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A PRI-Mayoresse's Sabotage to an Honest Candidate.
December 11th, 1999
Vicente Fox, Candidate of the National Action Party (PAN) to the Presidency, was sabotaged in his campaign in Alvarado by Delia Ortiz, the Mayoresse member of the ruling PRI. Just when Fox arrived to the town, Ortiz announced she was going to give food gratis. Because of the famine the PRI has caused in México and suffered by thousands of inhabbitants in the city, no more than 50 people went to the rally, while hundreds and hundreds were blocks away trying to get food from the Majoresse, who didn't explain any logistic reason for the giving of food exactly at the same time the rally was scheduled. Another example of how clean the PRI plays.
Febuary 1st, 2000
Delia Ortiz member of the PRI and Mayoresse of Alvarado, Veracruz, who got involved in sabotage against oppositionist candidate Vicente Fox was accused today by dozens of citizens of "Resources diversion". The woman reports to the State Congress whe has finished 35 public works. But reality is that she has finished none of them. Some of them haven't even begun. The demonstrators assure Delia is buying all of the required materials to her own son, who has a building materials store. Delia is therefore a typical member of the "New PRI".
The PRI is Hidding Dirty Tricks and is Getting Ready for More.
December 12th, 1999
"Monday we are attempting to disolve this commision so absurd, ridiculous and inconvenient for the Democracy in the country...", cried, furious, Rafael Ceguera, Parliamentary Vicecoordinator of the PRI, this after the President of such Commision, Elodia Gutiérrez said they could investigate the accusations about the use of Governmental resources and departments to support Francisco Labastida, the PRI Candidate to the Presidency. Ceguera said the PRI has 10 million votes ensured for its candidate -which is absolutely false.
Mexican Judges Prohibit Political Logo Illegally
January 10th, 2000
Read full story
A President of the PRI and her Hate to an Oppositionist
January 10th, 2000
Dulce María Sauri -President of the PRI- continues her very own campaign of personal attacks on Vicente Fox, candidate of the PAN to the Presidency. About a month ago, the woman called him "Emperor of Intolerance". Few weeks ago she attacked him again. And now she calls him "Emotionally unstable" because of his "response to the new of the prohibition from judges on his proposed political logo". (Read full story) But Sauri doesn't analyze her own actions: First, she doesn't say why does she call Fox "Emperor of Intolerance", while Fox has always been tolerant of everything -even personal attacks against him. Second, Fox did not show any exceedingly emotional response nor attitude when he was informed about the illegal prohibition. Third, Sauri herself is heavily linked -enchained?- to the most intolerant, fanatical and aggresive sectors of the PRI, specially in her own state (Yucatán) where four days ago the leaders of the PRI section of the State Congress cried the Catholic priests were homosexual, that they took women -including nuns-, and beget children with them (They were so furiously possesed by hate that they didn't realise that if the priests were homosexual they wouldn't beget children). Four, Sauri herself is showing deep intolerance by criticizing others who think different without any real basis. Five, Sauri hasn't watched a video of her own declarations: The woman looks furious, with deep hate in her black eyes, with a expression of immense but barely contained fury in her face, so tremendous that she can hardly articulate, because she would prefer to scream horrible insulting sentences against Fox and against all those who oppose the PRI. Actually, Sauri seems to get emotionally unstable when someone doesn't like her most corrupt, violent, fanatical party.
January 17th, 2000
Dulce Sauri said today Fox is a "Mirror candidate", whatever it means. Sha also said "he's unable to show consistent ideas". But her own party has been unable to develop consistent ideas. An example of this is that many of the Congressmen members of the PRI that clapped when Presidente José López appropiated the banks in 1982 voted nine years later for their privatisation. It seems she doesn't know what to say.
