General Government
Corruption in Mexico Report

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Mexican Congressmen have discovered a huge robbery in a former Goverment-owned company, the National Company of National Subsistences (CONASUPO, in Spanish) made over the 1986-1992 period. Their report states this robbery exceeds U.S.$53 million. The Congressmen send a message to the Mexican Department of Justice asking to investigate the officials Jaime Serra (former Minister of Trade and Industry), Jorge de la Vega (Former President of the PRI and Minister of Rural Reform), Eugenio Carreón, Jorge Espinoza, Elena Vázquez(Former Minister of Contralory), Jacques Rogozincki, Carlos Ruiz (Current Minister of Communications and Transportarion), Enrique Alvarez (Former General, Governor and Secretary of Justice), Salvador Giordano, Pedro Aspe(Former Minister of Finance), Efrén Díaz and Ignacio Ovalle... some of them were members of the Council of Administration of Miconsa, Conasupo, Liconsa and Diconsa. Others were members of the "Desincorporation unit" of the Ministery of Finance and in the Ministery of Contralory. Because of this, they had information about the robberies being commited. It is important the fact that all of the above named are members of Zedillo's party, the PRI.
The Congressmen complainted the Contralory and the Ministery of Finance did not give them information to let them know whether the corrupt officials were punished or not. (This mean they weren't). The frauds commited against the Conasupo were made thru the payment of commisions on exclusive distribution contracts of corn flour, "irregularities" in the sale of several industrial plants, and the buying and corrupt distribution of cheap radiactive milk from Ireland (remember Chernobyl and its radiactive cloud? Raúl Salinas and other Conasupo officials bought contaminated milk very cheap and gave it to the Conasupo and the PRI). There were also "overprices" in the building of industrial plants.
Since 1988 Zedillo was Minister of Budget, and he approved an unnecessary and illegal subsidy to Maseca, a corn flour making enterprise "linked" to the Salinas de Gortari family (Salinas was President from 1988 to 1994) by five million dollars. This illegal subsidy was also approved by Jaime Serra, who was Minister of Trade and Industry by then.
Do you still trust the PRI and the Government of Mexico? This is, in words of the Congressmen, "just the top of the Iceberg". There are much more cases of PRI-linked corruption, like the Dante Delgado case. Dante was interine Governor of Veracruz in the 1988-1992 period. The Mexican Department of Justice proved he stole U.S. $150 million. This was proven because Dante left the PRI few years ago after a violent argument with Presidente Zedillo. So he got punished.
See also Presidente's Corruption in Mexico HERE.

Contralor Protects Corrupt Public Servant. Why?
December 15th, 1999
Today it was announced in Reynosa that Gerardo Higareda, a member of the PRI, has stolen U.S.$ 2.4 million from the City Hall. Higareda currently lives in neighbouring McAllen, TX.
Today it was announced that the Federal Contralory has punished a former public servant in Sonora forbidding him to occupy any other position in the Government during the next 16 years because he stole U.S.$116000 from the Government. However, the Contralor refuses to say who the former servant is. The robber can keep both the money and his freedom because he's rumoured to be a member of the PRI.

Governor stole U.$ 8 Million, Congressmen Say.
January 11th, 2000
Former Governor of Tamaulipas State, Manuel Cavazos, was accused today by local congressmen of having stolen U.$.8 million by means of fraud in the construction of highways, via excessive payments to "Advisers" and rent of heavy machinery. Cavazos, a member of the PRI, ruled the state during its most corrupt days, when the most violent druglord Juan García-Abrego, head of the "Cartel of the Gulf" terrorised citizens both sides of the border and gathered a fortune of over U.$ 20 billion. However, Cavazos is most likely to get protection from his party, and to live longer than those who are accusing him.
Update: More Money Stolen
January 17th, 2000
Local congressmen told today Cavazos Lerma stole U.$. 15 million declaring he was constructing a road.

Several Millions of Dollars Vanished in the Mexican Post System.
January 2000.
In the late days of 1999, millions of Mexican Citizens went to the Post Offices to use its facilities to send money certificates to their relatives to help them pay their holiday parties. The relatives didn't get the money, and they hadn't gotten it. The postal authorities refuse to give back the money. They claim their computers failed. And now there are several millions "lost in cyberspace"... or secretly saved somewhere. Reality is that the Post Company does have that money, and now refuses to give it back to those who trusted it.

