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Work Information
Job title
The Utility Squad
Key responsibilities
Which means I basically do the jobs nobody else wants. Such as, wash the sidewalks and windows, pick up all the trash, and fill-in for the "S.S.I." (Support Service for Inmates) which translates to janitor's work.
As you are my friends I figured I'd walk you through a normal day of prison. We'll wake up at 8:00 a.m., not even ready for the day.Hopefully you had a good night's sleep, if not go back to sleep. Prison is no place for a tired, cranky individual. When you get up make your way to the dayroom and check-out who's around. It is a very good idea to hang in with your own race because everyone here is segregated by one means or the other. You ask why? It is the code of the jungle. The Blacks want your Lady/Man, and to control/play you, Mexicans want your property, your Lady/Man, and to control/play you. Hey! that sounds like they want the same things.Well there's also something else you've got and you aren't going to like giving it up, some high flying can or sharp shanks. In short they want to turn you out for their personal pleasures then make money with you. Your own race won't want to do that to you but that's another story.
So you finally see a show on TV you like, cause really it's so loud in the dayroom that's all you can do is see it. There is absolutely no comprehension invovled in this noisy viewing. Chow's called around 11:00 a.m. and then we get to go eat food that's raw, prepared wrong and half rotted, that's if you're having a lucky day. If not it's all the way rotted. Needless to say we're not on the Health Departments visiting list. NICE MENU... Then back to your wing and wait for rec at 12:00 p.m. and hope you don't come out of it a wreck. Rec has very limited equipment. It only has basketball, handball, and horseshoes and then add 60 inmates in one yard and tell them to share. I have a theory about that. If the majority of inmates were caring and sharing they wouldn't be here in the first place. Right? You'll get wrecked at rec till 2:00 p.m. and then you get to go to work.Thank God and not a minute too soon. I have decent job "Utility Squad" which means I basically do the jobs nobody else wanted. Such as, wash the sidewalks and windows, pick up all the trash, and fill-in for the "S.S.I." (Support Service for Inmates) which translates to janitor's work. Around 5:00 p.m. you get to tour the grand dining hall again for an even more delectible meal than the previous one and if you don't croak at your dining table, you get to go back to work. Now if you drag through 'till 10:00 p.m., you get off for the day and then you go back to your wing and take a nice relaxing shower with a herd of pervies. After all this pleasure you get to rack-up for the night and hopefully by yourself.
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Contact Information
Electronic Mail Address
Your input as always is greatly appreciated.
My Web Address
This site was built by:DragonHead Productions.
Office phone. I have one available but can't list it.
Preston E. Smith Unit.
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Current Projects
Christians Across America Ministry.
The Ministry was founded by Reverend Hicks and has continued to grow through the addition of my energy and efforts coupled with his strong charismatic spirit.
Providing Legal Counceling and Assistance for Other Inmates.
This is the main reason for this website.We are finding that it is becoming necessary to enlist help with this endeavor. Due to the ever-rising costs, we need contributions badly for writing/typing materials and filing fees.
Keeping the Appeals Coming.
It is hard to get an audience with a judge or prosecutor after sentencing; or even to get another court date for the simplest reasons. Try it if your attempting to right something that has been entered or stated wrongly. Your only way of doing that is by filing amendments. Most inmate's lawyers are sooner or later pro bono and after the fact they're harder to get in touch with than God.
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Biographical Information
I am writing you from a prison in west Texas where I am serving a 9 year sentence for attempted murder. But good news I have almost completed my sentence and will be returning home soon.
I was paroled Nov. 2004,then in March of 2005 I married a girl that waited for me almost 10 years, later after moving around we settled back in Texas and I went to work for a ground water control company. I can't say that everyday is sheer bliss but it is damn close to it.
As of July 31, 2008 I am still married, changed jobs, in process of getting a settlement, living on a large piece of property, getting ready to purchase all the materials I/we need to build a home. Even though we don't have a lot of money we make it count. All of our property is paid for and the home will be also when it is finished.
See Ya' Later.
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Personal Interests
My first passion is the law and I am in process of taking courses to become a paralegal.
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Last Revised:Feb 13, 2009 | Created by:DragonHead Productions | Web Mistress:Lisa Lindsey Moore | UniBus Computers | Lisa's Exterior Designs