Mexican Judges Prohibit
Political Logo Illegally
They have been appointed by Presidente Zedillo

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January 10th, 1999
The Federal Elections Court (Tribunal Federal Electoral, TRIFE) prohibited the use of a picture of Vicente Fox -oppositionist candidate to the presidency- as a political logo by the newly formed Alliance for the Change (AC) that joins the political efforts of the National Action Party (Partido Acción Nacional, PAN) and the Green Ecologist Party of Mexico (Partido Verde Ecologista de México, PVEM). The judges have issued this prohibition illegally, since there are no laws, nor articles, nor pre-written legal restriction to the use of pictures in political logos. They have been appointed by Presidente Zedillo and ratified by the Senate, dominated by the PRI. This illegal and arbitrary decision shows how partial, abusive and subjective these judges are, and how much hostile they are to political oppositionist in general, and specifically to Vicente Fox and the PAN.
These judges, who should give example of legality, are actually promoting crimes related to elections because they are breaking the law to hurt an oppositionist candidate. Surely the law will be broken many times in this electoral process to favour the PRI. Now its partisans know the judges will support them since they acted illegally against the PAN. In fact, Francisco Labastida -the PRI candidate to the presidency- has threatened Fox' life: "He will die like the fishes", he said..

January 10th, 2000
Vicente Fox and his partisans announced they will accept the decision from the court: They will remove Fox's picture and will left there his silhouette only.

January 11th, 2000
The PRI has asked the TRIFE to forbid the AC the use of Fox's silhouette. Surely the lawyers of the PRI are obeying orders from its Presidenta, Dulce Sauri, who hates Fox exceedingly... so much that she doesn't want to see even his silhouette.

January 12th, 2000
The judges of the TRIFE obeyed the PRI again and prohibited illegally to the Alliance for the Change the use of Fox's silhouette. By breaking the law, these judges became criminals. Their actions destroy even more the credibility and reputation of the Mexican "Justice" system, which, corrupted by the PRI, serves more to favour criminals than to help enforcing the law.

TRIFE Judges Make Another Dirty Decision to Support the PRI.
February 15th, 2000
José de la Peza, Chairman of the TRIFE, declared to the media the TRIFE "has not lost credibility
February 16th, 2000
In what is another dirty decision, the Judges of the TRIFE, who have been appointed by Presidente Zedillo and ratified by the Senate controlled by the PRI, declared the PRI has full right to use the colours of the Mexican flag as a political logo in the ballot sheets. This gives the PRI electoral advantage amongst the ignorant who think they should always vote for that party because its symbol is more "Patriotic" than the others.
"The law doesn't prohibit it", de la Peza groans. But the law doesn't forbid either the use of the photograph or silhouette of a candidate in the logo of a party or coalition in the ballot sheets, and de la Peza most corruptly prohibited it to the PAN. This shows clearly how corrupt and twisted the TRIFE is.

Someday this article will be included in Political Censorship in Mexico Mexican Judges Prohibit Political Logo Ilegally