Check out how my these ratings are arranged and figured on the Disney-MGM Studios page found here.
This is a great show with a 5
story tornado as it's central actor. Even the flying plastic cow is more
expressive than Bill Paxton in the pre-show video though...
Type of Ride: Walkthrough show.
Fun for: people who aren't afraid of storms, fire, or flying cows.
Fear Factor: 7. It's a tornado that's basically in your lap.
It's worth waiting: 60 mins
Matt's Rating: 8.5
This is one of the
original rides at the park. You'd better pray you get a good pilot.
Ours sucked. Not only was she a bad driver, we couldn't understand a word
she said. All we really caught was that she was scared and we were in
terrible danger if we were dressed like bananas.
Type of Ride: Dark Ride
Fun for: Ages 5+
Fear Factor: 6. You're elevated and being stalked by an escaped giant monkey. It's the kind of thing nightmares were based on.
It's worth waiting: 30 mins
Matt's Rating: 6
Learn all about giving
people the willies without being too graphic. Learn all about how people
in movies don't REALLY fall off of the Statue of Liberty.
Type of Ride: Show.
Fun for: People who have seen a Hitchcock film and think it's scary.
Fear Factor: 4.
It's worth waiting: Go see it once.
Matt's Rating: 6
It blew my mind. It blew everyone's mind. We went 4 times and every time it got a huge round of applause at the end. This is the coolest thing in the park. It owns you. Do it over and over and over and over...
Type of Ride: 3-D movie with live action
Fun for: ages 8+. Younger kids around us were scared because they couldn't tell what was real or what was movie.
Fear Factor: 5.
It's worth waiting: 120 mins
Matt's Rating: 14
Chase Biff through time!
Dodge falling rocks and a dinosaur! Get whiplash! (It's a little
Type of Ride: Hydraulic motion simulator.
Fun for: People who have rubbery necks. People who do really bad Doc Brown impressions.
Fear Factor: 5. That's not from the ride. That's from the hospital stay afterward.
It's worth waiting: 20 mins.
Matt's Rating: 5
This is Universal's Buzz
Lightyear ride. And it's MUCH MUCH better. You get to shoot other
cars too. Don't forget to press the red button when you're told to!
Type of Ride: Dark ride with targets
Fun for: People who are comfortable shooting poor defenseless aliens who will nuke your sorry butt if you don't shoot them first.
Fear Factor: 5
It's worth waiting: 60 minutes
Matt's Rating: 8. I'd've given it an 8.5, but Wes whupped my butt on this one by over 100,000 points.
All the thrills of being in an 8.3 earthquake while being trapped underground. With a lot more fire than would probably happen.
Type of Ride: Walkthrough show with dark ride.
Fun for: ages 6+
Fear Factor: 7. I hope you're not claustrophobic
It's worth waiting: 60 minutes
Matt's Rating: 7.5
I love this
movie. I love this ride. If you want a nice tan, sit near the front
of the boat. The flames will make you a toasty golden brown. Oh, and
don't fall in the water. There's a big shark out there.
Type of Ride: Boat ride
Fun for: Ages 7+
Fear Factor: 7. It's worse than an escaped giant monkey on the rampage!
It's worth waiting: 90 minutes.
Matt's Rating: 9
This is a great park for grown-ups who love movies! There isn't much along the way of rides, but there's lots to do in the time you're there!
Fun for: Ages 5+
Fear Factor: 4.
Matt's Rating: 9
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