"How much work is 6 megabytes in 2 pages; do you think we filled-up the site yet?" That was my first question I asked my site developer after I created 15-16 pages and was beginning to have my doubts whether it would all fit. I was sincerely hoping I had not wasted a bunch of my time.
I have these terrific ideas for a joke section also
As a young boy I grew up in a rough environment, so is it any wonder I ended up where I am. My daily agenda was drinking and fighting but I have been blessed to have a family that has and will stand by me through it all.
What was my worst experience?It is the one I am trying to live through right now. I am writing you from a prison in west Texas, "The Preston E. Smith Unit". So now you must wonder what was my best experience? Well that hasn't come yet and it will be the day I get out of these walls alive, hopefully sane and in one piece. Sometimes I feel like I am crazy, but then again maybe it's 31 months of incarceration taking its toll on me.This place has finally gotten to me. If you've got some time to spare stick around and browse a while. Take a vacation and put yourself in prison with me. Don't worry I'll be your tour guide and unlike me, you can always leave when you feel like it, but I have to live here. Just remember all you have to do is click out when you've had enough and BTW check out some of my cool jumps into other peoples sites. My web developer is listed on Page 2 if your interested.
It's all over the place. People fight for a multitude of really stupid reasons. There is mandatory fighting and then there is senseless fighting.
MANDATORY FIGHTINGYou have just arrived at the unit. You might know somebody there already but the odds are slim. Of course you want to keep your property and your virginity; so you'll have to fight to show you're not weak. Remember, only the strong survive. Choose not to fight and ... well you might not leave the way you came in.
SENSELESS FIGHTINGFor unforeseen reasons people just simply do not, cannot get along. So why hang around your enemies? Beacause you can't escape them. A word here and a word there, next thing you see is those two wordy guys in an open cell , chunking fists at one another. Fighting for money is common; either someone stole it from someone else, lost it gambling, or owes it out right. The injuries vary due to the amount, anything over $100 could result in death, $50 and under a severe ass-kicking. Most people in here won't fight over money unless it's over a certain amount, fighting over $15 and/or less is senseless.
Yes, I feel like Dorothy following the yellow brick road. I am now in the Middleton Unit in Abilene, TX. It was some route I took to get here. Due to the fact that I filed about 15 motions with the court both state and Supreme I was granted a new trial. I was returned to Midland County Jail at the cost of the taxpayers, that's you guys and I received a P.D. that you guys paid for and I had a very impressive witness list and long running trial.Thanks again guys.The new trial was all about just simply getting what the State of Texas promised me in the first place. Then they had to go get wise after sentencing and try to change my original sentence. That is they were going to try to increase my prison time after my trial and the judge had handed down my sentence.All this crap only costs y'all about $29,000.00. That's the government for you and I walked away with the same sentence I had in the very first place. All this only to reinsure what already had been done. Aren't y'all mad? About the waste of money I mean. I know I am. If you would like to get in touch with me and share your views on this and other subjects write me at:
Jerald D. Underwood
TDCJ-ID # 753253
1313 C.R. # 19
Lamesa, TX.79331
Unfortunately or maybe fortunately I have been moved again and I am back at the Smith Unit. My new address is forth coming with another chapter in this long running saga. Bye for now Jeridebo. I'll be home Sept. 2004! Yeah! ... and no parole...