Inner Realm of Patria
Antarbhumi Ramrajya
Pop Culture Page
Welcome to the Pop Culture Page of the Inner Realm of Patria. You won't find any hard-core Hinduism, political dogma, or patriotic jingoism here. Just a little fun and a sampling of some of the Inner Realm's pop culture icons. Want to know which brand of beer to drink when you visit Patria? (or while waiting for this page to download -- This page is graphically intense!!) Which baseball and hockey teams to cheer for? Which radio stations to listen to when you visit the Inner Realm's capital? How to spot a Patrienish license plate? You've hit the right page! So grab your mouse and enjoy this "Mondo Patria" pop culture journey!
Hockey Night in Patria!

If it's a Saturday night in fall, winter or springtime, the Inner Realm is glued to the TV tube for Hockey Night in Patria. Here are the home (white) and away jerseys of the Castoropolis Centurions (logo inspired by a Roman Legionary standard) and Caesarea Violets. Like the Toronto Maple Leafs, the Centurions boast a proud history with many championship seasons but fell on hard times in the 1980s and 90s, suffering more than 20 consecutive losing seasons until 1998-99, when they won their first PHL championship since 1975. The Cents - like the Leafs - have the most loyal and devoted fans in the Patrienish Hockey League and their Art Deco-style home rink, the Columbia Street Arena, is as much a sacred shrine as Toronto's Maple Leaf Gardens. The Violets are the Centurions' traditional #1 rivals and the Centurions-Violets rivalry is as heated as the Leafs vs. the Montreal Canadiens. Other PHL clubs: Nova Columbia Condors, Arboria Beavers, Lazuria Black Barons, and Centralia Crusaders. Unlike the expansion-diluted National Hockey League, the PHL has maintained the classic "Original Six" format. Patria's Stanley Cup is the Kamala Cup, named after Jawaharlal Nehru's wife. She wasn't a hockey fan, except perhaps of the kind of hockey that's played on grass, but neither was the wife of ex-Canadian Governor-General Lord Byng and the NHL named a trophy after her.
For more about the PHL's teams and a list of Kamala Cup winners, please visit the Patrienish Hockey League page.
Play Ball, Patria!
The Inner Realm has two major baseball leagues: the Castorian League (no designated hitter) and the Lazurian League (which uses the DH). Castoropolis has one club in both leagues. The capital's CL club is the Senators, while the Capitals represent Castoropolis in the LL. The Senators play at Barker Field, a cozy old Wrigley Field-like ball park on Castoropolis' North Side, but that is about where the similarity between the Senators and the Chicago Cubs ends. The Senators' blue uniforms, tradition, and winning record are more reminiscent of the Los Angeles Dodgers. The Capitals, like the Chicago White Sox, make their home on the capital's South Side at Schaefer Stadium - a ballpark whose short porches and 495-foot expanse to dead center remind old-time fans of the Polo Grounds. The Caps were wearing silver and black pinstriped uniforms long before the ChiSox adopted those colours. The CL and LL Pennant winners meet every fall in the Inner Realm Series. A Senators vs. Capitals "Subway Series" is not an uncommon event. By Act of Congress, Astroturf is banned in all CL and LL ballparks, citing Dick Allen's maxim: "If a cow can't eat it I won't play on it!"
Patria's state-owned broadcasting corporation and counterpart to the BBC, Canadian Broadcasting Corporation/Société Radio-Canada, Australian Broadcasting Corp., or All India Radio, is Ramrajyavani, Sanskrit for "Voice of Ramrajya". The network, popularly known as "R-vani" or "RV", is heavy on Hindu devotional broadcasts (e.g. "Back to the Gita", "Radio Yoga Class"), Sanskrit chanting, on-air hatha yoga classes, etc. The Hindu programming on Ramrajyavani's television network (Doordarshan, to use the Sanskrit term) stops dead in its tracks at 8 p.m. on Saturday nights to make way for "Hockey Night in Patria". Voice of Dharma, the international shortwave service of Ramrajyavani, broadcasts in English, Sanskrit and many other languages and is a welcome relief from HCJB and the many other high-wattage mostly U.S.-based right-wing fundamentalist Christian Bible-thumpers crowding the SW bands. Of course, it's not all dharma and karma on Patria's airwaves. Continue down this page for a glimpse of Patria's thriving private, secular radio broadcast industry.