Jab! Dulce Sauri More Lies from Candidate
January 14th, 2000
Jesus Silva-Herzog, Candidate of the PRI to Mexico City Mayor, said today in a radiophonic interview "In corruption, there's always someone who receives and another who gives (money)". This is another lie from the candidate who in 1982, when he was Minister of Finance, refused to pay Mexico's external debt. Silva-Herzog continued insinuating that there's corruption widespread in all the Mexican Society, just as his boss José López Portillo -remembered as one of the most corrupt presidentes of Mexico- did when he cried cinically "All of we are the corruption; corruption is everyone". This is a typical diversive tactic from the Mexican public servants members of the PRI: When questioned about corruption or any other subject, they blame everyone.
Silva-Herzog deliberately ignored that the overwhelming majority of the corruption cases in Mexico are detected inside the Government, or in organisations directly linked and/or subject to it. He also deliberately ignored that the typical corrupt act is of the kind of a simple robbery: The public servant just takes the money and puts it in foreign bank accounts. Or he puts overprices in the declared costs of building a road and takes the difference for himself. Silva-Herzog doesn't want to recognize that in the overwhelming majority of the cases, corruption is a business of one and only one. This shows how great his will to deform the public perception of "some" things is.Labastida's Cousin Murdered Before Family
Mexico City, January 15th, 2000
An annoying crime. Carlos Nieto Labastida, 62, Francisco Labastida's cousin was murdered today at 7:05PM in the garage of his own house. He was returning home with his family. Suddenly, without spelling a word, three men entered, put their guns on his face and shot.
This crime offends the whole of the Mexican society and has a clear political goal: To daunt the candidate of the PRI. It is sure that there are individuals and organisations who want to put him out of the way to appoint their own candidate. This finds confirmation in the report from the Mexican Department of Justice, which claims he was murdered in an "armed robbery" case. This is idiocy, since the murderers did not steal anything from him nor from his family, nor asked for anything, nor took anything from his home. The Department of Justice insists even when the house's maid declared to have seen three young men (18-24 year-old) waiting in a white car during hours, just in front of the place.
Minister of Inner Affairs Lacks Imagination
January 16th,1999
Diódoro Carrasco, Minister of Inner Affairs, declared today to the El Norte newspaper that he can't even imagine the scenario of a victory from an oppositionist party in the oncoming presidential elections. Carrasco, a member of the PRI, surely says so to discourage and to dishearten oppositionist support. In stead of staying neutral as the political referee he's supposed to be, he clearly attacks political oppostion.
Diódoro Carrasco
Minister of Inner Affairs
Illegal Political Prohibition from Judges appointed by Zedillo ReadFox Rejects Irresponsability From Members of his own Party
Xalapa. January 21th, 2000
Vicente Fox, Candidate of the PAN to the Presidency of Mexico, condemned members of his party who are also public servants for leaving their jobs to go to his raid.Fox Accused by PRI Leader
Veracruz. January 25th, 2000
Luis Antonio Pérez, County Chairman of the PRI in Veracruz City denounced to the District Attorney the PAN candidate, Vicente Fox, and the City Mayor, Francisco Avila. Pérez accuses them of illegal use of public funds, goods and services. Mayor Avila distributed letters with the logo and name of the City Hall annoncing Fox was going to town on January 21th. In those letters he informed the labour hours were going to change that day in order to enable the City Hall workers to go to the rally Fox was going to direct that day. Avila also put political propaganda supporting Fox in the upper lever of the City Hall.
It is clear Avila used public goods to support Fox, which is against the law. But it seems Fox had nothing to do with it.
