The False Democratization Click HERE for BIG letters. In 1929, Plutarco Calles, a Mexican military dictator, studied the structure of Mussolini's Fascist Party and copied it to form the Partido Nacional Revolucionario, which name was changed in 1936 to "Partido Revolucionario Institucional". This party has managed thru lies, cheats, and violence to stay in the power for over 70 years and has sunk Mexico into a nightmarish situation of misery and crime, as explained in this site. High Official of the PRI Involved in Torture Case
of an Autocratic Party
The political propaganda of the Partido Revolucionario Institucional (PRI)- Institutional Revolutionary Party- speaks about a "New PRI". The same party that has caused the entire country to corrupt, the same party that has sunk the Mexican people into a bottomless pit of misery, now claims to be their redeemer.
The new discourse of the members of the PRI is about recognizing the evils they themselves have inflicted to the people, and to promess they'll fix them while they work in causing new injures to the Mexican pupulation. Here is a quote from the speech The official Candidate to the Presidency, Francisco Labastida (Read) uttered on November 20th :
Let us say it truly, honestly: The number of poors has grown, we are a nation with profound unequities, in the country there is poverty...crime wounds and hurts, and there's corruption. Laws are broken and there's great impunity...I convoke you to fight all those evils... the country will sail to a safe port, and there will be no adventures, nor jumps to the void...
That same day, the Argentinan-born Undersecretary of Finance, Martin Werner (Another member of the PRI) insisted at a meeting with bank officials about the "need" of raising the Value Added Tax (VAT), which is already -believe it or not- 15%- fifteen percent. Werner claims the State Governments should increase it by charging an additional 2% Tax on sales. This would cause tremendous hurt to the impoverished Mexican people and would cause an increase on illegal migration to the United States. But he insists: "We will try to make them to pass it". What a kind of political stupidity, to attempt raising taxes before the elections! Do you think the Mexican Secretary of Finance is in good hands, and well governed, while one of its top officials acts so stupidly? Can you trust them? Can you trust the next crew will be less stupid if the PRI wins the elections? The very Secretary of Finance, José Gurría (another member of the PRI), wanted the Congress to raise the VAT on food and medicine from 0 to 15% Can you believe this stupidity? Would you trust your money to Gurría?
Labastida cries that laws are broken and that there's great impunity, but he did nothing to stop crime and impunity in Chiapas few months ago, when he was Secretary of Inner Affairs. The overall situation in Chiapas is disastrous and he did nothing to improve it. Miserable Maya peasants are forced to leave their lands by armed members of the PRI. They flee to towns like Acteal -the very same place of the 22/12/97 massacre where men, women and children got massacred by members of the PRI while praying for peace- where they live badly in badly built, land-grounded wood rooms, almost clothless in the middle of the rain and cold, surviving by eating wild herbs and small quantities of corn grains. This is terrible. The real situation in Chiapas is so dramatic that there are indeed no words to describe it. And this has been planned, organized and executed by the PRI and permited by Francisco Labastida, its Candidate to the Presidency.
The official propaganda -misteriously supported iby American politicians like George Bush Jr.- says there is Democracy within the PRI because of its primary elections which Labastida won. But the reality is other. There were too many irregularities in both the political process and the elections themselves:
1. Since the very first day of his internal campaign, Francisco Labastida was said to be President Zedillo's Candidate.
2. The other three internal candidates reported there was support from both the PRI national leadership, from the Federal Government, and from certain State Governments.
3. The day of the primary elections, November 7th, 1999, was a very cold day and almost noone went to vote. But since 6PM of that day, the Internal Commitee for the Election claimed there had been ten million votes, even before counting them. How could they know?
4. The very same day of the internal ballot, Hector Laug, a reputed expert in the making of Election Frauds, stole, in front of everyone and holding a pistol in his hand, a ballot box in Puebla. The PRI says he'll remain unpunished. The photograph was published in the Proceso magazine, numbers 1202 and 1203
This about the supposed inner "Democracy" of the PRI. Now let's check its external behaviour in external elections.
On November 14th, 1999, just a week after the primary elections of the PRI, people went to vote in the State of Hidalgo to choose their Majors. In Pachuca, the State's capital, the number of votes was almost the same for the PRI and for the PAN, the main oppositionist (right) party. In the account of votes in the decisive box, it was verified the PAN had an advantage of 27 votes over the PRI. This meant by itself the PAN had won the City Hall. But afer the PRI-controlled Hidalgo Electoral Institute counted the votes again, it informed in that boxe the PRI had won. Mysteriously, 36 votes for the PAN had changed to null votes by the addition of lines covering other parties' logos. The PRI Candidate was proclaimed winner by the PRI-Controlled Hidalgo Electoral Insitute.
Update: November 30th,1999
The Electoral Court of Hidalgo declared the PAN winner in the Pachuca County Election by making nulifying the results of three ballot boxes. This followed some negotiations led by Diego Fernández, one of the main PAN celebrities and a renowned master of secret deals.
December 2nd, 1999
In a typical example of PRI Justice, the Hidalgo Elections Court deprived the oppositionist PAN from its victory in Sahagún City by nulifying two ballot boxes and giving thus the victory to the official party, the PRI, by 29 votes.
December 3rd, 1999
Francisco Labastida, candidate to the Presidency by the PRI, menaced today Vicente Fox, the main (right) oppositionist candidate to the Presidency. "He will die. He will die like the fishes", Labastida said at a meeting where one of his female followers got wounded by one of Labastida's bodyguards. Truly, the electoral process in Mexico promises to be very violent.
December 15th, 1999
Manuel Sepúlveda (PRI), Mayor of Pachuca, refuses to deliver office to the reciently elected Antonio Tellería (PAN). Sepúlveda claims he'll deliver only once the Federal Elections Court decides about the results of the polemic elections of November 14th.
Truly, only an idiot of idiots could believe the PRI has transformed into a democratic party. The PRI is the World's most corrupt political party. If it wins the elections, incompetent Presidente Zedillo will feel safe and he'll sack the Mexican Foreign Currency Reserves up to the last cent, the Peso will devaluate, and another World Financial Crisis, a World Financial Crisis much worse than that of 1995 will explode, causing Billions in losses to investors and destroying the public confidence in globalization and Liberalism.
January 24th, 2000
José Antonio González, who has been co-author of the "New PRI" concept and who organized and supervised the primary elections in which Francisco Labastida was proclaimed candidate of the PRI to the Presidency, is involved in a torture case according to a new book presented by Luis de la Barreda, Chairman of the Human Rights Commision of the Federal District. De la Barreda narrates the case of a woman who was taken to the headquarters of the dreaded Policía Judicial del Distrito Federal (Federal District Judicial Police) and got tortured in there by policemen. Three medical examinations were made to the prisoner during her imprisonment: In the first one, she had no injures at all. In the second one, she did have injures. In the third one, she was severily injured. Her hands had got burned with cigarrettes. Ombudsman De la Barrera was informed and sent a commendation to José Antonio Fernández, who was by then Federal District Attorney and had authority over the Judicial Police. Fernández answered ridiculously and monstruosly the woman had hurt herself and strongly refused to make any investigation on those policemen who had the prisoner under custody. This gives a clearer idea of the way the "New PRI" really is.