in its developement. It is here that I will tell of their names and put in place their job titles and declare my and their diverse responsiblities to better enlighten my readers. I will give this page a lot of feeling and human interest.This is a key spot for bridging the gap between myself and some of you unsure readers. I am just keeping an even smooth flow and hope to illustrate with biblical terminology what our group's ultimate goals are and what type of community services we all intend to offer as each of us are paroled.
The Ministry is ran by myself and Harvey Hicks. He is great. I had a dream about building a ministry while in prison. One day I was handed Harvey D. Hicks address so I wrote to him. He was giving out lists of ladies for penpals and I wanted to help. Now he has made me Director of "Prisons Dept." and he is the Executive Director over the ministry.
Director Hicks would love to hear from you and maybe y'all will take the time to write him. Maybe even some of you would be interested in joining the penpal program. It is truely a rewarding endeavor.For those of you that are strong christians you will feel the spirit of the LORD present in Hicks. He is strong with the strength of his light.
The ministry was just a simple penpal listing service when I came along. Now we are registered with Texas as "CHRISTIANS ACROSS AMERICA" ,penpal and comfort ministry. We reach out to as many lonely prisoners as we possibly can. We all love to get mail and it is our only communication with the true world we once knew and still love.
CHRISTIANS ACROSS AMERICA penpal and comfort Ministry c/o Harvey D."Warrior" Hicks T.D.C.J.-ID #700730 (Gib Lewis Unit) P. O. BOX 9000 Woodville, Texas 75990
Congregation, this is a great way to serve Jesus. If you are wanting to do the Lord's work, but haven't found a ministry, this is your chance to get off to a good start. This is a wonderful opportunity to witness to others because most of the men and women on the listing are "Babes in Christ" and need, and rely on a strong word from mature Christians.
The Ministry is small and could use your support in whatever form that you are willing to render.For more information on this devoted group, see the FORMS section. MY GOD BLESS!! In His Precious Love. J.D.
look for the passage... when I was in prison you visited me... as surely as you did this for one of my flock, so you did it for me.