A Pseudo-Bishop who Preyed Daily! Meanwhile, after spending five years sitting outside of prisons in my motor home, I decided to take the advice of an FBI agent, Barry Colvert, to do some type of ministry. I answered an ad to study for ordination and ended up being scammed out of nearly $150,000 by a self-appointed pseudo-bishop named Edward Francis Vaisvilas, running a "seminary mill". He claimed to be canonical, but in fact was never ordained anything more than deacon. He took every penny out of all my bank accounts, and indebted me to pay for a property he said he planned to use for a church. He never had any intention of opening a church or of doing any ministry, but merely wanted my mortgage application to get access to all my funds. He had me open a bank account for the never-to-exist church, and demanded an ATM card as "bishop", to take care of things in case of any future emergency. Then he sent me out of town on a "ministry" assignment, and while I was gone, transferred by telephone all my money from all other accounts, without my knowledge. When I returned to make a complaint with the sheriff, the "Most Reverend Father Vice" had me put involuntarily in a mental hospital, lying that I was dangerous and delusional. That put another $9,000 worth of bills on me for the hospital bills for eight days for which I had no insurance! I currently have five law suits filed against him which I am handling pro se, since I have no money for lawyers. The complete story will be a later link. The State attorney has thus far refused to prosecute him on grounds of "freedom of religion". Vaisvilas has no church whatsoever and does not hold any services except ordinations, for which he gets big bucks! If you know any scam artist crooks who want to get away with evil deeds, they should be advised to claim to be a canonical bishop. They don't need to be ordained. They don't need to have any church or parisioners. They can just claim to be a primate. In Vaisvilas case, he claimed various churches belonging to other denominations were his. He even fooled the RC"s and got them to concelebrate an ordination with him in Dallas. This has been very embarrassing to many of his "clergy" when they found their orders were not valid. Vaisvilas talks all the time, and every word is a lie. Incredible! I would appreciate it if any one who knows anything about the background of this man get in contact with me. Apparently he was never ordained a priest or bishop anywhere, and has been running this scam since the mid '80's, at least. The only credential he was able to show investigators was ordination to Deacon in WOCA byBishop Luther, who refuses to confirm that he was ever a priest much less a bishop in that organization. UPDATE: Vaisvilas was convicted several times for forging prescriptions, and on July 30, 1998 he died suddenly, likely from a drug overdose. No autopsy was done, and he was only 42 years old. At that time he was claimind 25 years of priesthood! That means he must have started his seminary training at around the age of 11! (Impossible, of course!)I still have a lawsuit against his parents, who aided and abetted him in his scam from their home and on their phone.
Following this misadventure, I became a CNA in order to be qualified to care for my elderly (age 94) disabled mother at home.. But she since entered a nursing home. Mother died in March 2001, being killed under the Florida euthanasia law. When an elderly person in a Florida nursing home runs out of funds, they euthanize them. The doctor declares (falsly) that they cannot swallow thin liquids like water. My mother was not allowed any water for a year and a half. So her electrolytes got out of balance and this causes heartbeat and breathing to stop. If that fails, they are put under hospice nurse care, and are given no food or water until they die. In my mother's case this took six days of terrible painful suffering. She moaned and groaned, grabbing me around the neck for protection. But I could do nothing to help her, because of the presence of the hospice nurses. Many of the doctors in Florida are Hindus and come from India. They believe in reincarnation. So why live through old age? That kind of death is very painful and scary. Never sign a DNR form for your loved ones, as this allows them to do as I described about my mother. "Do not resussitate" does not mean don't bring them back after death. It means, in my mind, "murder"! It is a much more painful way than any criminal gets who is given the death penalty. It was never my mother's wish to die like that. She wanted to live to be 200!
In addition to the four cases I filed against the fraud bishop in Florida, there is another one pending in Alabama because, on my way from Memphis to Florida to make a complaint against the phony bishop, my car was totaled by a sleepy truck driver, and his insurance company did not pay me, even though I have had over $35,000 of medical bills and am in constant pain more than three years later. The driver admitted to speeding and said he never saw me because he had dropped a cassette on the floor and had bent down to grope for it without slowing down. I had just had a flat tire, had my hazard lights on, and was driving slowly - trying to get to the nearest exit. He hit me in the rear at over 65 miles per hour and didn't even get a ticket! Ah me! Justice in America!