Click HERE for BIG letters. A. Zedillo accused of Narco-corruption.
Ernesto Zedillo, Presidente of Mexico, was said to be possibly linked to drug-trafficking or a possible accomplice of the drug cartels: He did not processed nor investigated the 18 members of a list the U.S. Government gave him when he took office in 1994, five years ago. The list contains the names of 18 high security officials of Mexico, of which the U.S. Government has "strong evidences of narco-corruption". This according to John McLaughlin (the journalist) in a spot of his program One on One, which was to be broadcasted this Sunday on NBC.
It is very strange that, given this lack of collaboration, or open protection to officials linked to drug smuggling from Zedillo, President Clinton is always certifying the Mexican Government in drug fight and Zedillo gets always praise from U.S. drug officials.
Mexican Congressmen have discovered a huge robbery in a former Goverment-owned company, the National Company of National Subsistences (CONASUPO, in Spanish) made over the 1986-1992 period. Their report states this robbery exceeds U.S.$53 million. The Congressmen send a message to the Mexican Department of Justice asking to investigate the officials Jaime Serra (former Minister of Trade and Industry), Jorge de la Vega (Former President of the PRI and Minister of Rural Reform), Eugenio Carreón, Jorge Espinoza, Elena Vázquez(Former Minister of Contralory), Jacques Rogozincki, Carlos Ruiz (Current Minister of Communications and Transportarion), Enrique Alvarez (Former General, Governor and Secretary of Justice), Salvador Giordano, Pedro Aspe(Former Minister of Finance), Efrén Díaz and Ignacio Ovalle... some of them were members of the Council of Administration of Miconsa, Conasupo, Liconsa and Diconsa. Others were members of the "Desincorporation unit" of the Ministery of Finance and in the Ministery of Contralory. Because of this, they had information about the robberies being commited. It is important the fact that all of the above named are members of Zedillo's party, the PRI.
The Congressmen complainted the Contralory and the Ministery of Finance did not give them information to let them know whether the corrupt officials were punished or not. (This mean they weren't). The frauds commited against the Conasupo were made thru the payment of commisions on exclusive distribution contracts of corn flour, "irregularities" in the sale of several industrial plants, and the buying and corrupt distribution of cheap radiactive milk from Ireland (remember Chernobyl and its radiactive cloud? Raúl Salinas and other Conasupo officials bought contaminated milk very cheap and gave it to the Conasupo and the PRI). There were also "overprices" in the building of industrial plants.
Since 1988 Zedillo was Minister of Budget, and he approved an unnecessary and illegal subsidy to Maseca, a corn flour making enterprise "linked" to the Salinas de Gortari family (Salinas was President from 1988 to 1994) by five million dollars. This illegal subsidy was also approved by Jaime Serra, who was Minister of Trade and Industry by then.