Former Mexico City Major Refuses to Say how Much he Has
January 2000
Oscar Espinoza, member of the PRI, friend of Zedillo, current Minister of Tourism and former Mexico City Mayor, has been challenged by the current Mayoresse, Rosario Robles, to declare how much does he have. He refuses to, propiciating suspicions of corruption. Robles says Espinoza used to earn bonuses of U.$. 75 000 and U.$. 100 000. Espinoza put the City in heavy financial distress by hiring heavy loans when the interest rate was at its historical top levels.

Governor Appropiates Property
and Pays Less Than its Value for it
January 20th, 2000
The Governor of Guerrero State has appropiated "legally" a 2223.9 acres property bleonging to the Tesalino Palma family and to other 400 peasants in the touristic port of Acapulco. The Governor paid only U.$ 2.65 million for it.

Zedillo "Unable" to Stop Corruption, Contralor Says
January 21th, 2000
Arsenio Farell, Contralor and Minister of the Government, declared today to the media that "Zedillo has ben 'unable' to stop corruption...despite governmental efforts, corruption is still an illness...". What Farell doesn't say is that in Mexico the Presidente is allmighty, and that Zedillo is the Presidente thanks to the PRI, the main engine of corruption in te country.

More Corruption in Hidalgo
January 2000
There are 84 new Mayors in Hidalgo State. Of the 84 former Mayors, only 25 have delivered clear accounts of the money they received from both the Federal and State Governments for their Counties. It seems the other 59 have corrupt movements to hide.

200 Million Lost in Corruption in the Public Health System Every Year
Guadalajara. January 25th, 2000
The National Anti-Corruption Movement (Movimiento Nacional Anti-Corrupción, MNA) denounced today in public letter the existence of corruption in the purchase of medicins at the Regional Western Direction of the Mexican Social Security Institute.
The MNA says since 1993 when Genaro Borrego -former President of the PRI- took office as Chairman of the Institute and Jorge de la Rosa was appointed Underdirector of Supplies of the MSSI, corruption started again in the medicine purchases. The MNA also says some chiefs of purchases cause intentionally shortage in medicines to make "emergency purchases" to medicine suppliers at high prices and thus earn big money for themselves. The MNA informs the lack of medicines at the MSSI is of 40% and that the "emergency purchases" are now 10 times bigger than when Borrego took office. It seems MMSI officials are shareholders in some of the suppliers to which the MSSI buys since it buys to retail -sometimes detail- salers, not to the laboratories that produce the medicines. At the end of its document, the MNA states those suppliers earn U.$ 200 million every year thanks to this suspicious practice.

A Corrupt and Fanatical PRI Mayoresse
Febuary 1st, 2000
Delia Ortiz member of the PRI and Mayoresse of Alvarado, Veracruz, who got involved in sabotage against oppositionist candidate Vicente Fox was accused today by dozens of citizens of "Resources diversion". The woman reports to the State Congress she has finished 35 public works. But reality is that she has finished none of them. Some of them haven't even begun. The demonstrators assure Delia is buying all of the required materials to her own son, who has a building materials store. Delia is therefore a typical member of the "New PRI".

Governor Wants More Money
February 1st, 2000
Governor of Sinaloa Juan Millán, a friend of Francisco Labastida, refuses to inform to the Congress of his state what for does he want a U.$ 25 million loan he has requested without informing to it. According to the Sinaloa State Constitution, before indebting its Government, the Governor must ask for permission to the Congress and explain to it what for is the money needed. The Governor can indebt his State only if 2/3 of the congressmen support him in this particular issue.

The Tabascan Government Hid Help to Victims of the Floods.
Villahermosa, Tabasco. February 16th, 2000
Today it was discovered a large hold in which the Tabascan Government, controlled by the PRI, had hid dozens of tons of food, water and garments donated by people who wanted to help those who lost their homes under the floods that last october devastated that zone. Neighbours reported to the media they have been watching every night policemen to pick up boxes therefrom. It is speculated they were going to be used to support the campaigns of candidates of the PRI.

Three Sinaloan Mayors Stole U$300 Million.
Culiacán, Sinaloa. February 16th, 2000
Three Sinaloan mayors members of the PRI have stolen U$ 300 million, informed today a national TV network. Prosecutors claim they can't touch them because Francisco Labastida, who is current Candidate of the PRI to the Presidency, forced the Local Congress to disminish penalty for that crime from 12 to 9 years of imprisonment.

General Governmental Corruption