Patria votes ...
April 15, 2006
Election highlights:
The 13 Precincts and the Federal District of Castoropolis listed
at least 19 parties on the ballot, along with the possibility of
write-in votes where paper ballots are used.
Three new parties entered the race for the 48th Congress: the
one-issue "just say no until you say I do"
Party fighting the evils of pre-marital sex, the far-right openly
Freedom Party claiming to be
"Patria's only pro-white party", and the "have a take! don't
Jungle Party of Jim Rome
clones. Of of these new parties,the Jungle Party was the most
successful, winning a dozen seats in the 48th Congress. The Freedom
Party and Chastity Party were good for only 5 and 6 seats respectively,
and thus can be considered no more than
fringe nutbars.
Amrita Party - now incorporating the
Spiritual Regeneration Movement - despite being the front-running party
and gaining popularity since the
South Asian tsunami of
December 2004 still came in short of winning 40% or even
one-third of the seats in the 48th Congress. Nonetheless,
Amrita's 88 seats are still slightly better than the 85 seats won in 2002 and well ahead of the National Union's 70 seats. But Ammachi and
hug-meisters will once again
need to form a coalition that includes the bikes-not-cars
Green Party (24 seats), the womyn-only
Lilith Party (16 seats), and the non-sectarian
Chakra Party (48 seats). The
Chakra Party, who won
only 8 seats in the 47 Congress, won six times as many in the 48th
Congress as many ex-SRM voters who were not devotees of Ammachi
switched their votes to the "No Gurus, just right!" Chakras. The
Chakra Party and SRM famously dueled each other with negative campaign
ads in 1998 and 2002 (the negative electioneering was somewhat toned
down in 2006), and did not get along too well as coalition
partners during the 46th Congress. With the demise of the SRM as
a separate party, it remains to be seen if an Amrita-Chakra coalition
can govern effectively and overcome the National Union-led rightist
National Union has turned its law-and-order
guilty-until-proven-innocent bullseye from international terrorism
during the immediate post-9/11
47th Congress campaign to domestic street crime and gangs. As in
2002, the NU
continues its advocacy of racial profiling ("Black is the color of
crime!") and the no do-rags, no baggy jeans, no backwards baseball
hats, and no bling-bling dress code, along with its "Law and order!
Tooth and nail!" slogan. But the NU has virtually abandoned its
support to the hilt of George W. Bush, rah-rah cheerleading of
the GWOT (Global
War on Terror) and U.S. occupation of Iraq. Despite becoming
slightly less testosterone-driven as "the man's party" macho sloganeering
was dialed down in 2006, the NU
lost 15 seats from its 85 held in the 47th Congress.
Among the small leftist (aka "progressive") faction in Patria, the
Progressive Labor grabbed 19 seats as its "bring Patria's jobs
home" campaign against offshoring and outsourcing hit home amid fears
of job insecurity. The left, including the Social Democrats (11
seats) once again holds hold the balance of power, along with the
motley assortment of
one-trick-pony fringe parties such as the
Rationalists and
for Personal Responsibility (formerly the Party for Fiscal
Responsibility) and an assortment of one- or two-seaters.
For detailed election returns and seat
allocations by precinct, visit the 48th
Congress election page.
The 2006 All-Patria campaign:
Let's cut circumcision!
united against genital
Virtually all parties, with the notable exception of the Libertarians,
who view circumcision as a
free-choice issue beyond the reach of the nanny state,
have endorsed the campaign to end genital mutilation - particularly to
end the double standard of male circumcision being tolerated while
female genital mutilation is a criminal offense.
Pre-election recess, lame-duck session:
The 4th Session of the 47th Congress recessed on March 14, 2006 (108
days before Inauguration Day), to allow members to return to their home
precincts and fight
the campaign for re-election. On April 24,
Congress returned for a lame-duck session that will adjourn
sine die a day or two before
the Inauguration.
2005-06 Kamala Cup playoffs
The Castoropolis Centurions, despite a late-season surge that saw them
win almost all of their remaining games for 11 of a possible 12 points
in the last two weeks of the regular season, finished out of the
Patrienish Hockey League playoffs, edged out by
the Nova Columbia
Condors. In the Kamala Cup semi-finals, the Arboria Beavers meet
Nova Columbia, while the defending Kamala Cup champion Caesarea Violets
face the Centralia Crusaders.
New 48th Congress license plate

Patria's new 48th Congress
plate went on sale May 1, 2006. Click on plate to
view larger image. Note that the above sample is a
general issue, not a vanity. But the serial number (GTA-408) brings to
mind Bhagavad Gita, chapter 4, verse 8:
paritranaya sadhunam vinashaya cha
dushkritam, dharma samsthapanarthaya, sambhavami yuge yuge. (To
save the righteous, to destroy the evil-doers and to re-establish
dharma, in every age I take birth)