Zedillo Attacks Hipocritly Fox
January 21th, 2000
Ernesto Zedillo, Presidente of Mexico, said today during a speech Guanajuato is one of the poorest states of Mexico, "with problems of education, public services and employment... Guanajuatan peasants earn 34% less than the national average; 1 out of each 4 Guanajuatan homes suffer migration, and 1 out of 10 of these homes have water, compared to the national peasant media of 3 out of each 10". Zedillo omits to mention that Guanajuato, the State Vicente Fox ruled from 1994 to 1999, has had the highest employment rate in México, and that when the entire country was sinking in the deepest recession since 1929, Guanajuato, ruled by Fox, had almost no loss of jobs. Zedillo doesn't say either the illiteracy rate in Guanajuato has been disminishing since Fox took office.Electoral Identifications Stolen
February 1st, 2000
1000 Electoral Identifications got stolen today in Chiapas from a facility belonging to the Federal Elections Institute. Its local representative claims it's not important, but 1000 illegal votes can make the PRI win or the PRD lose in a typical small Chiapasan town, because voters cannot get more electoral identifications before July 2nd, 2000, when Chiapasans will vote for President, Governor, Senators, Federal and Local Congressmen and City Mayors.One out of Each Three Voters Have Sold Their Votes to the PRI
February 2nd, 2000
Rogelio Gómez, General Coordinator of the Alianza Cívica (Civilian Alliance) organisation, published today the results of a survey: One out of each three voters have sold their votes to the PRI at least once in their political lives. Political oppositionists have always claimed that in elections days agents of the PRI go to the poorest areas with money and say to the citizens they'll give them about U.$. 20 if they vote for their party.Labastida and Silva-Herzog Break Publicly the Law.
Mexico City. February 6th, 2000
Francisco Labastida and Jesus Silva-Herzog, Candidates of the PRI to the Presidency and to Mexico City Mayor, broke publicly the law by painting "Grafitti" with spray over a wall, in front of TV cameras. This confirms they just don't care about the law, nor about the people.
Labastida Starts Loosing
February 13th, 2000
At the current situation, for the very first time in Mexican history, a presidential candidate of the PRI is not the most preferred in public opinion surveys. Vicente Fox, candidate of the PAN, is now preferred over Francisco Labastida. Because of this, Labastida has changed his speech. Now he claims he and Zedillo "have different ways to see the things", and that he's not "the candidate of continuity". Now everyone can expect he's going to promess big things, but everyone know the candidates of the PRI never keep their word. It is also expectable the PRI will murder Vicente Fox.
Silva-Herzog Continues Felony Career.
Mexico City. February 15th, 2000
Jesus Silva-Herzog, Candidate of the PRI to Mexico City Mayor, broke again the law committing* what is considered a major felony by the Mexican law: He used public resources with political goals by giving away subsidized milk to miserable people. This felony is punishable with nine years of imprisonment and is strictly prohibited by both the Administrative Law and the Electoral Law.Labastida Laughs on the Face of Desperate Citizens.
Chihuahua. February 17, 2000
The Governor of Chihuahua State was running away from desperate citizens who were begging him to stop the horrible crimewave that is lashing them. Every week, dozens of Chihuahuans get kidnapped by criminals who are getting protection from policemen. The Governor, a brutal member of the PRI, wasn't paying attention to them. He just wanted to get where his Fuehrer, Francisco Labastida, was... to support him breaking the law that prohibit public servants to assist to electoral campaigns
Once he found his leader, he stopped and got reached by the desperate citizens. "Mr. Governor, could you please help us?", "Mr. Governor, could you please listen to us?", they claimed incessantly. And his reply, brutal as himself, was "Stop #$$#&6#% #!! I want to help my friend "Pancho" Labastida!!". Then the Governor, who is said to be "Friend" of George Bush Jr., turned away his sight from them to pay full attention to Labastida, who laughed loudly and strongly in the face of those desperate citizens. Another example of Labastida's hipocrisy and despotism. His slogan is "Let the Power Serve the People". Was the brutal governor serving the people? Did Labastida tell them something? Did Labastida commend him to listen to them, to serve them?By Associating With the PRI, James Carville Endirtens his Name
Washington DC, USA. February 15th, 2000
Today, pretended erudite James Carville was hired formally by the PRI via Esteban Moctezuma (A prepotent-proud-superb guy who thinks he's the most intelligent god ever) to counsel his boss Francisco Labastida. Surely, Carville will get very well paid because he's associating with the internationally acknowledged most corrupt, oppressive and dirty party in the world. His reputation will get worse when the PRI murders Vicente Fox - because the PRI will do it when Labastida's campaign fall underground, probably in late May or June of this year. The PRI is so dirty that it will spread the rumour Carville counseled Labastida to do it, in a similar way it did when it said Clinton wanted former Candidate Luis Donaldo Colosio to resign and asked Salinas to put him away. Colosio got murdered on March 23rd, 1994. The PRI feels it's better to have foreign scapegoats.Assuredly, Labastida Will Decline Candidacy
February 18th, 2000
Labastida said to reporters the new rumours that he'll resign to his candidacy to give it to Mr. Prepotent, Esteban Moctezuma, are false.
