We went to bed on day 8 dreading this. The trip home. We'd spent a week in paradise, with no worries, no work, and basically no rules. Roscoe cooked us a wonderful farewell breakfast. Eggs and sausage. They're not the best things for a fellow to eat before a long roadtrip. Thank heavens for car windows.
When Wes took a load of luggage
out to the car, he came back in with a grin. He told me I had a
visitor. I walked out to the car and saw what he was talking about.
We had a hitchhiking frog. He must not have realized that were were going back
to our real lives, in cold Indiana. We managed to get him off the car, and
I took it as a good omen. We decided to make the trip home in one big long
straight shot.
We stopped 4 times on the way home. We would've stopped less, but there was a holdup on the highway in Nashville (which has a really STUPID Interstate system). Fortunately my car was fine all the way home. Except for that annoying noise when I braked. As we pulled into the driveway, I remembered how much I'd missed Indiana. The smell of the morning. The brisk breeze. The sun on the corn. Yep. I'll take Florida over it any day.
It had been the greatest week of my life. Everything had been perfect. I've already booked my next vacation there in May. And I'm taking Wes and 5 of my other closest friends. And the car? Well the car's ready for the trip. Even the annoying grinding noise has stopped. It's amazing what $400 worth of new brake parts can do. Wes is back up at school. And Roscoe came to visit him a couple weekends ago. As for Ontario? Who cares...
Reminisce about the old times. The good times. Like when you read day 6 just 12 minutes ago. It seems like longer. Remember those days?
Home - The Car, The Mouse, and The Frog. (but more importantly the Table of Contents)
Cast - Meet me. And Wes. And Roscoe, my car, and South-Central Canada.
Day 1 - Indiana, Waffle House, and No Vacancy.
Day 2 - Florida, Ontario, and The Car.
Day 3 - The Car (again), The Rides, and Creepy Animatronics.
Day 4 - Aliens, Ghosts, and Bears. Oh My!
Day 5 - Rain, Roscoe, and Hard Pizza.
Day 6 - Tornadoes, Aliens, and Evil Robots.
Day 7 - Spider-man, The Hulk, and the T-Rex that ate Orlando.
Day 8 - Deja Vu
Day 9 / Epilogue - The Frog, The Traffic, and Home.
Click here to see what Matt thought of all the attractions he visited at Disney-MGM Studios
Click here to see what Matt thought of all the attractions he visited at Disney's Magic Kingdom.
Click here to see what Matt thought of all the attractions he visited at Universal Islands of Adventure.
Click here to see what Matt thought of all the attractions he visited at Universal Studios Orlando.
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