

My Interests

I love classical music - especially the keyboard works of Bach and Mozart, and older popular songs ('20's through the '50's).   I dislike the current music and so-called "concert" style with loud amplifiers and drums.  I also do not like jazz or black music much, although black gospel songs like "Amazing Grace" are inspiring. I used to be an avid reader of non-fiction and spy stories (I wonder why), but my poor vision has put the brakes on that now.

Since I got my Direct TV satellite, I mostly watch MSNBC and Fox news, plus the 5/24/7 relitious stations I can get. I record a lot of them, especially on the subjects of prophecy, revelation, etc. If I watch any movies, they are mostly history, action or spy stories. I have about 900 VCR tapes.  My favorite TV shows, outside of news and the Christian broadcasts, are anything on "Intelligence", such as spy stories and conspiracy theories. I know from personal experience that such things do exist (another later link).  I used to like Mission Impossible, From Hart to Hart, Documentaries, the Discovery and Learning channels, CNN,  plus the educational channel. I also watch Fox News, The O'Reily Factor, Hannity and Colmes, and more. I despise comedy shows with canned laughter, yet kind of get a kick out of "Mama's Family", "Married with Children", and a few other late late shows, like "Tonight with Jay Leno".  I like to do my own home repairs, and I care for my own yard. I have many house plants. I love to travel to interesting places, and shipped a motor home to Europe and lived in it over seven years during the 1980's.  We took it everywhere from Norway to Rome, to Berlin, to Paris, to Vienna, and Istanbul in Turkey.  I like pretty scenery, mountains, beaches, and forests and flowers.  I  don't care for cats.  Horses look pretty in a pasture, but I don't ride anymore, and don't care to groom or feed them.  I enjoy crafts like stained glass and ceramics. I am particularly interested in political injustices, and am planning to set up another web page inviting personal stories of injustices in the matter of law enforcement and the government, with such topics as law, government, lawyers, FBI, CIA, ATF, Waco, Ruby Ridge, courts, judges, and others.  Both positive and negative stories will be of interest.  I am also planning another page on ministry and "the beauty of God's house and world".

Be sure to come back and visit when I get those set up.

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