Labastida seems to forget that in Mexico, whenever there are rumours alike, they start their way from the Presidency itself. Everyone remembers the "Campaign against the campaign" Colosio had to suffer in early 1994 when Carlos Salinas de Gortari, who was Presidente by then, started favouring openly Manuel Camacho, his most powerful and "Presidentable" political rival. Many understood it as a sign Salinas wanted Colosio to resign. The PRI even spread the rumour Clinton had asked Salinas to put Colosio out of the race for the Presidency. Colosio was murdered on March 23rd, 1994
So it is very likely Labastida will get a phone-call telling him "Boy, you better resign, or another lonely crazy shooter will blow your brain out". It seems Labastida will never be President. In the other hand, Moctezuma has always been Zedillo's favourite and protegé. Zedillo has supported Moctezuma's political career and has transformed him in a political figure. Moctezuma was nobody before Zedillo made him Minister of Inner Affairs in 1994. Zedillo accepted his resignation when Mr. Prepotent had to suffer open heart surgery in 1995 and helped him in 1997 to become Senator without being voted.-This is relevant because the 1995 National Congress of the PRI, in which the políticos had a stronger voice because of the economic devastation of that year the people felt had been caused both by the corruption and the economic policies of the técnicos prohibited to any member of the PRI to launch a campaign after the Presidency shouldn't he had elected for a political position in open elections before. With this lock, only those members who have been elected mayors, governors, congressmen, or senators could become candidates of the PRI to the Presidency.
Last year, Zedillo helped Mr. Prepotent to become Campaign Director for Labastida. It seems Moctezuma will be the new candidate of the PRI. This will destroy the false façade of "democracy" the "New" PRI wanted to build with the primary elections charade of last year. After all, the "New PRI" is the same old PRI of always.
Labastida Insists he's Winning
February 18th, 2000
Francisco Labastida told also he has 12 or 13 points above Vicente Fox in the voter's preferences when most surveys show Fox has overdone Labastida. Francisco trusts the PRI will do something to make him win.
The PRI is Preparing Heavy Artillery
Mexico. February 18th, 2000
The National Political Council of the PRI gathered today to receive what will be its strategy to support Labastida. Their plan includes the presence of Congressmen, Senators, Governors and Mayors in political rallies. Assuredly, they are going to use the same pressure the party had used since its creation: To tell bureaucrats they won't get paid if they don't go to the rally.
The National Political Concil also commands those who want to be candidates to publish their fortune before and after occupying their positons. But it is a very old tradition of public servants to hide their real fortune by "giving" parts of it to relatives and friends.
Is Silva-Herzog Going Crazy?
February 18th, 2000
Jesus Silva-Herzog, who has broken twice the law this same week, claims he didn't want to paint grafitti; that he didn't want to enter into the milk shop; that he didn't want to give milk; that he didn't want to give it inside buckets bearing the logo of the PRI and his own photograph.
Silva-Herzog was formally accused by the PRD to the district attorney.The Mexico City Government Breaks the Law to Support Cárdenas
Mexico City. February 21st, 2000
Today, Labour Unions and the Mexico City Government forced thousands of workers to go to a rally supporting candidates of the PRD Cuauhtémoc Cárdenas (for Presidente) and Andrés Manuel López (for City Mayor). The workers travelled on board buses belonging to the City Government. The use of public resources to support political campaigns is strictly forbidden.
February 22nd, 2000
The representation of the PRI denounced the City Hall to the Federal Attorney.
