The UNAM and Chiapas cases.
When Ernesto Zedillo took office as President of Mexico on December 1st, 1994, he swore solemnly: "I swear to fulfill and to enforce the Constitution of the Mexican United States, as well as the laws issuing from it". By then, he had already inherited a legal bomb from his predecessor, the most hated president in the Mexican history, Carlos Salinas de Gortari: Chiapas.
The situation in the Mexican state of Chiapas has two faces: One, the humanitarian, which comprises the misery of most of its inhabbitants and the lack of basic communitary services. This one has been atended since january 1994 with a very active and powerful governmental program of social improvement: Unequiped, small, badly built hospitals and schools are inaugurated every month, power, water and phone lines are extended to small villages every day, and new roads are constantly laid down. These programs have a very demagogic aspect, since all major illnesses have to be treated in the big hospitals in the cities, so the small village hospitals are good only to fight headaches and conventional infections. In the other hand, many of the profesors at the rural schools barely know to read, but they can hardly tell you who George Washington, Benjamin Franklin or Gengis Khan were or when was the Mexican political independence achieved, or what were the causes or precedents to the Mexican independence war, or who had been the Mexican Presidents since the Reforma Wars. Most of them couldn't make elementary algebraic operations, nor mention over 15 chemical elements. What kind of education are the rural kids going to receive from them? For the Mexican officials it is easy to dazzle the American journalists and congressmen/women and the officials from international financial institutions with luminous parades of flashing, impressive numbers. But they should go to Chiapas and ask and hear by themselves.
The other face of Chiapas is that of a legal problem. Laws are inadequate and give only soft punisment to criminals, specially when they abbuse the peasant or deprive him/her from his/her land by force. Soldiers belonging on the Mexican Army give armed support, weapons and training to the guardias blancas, the rich landowners' personal armies. When someone gets arrested, it is always easy to get out from jail with a regularly skilled lawyer or by giving some money to the authorities or to the prosecutors. Everything is easy.
The continued, growing state of illegality in Chiapas allowed by Carlos Salinas de Gortari caused the poor peasants who to desperate and to follow a crazed, masked leader: The "Undercomandant" Marcos, who claims ideologic descent from Emiliano Zapata, a landowner who fought the far-right, pro-german military regimes of Presidents Porfirio Díaz and Victoriano Huerta in the 1910 decade and was martyrized by the far-right pseudorevolutionary President Venustiano Carranza afterwards. Marcos and his followres, the"Ejército Zapatista de Liberación Nacional", Zapatista National Liberation Army, took over San Cristóbal, a city in central Chiapas, on January 1st, 1994
When President Salinas was informed by his military staff about how difficult would the termination of the indians be twelve days later, he proclaimed an unilateral fire holding and his will to "negotiate" with them. A special legislative period followed, and an Amnesty Law was issued. Months later, the Federal Government signed the San Andrés Agreements, in which it accepted the compromise to withdraw the Federal Army from Chiapas in order to make easier to continue the negotiations with the rebels. Despite this compromise, the Mexican Government hasn't withdrawn its army from there. Au contraire, President Zedillo has ordered the number of soldiers to increase by several thousands. The exact number of soldiers in Chiapas is still a state secret.
The growing military presence in that state hasn't been accompanied by a better enforcement of the Law. Human Rights activists are constantly harassed by agents belonging to Zedillo's party, the PRI; peasants are being dragged out from their own lands every day by soldiers and guardias blancas, and rapes and beatings stay unpunished.
There's also an armed group created and controlled by Samuel Sánchez, a PRIist Congressman. This group names itself "Paz y Justicia" (Peace and Justice). It runs a permanent harassment campaing against Zapatista sympathizers and have erected themselves as the illegal, pseudoofficial Chiapas State militia. This army has about 10000 members, armed and equiped. And the Mexican Secretary of Defence says "I don't see them. Paramilitary groups don't exist. There is no evidence of them". Nor the Federal Army nor the Mexican Procuraduría (Department of Justice) do anything to arrest them, even when the fire weapons they use -mainly Russian AK-47 rifles- are strictly forbidden by Mexican Law.