In the Inner Realm's capital, "The Nifty Six-Fifty" POKX was the major Top-40 AM rock blowtorch, complete with outrageous promo stunts and high-octane DJ's "Rocking Patria with 50,000 red-hot watts!" Here's a POKX Survey Chart from March 12, 1978. In accordance with an International Telecommunications Union treaty mandating a shift from 10 kHz to 9 kHz spacing, on Nov. 23, 1978 POKX's frequency shifted from 650 to 648 kilohertz. The "Nifty Six-Fifty" became the "Great 6-48" but the new slogan would be short-lived. AM rock radio was dying in the mid-1980's and Patria was no exception. Today the once-great "Rock of Patria" POKX, like WABC, WLS and other former AM rock giants, now airs right-wing talk shows using the slogan "3-F Talkradio" (the "3-F's" being "Faith, Family, Free Enterprise").
"Q-96" is POKQ-FM, POKX's FM sister station on 96.1 MHz. Q-96 (bacon will be kosher before you will ever hear a legal call-letter ID!) is Castoropolis' top-rated Contemporary Hit Radio station, popular with teenagers and gen-x'ers, and targeting mainly the 18-to-35 year old demographic who grew up without ever listening to AM rockers like POKX. Here's a Q-96 sticker from the mushy, wimpy, late 1970's, when it was programming what was then known as "Album-Oriented Rock".

PMC is to Castoropolis what KMOX is to St. Louis: the leading full-service/news/talk/sports station, as well as the flagship station of the Centurions and Senators, not to mention the University of Castoropolis Fighting Eagles. Broadcasting on 846 kHz (850 kHz prior to Nov. 23, 1978), PMC is one of Patria's radio pioneers and and is one of the few stations that still retains a classic 3-letter call.
PMBC (1152 kHz; 1150 kHz pre-1978) is the all-sports talk station in Castoropolis, the flagship of the Capitals and a Violets' network affiliate. Another of Patria's radio pioneers, it was once the flagship of the Mutual Broadcasting Corporation of Patria (hence the call letters).

Shakti Lager is Patria's most popular brand of beer. It is brewed by Shaktipat Breweries, who also brew Krishna Cream Ale and Lakshmi Light. Guru Super Strong Beer (7.2% alcohol!), an Indian import, is also popular in Patria especially among Spiritual Regeneration Movement Congressmen and their hard-core supporters who are petitioning the Mohan Goldwater Brewery in Lucknow, India to open a branch plant in Patria.

New licence plates are issued every four years to coincide with the inauguration of the new Congressus Patriaë. The 46th Congress plate is Patria's first-ever multi-colour tag. Vanity plates with Hindu themes are quite popular, as many motorists don't hesitate to fork over Rs.Pat. 4000 (about $100 U.S.) for a plate touting their favourite god, goddess, or yoga path. The Precinct of registration and annual validation are indicated by a sticker affixed to the rear plate or the windshield. Diplomatic and consular staff vehicles receive special blue plates bearing the prefix CD (Diplomat) or CC (Consul).
New 47th Congress plates went on sale May 27, 2002. These plates
are fully customizable - not only the number but also the image (a choice
of several deities or the OM symbol) and even the slogan may be personalized. The slogan on the sample plate illustrated above is "Om Sri Matre Namah", the first name of the Lalita Sahasranama (the 1000 Names of the Divine Mother). Click on plate above to view an enlargement.

If there were a classic Patrienish architectural style, it would likely be "Hindu Deco", a curious and colourful mixture of Art Deco and Hindu kitsch, much like the Birla Temple in New Delhi illustrated above. This style isn't just used for Hindu temples but also for hockey arenas, which - as in Canada - are often considered to be places of worship.

Railway stations and other public buildings, government buildings, and universities in Patria tend to go for the "Indo-Gothic" style of Bombay's Victoria Terminus. Union Station in Castoropolis is a dead ringer for "VT", except that you won't find quite as many stray animals, beggars and homeless bums hanging around the station in Bombay. But this began to change in the 46th Congress, as the National Union swept into power in the Federal District of Castoropolis with a promise to "take back the streets" and bring some of Rudolph Giuliani's New York City brand of law & order to Patria's capital city. The NU was re-elected in the Federal District in 2002 and won 85 seats in the 47th Congress.
Government sponsorship of the arts is all but nonexistent in Patria. Nonetheless, with or without government funding, paintings, sculpture, etc. depicting the Divine Mother, other Hindu deities, or assorted New Age themes are, like the unspeakably schlocky plastic moose and Mountie dolls in Canada, the quintessential Patrienish Pop Culture kitsch. Colourful and sometimes weird drawings of the "Om" (a.k.a. "Aum") symbol can be found just about anywhere, even on walls of inner-city tenements where one might expect to find "tag" graffiti. For a collection of fancy "Om" graphics that you can download, such as the one illustrated here, visit the "Aum Page" of Hinduism Today magazine, published by the Himalayan Academy in Hawaii, USA. This magazine rocks!! If you decide to subscribe, tell 'em Patria's Ministry of Dharma sent you!
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More pop culture on Patria's snail-mail postage stamps!
The Patreinish Hockey League The puck drops here!
Explore Castoropolis (Kashipura), Patria's capital city
Constitution of Patria
Divine Mother's Home Page: A public service of the Ministry of Dharma
Political Parties in Patria
The Akashic Record: News from the Inner Realm
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