Labastida's Staff Speaks Inconsistently
Mexico. February 21st, 2000
Like a crazed, two-mouthed monster who speaks lie and more lie, the members of Labastida's staff contradict each other Today, Labastida's speaksman, Fernando Solís, groaned in a press conference his candidate has "a 12 or 13 points landslide over Vicente Fox". Few hours later, Mr. Prepotent, aka Esteban Moctezuma, declared in a news program "Labastida has a 10% landslide over Fox". This kind of declarations shows how desperate they are when even a newspaper heavily imfluenced by the PRI like El Universal is displaying the results of electoral preference surveys that give Fox 38.8% electoral preference, and Labastida 41.8% electoral preferemce- a three percent landslide.More Electoral Identifications Stolen
Pachuca, Hidalgo. February25th, 2000
Over 1000 Electoral Identifications got stolen today from the facilities of the Federal Elections Institute. It is a very curious fact that these kind of identifications are being stolen in regions where the landslides between the PRI and the main oppositionist party are minimal, where 1000 votes can make the difference between an honest or a PRI government. You can find more about the last elections in Hidalgo at "The False Democratization of an Autocratic Party".Silva-Herzog Rejected in his own Club!
February 24th, 2000
After decades of being a party supported by the wealthy, after years of shocking kidnappings of wealthy businessmen and their relatives, the general animousity against the PRI has reached the upper classes: Today an oppositionist Candidate to the Mexico City Government made a rally at a country club. Facts were as follows:
After speaking, Santiago Creel, Candidate of the oppositionist PAN to Mexico City Governor was having a soup at a rally in one of the Club France's halls. Everything seemed calm... till suddenly Jesús Silva-Herzog entered violently the place, his eyes full of anger, his face turned into a prehispanic mask of a cruel malevolence. Unlike the other Jesus, Silva-Herzog didn't gave the other cheek to this event he felt offensive. "Why haven't you invited me?", he asked once and again to the organizers of the event. "I'm also a member of this club! Why haven't you invited me?", he was asking. The answer nobody wanted to spell was "Because if you are elected Governor, you'll hurt all of us! You're a member of the PRI!".FOBAPROA, Insults and Corruption,
or Let he who is Clean Throw the First Stone
The FOBAPROA is an originally illegal billionary fund President Ernesto Zedillo and Ministers José Gurría and Guillermo Ortiz created and that got legal in late 1998. This fund of over 70 billion dollars is a tax burden entire generation of Mexicans will have to bear over the centuries, a certain source of economic, social and political unstability in the future, and one of the causes of the general revolt Mexico will have to suffer in ten or more years. This FOBAPROA, or Bank Savings Protection Fund, is said by members of both the PRI and PAN to be aimed to protect the saver, but instead it's aimed to protect the bankers who financed Zedillo's campaing and who stole billions from people who had trusted their money to them. The FOBAPROA serves also to make the entire country pay for the robbery of a few hundred criminals: Everytime a big company is declared bankrupt -like TAESA few days ago, the FOBAPROA takes its debts and puts it over the crushing cross the Mexican people has to bear. It is said that many politicians belonging both to the PRI and to the PAN have stolen and benefited from it.
February 22th, 2000
"I haven't lived from the FOBAPROA as Vicente Fox' family has", said Francisco Labastida.
February 24th, 2000
"Let Labastida be a man; let he be not a $%&|?$# (homosexual)... let he miss not with my family!", said Fox.
"The Fox family has absolutely nothing to hide", wrote Vicente's brothers."Long ago, when Vicente decided to engage in political activity, he left the business... we ask Francisco Labastida to respect this family since we aren't part of this electoral competition. Whatever happened in the Fox' business is our entire responsability, and we are those who should explain about it... honorably we ask you to leave us in peace".
February 25th, 2000
Congressman (PRD)Alfonso Ramírez denounced today Francisco Labastida and Vicente Fox to the Ministry of Justice. He claims both candidates are involved in the FOBAPROA. Ramírez claims he has documents proving Fox got benefied with 2 million dollars and Labastida got benefied with 36 million dollars, 18 times Fox' amount. How did Labastida got so much money, being a public servant all his labour life? If he becames Presidente, he'll leave much richer, it seems.Go to main index
Election Report from Mexico