Another legal problem Zedillo refuses to face is the occupation of Mexico's biggest university, the UNAM- Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México- Mexico National Authonomous University. Six months ago, a small group of pseudo-students and pseudo-profesors took over the University and built barricades around it to prevent the entering of those who want and need to study and to give classes. This group of criminals have self-established themselves as owners of that public university, and have stole several computers and documents from it. Sometimes, they go out to the streets to cry and to terrify the people, and if someone is on their way, he or she is in heavy risk to be beaten or stolen. One of their leaders, Alejandro Echavarría aka "Elmosh" assaulted and robed a young female journalist in front of TV cameras. She went to the prosecutor's office to accuse him, and he's still free and no attempt to arrest him has been made. The legal representatives of the UNAM have also accused to Mexico's Attorney General the criminals that have taken over the university, and he, who is under Zedillo's direct authority, has done nothing to arrest them nor to pull them outside the UNAM.
Were this not enough, thousands of Mexicans have to suffer every day abbuse from their own policemen, many of who commit all kind of crimes: Assault, armed robbery, kidnapping, murder. Almost since Zedillo took office as President, a growing crimewave has drowned Mexico. People is affraid to go out to the street. Even in their own homes, they aren't safe. The Mexican Justice system is so inefficient and corrupt that out of every 100 crimes denounced, only 4 are investigated enough to make arrests, and out of those 4 arrests, only one gets sentenced. The Mexican Justice system is so corrupt. No mater how violent, insulting and cruel a criminal is, if he has enough money he is not caught by policemen, and if he's arrested, he goes free after few months in prison. The only exceptions are:
- Jorge Lankenau, a banker who stole billions from his creditors and is now in jail. This is because he is a financer of the oppositionist liberal Partido Acción Nacional (PAN).
- Carlos Cabal, another banker who stole billions both from his creditors and from the Salinas de Gortari family. He's most likely to get killed when he got extradited to Mexico from Australia.
-Another banker-robber, known as "El Divino", stole from his creditors millions and financed Zedillo's party, the PRI. He's now free.
Ernesto Zedillo has cried many times "in Mexico, nobody is above the Law!", but he insists in a subjective application of the Law. "We cannot be blind in the enforcement of the Law", he says. This is idiocy: The Law is one; the Law is for everyone and everyone is obligated to fulfill it. He himself cried "in Mexico, nobody is above the Law!". Who is speaking? Are there two Zedillos? Does Zedillo suffer from Amnesy Intentional? He swore to fulfill and to enforce the Constitution of Mexico and the laws issuing from it, which expressely consecrate the freedom of transit and expressely establish punishment for those who unduely appropiate public or private goods. Zedillo is not fulfilling the Law which obligates him to enforce the Law nor he is enforcing the Law. He's breaking his Presidential oath. He has no word.
What can you expect from a President who is a passive accomplice of criminals, a President who just sits behind his desk to watch how chaos and crime take over his country? You should think twice before signing any kind of paper with him, and you should take your money out of his jurisdiction. Who knows if he'll tolerate also your money to be stolen.
November 11, 1999:
A 10 years-old child was murdered in Chiapas by peasants who are said to be members of the PRI. She and her family were brutally gunshot in an alley when going home.
At the same time, one thousand indians arrived to Acteal, Chiapas, after leaving their lands because of threats from paramilitary groups linked to the PRI. The office of Chiapas' Attorney General says they left their lands because they wanted to.
Another interesting fact -happened about two months ago-is the running aground of the U$600,000 private yacht of Miguel Yunes, who was Francisco Labastida's subordinate at the Ministry of Inner Affairs. The yacht ran aground near the Northern coast of the Yucatán Peninsula. When the Navy checked it out, they found 1000 pounds of cocaine.
December 1st, 1999
Everardo Moreno, Undersecretary of Justice, declared to the media the Mex. Dept. of Justice could forgive the offenders of the UNAM. This shows how much is the Zedillo Government interested in enforcing the Law.
December 12th, 1999
The very same day of the Virgin of Guadalupe, Mexico's most worshiped image, two individuals entered into another's house, dragged him out and shot him dead. Another example of the "Well-being" Zedillo is giving to the Mexican people.January 26th, 2000
The Paristas who were keeping two buildings belonging to the UNAM left them. Fernando Serrano, Attorney of the UNAM, called the recently formed Federal Preventive Police when the authorities of the UNAM were about to enter. The Policemen arrived and even poised for the TV helicopters from the buidings' roofs, but minutes later the Director of the National Preventive Police called them back to leave the building unprotected thus making easier for the violent and fanatical paristas to attack, hurt and kill the professors and students who entered the building. Zedillo's policy regarding the UNAM is clear: To stay immobile to make easier for those criminals, the paristas to control the University and to terrorize the inhabitants of the capital. So Zedillo himself has turned into a criminal, becoming an accomplice in a crime ( Read more). Two prestigious law professors of the UNAM have denounced Zedillo and his Secretary of Justice to the official Ombudsman, Rafael Soberanis, so he could commend them to do something about.Nineteen Injured in High School Because of Zedillo's Indifference.
February 1st, 2000
Today at 3PM a group of desperate students took over the "High School Number 3" belonging to the UNAM which had been in power of the paristas since April 1999. Two hours later, the paristas stroke back with stones and entered violently the school, injuring 19 school guards. At 6:30PM the newly formed Policía Federal Preventiva (Preventive Federal Police) took over the high school. They arrested dozens of paristas because they found they had explosives. It is remarkable that the policemen enforced the law only now when Zedillo is in Europe riding bicycle and getting kissed by the King of Spain.Update:
February 2nd, 2000
Today it was informed there were actually45 guards injured by the paristas at High School Number 3. TV scenes showed the brutal beating: There were about 12 criminals using tubes, wood cylinders and even pans to hurt those unarmed guards. Once they were in the floor, they kept using their improvised weapons or just kicked them. Four guards stay in a Mexico City hospital.
It was also informed that there were 248 paristas arrested by federal policemen. However -and this confirms there is official interest supporting the paristas to create social unstability- two main leaders of that criminal movement who were filmed by TV cameras beating the guards "scaped" as if they were Houdinis: Professor Mario Benitez and former student Abraham Selva aka "The Moon-Ra". Benitez have been previously accused of robbery, and Selva have been accused of kidnapping and torture. Both of them are being "Investigated" by the Department of Justice.
The arrested paristas have been accused by the District Attorney of Conspiracy, riot, sabotage, injures, robbery and terrorism. This last charge makes impossible for them to go free paying a guarantee.At Last, Zedillo Delivers the UNAM.
February 6th, 2000
After 290 days of illegal occupation, the UNAM got delivered by unarmed members of the newly formed Federal Preventive Police who acted in a clean, professional operation to capture over 600 paristas who had seized Mexico's biggest university. Policemen discovered dozens of big marijuana plants the paristas had planted there, and Molotov bottles as well. The policemen were accompanied by attorneys of the Departmente of Justice and by members of the National Commision of Human Rights. No policemen nor paristas got wounded. This is a clear sign that in Mexico when the Presidente has the will to do something well done, it's well done. The only problem is that over 180000 students have already lost over 9 months of study because Zedillo didn't act on time.
Oligopolic Power in Tortilla Production
The "Club Cadena Maíz-Tortilla" has both oligopolic power over the tortilla production as well as oligopsonic power over the maize production in Mexico. This is illegal and causes consumers to pay much higher prices for tortillas, the basic meal for the vast majority of the Mexican population. Despite oligopsonic and oligopolic powers are forbidden by the Economic Competition Law and Zedillo knows this, he tolerates the existence of the "Club Cadena Maíz-Tortilla", happy because it causes more misery to the people.
Tortillas are the foundation of the Mexican diet. If they are offered at a higher price, people will certainly eat less, and the starvation level could surpass the current 50 000 a year in Mexico. This transforms Zedillo in both a criminal against mankind and in a common criminal.Update:
January 18th, 2000
Minister of Trade Herminio Blanco told today the "Club Cadena Maíz-Tortilla" buys "only" 10% of the total maize production. But he's not declaring how much of the total maize meal "Club Cadena" buys. Most tortilla shops work with maize meal, produced by two enterprises with both oligopolic and oligopsonic power: Maseca and Minsa. The illegal control of the market from these entities is tolerated by Zedillo, who this way becomes a criminal against mankind.Zedillo Answers Brutally to Student
Chiapas. April 2nd, 2000
Despotic Presidente Zedillo makes ostension once again of prepotence. He, who groans "Democracy, Liberty, Freedom" shows himself as a stinking tyran. At a Presidential worship act at a high school, a 14 year-old female student asked him to enforce the San Andres Agreements signed by Zedillo, which include total withdraw of the Federal Army from Chiapas. The idiot told her "We have accomplished them". The girl told him that wasn't true. Then the imbecil, as posessed by a spirit of idiocy, groaned "¡Violence solves nothing!", and as the desperate girld cried "That's not true", the idiotic Presidente cried "¡Violent!¡Violent!¡Violent!", with his sissy-like voice.
Evidently, for idiot Presidente Zedillo, everything that's not accord with his lies, hypocrisy and corruption is "Violent"
Paristas Attacked the U.S. Embassy at Mexico City with stones and explosives, and damaged twelve cars belonging to it.Read
Zedillo accused of corruption
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Ernesto Zedillo.
Member of the PRI
Presidente de México.
The President doesn't enforce Law