Updated: 9/18/01 1:21:36 PM | |||News||| |||Editorials||| |||Archive||| |||Home||| |
![]() Yes Master! It seems that the Company has seen fit to ignore all of our contractual agreements and instead of using the procedures that are already in place, FORCED employees to work overtime. I think that this situation is about as subtle as a baseball bat to the back of the head and this REALLY shows just exactly how much the Company cares about it’s employees!
It is times like these where the Company shows it’s true colors, exposing themselves as morally bankrupt bottom feeders with about as much integrity as the corporate vultures of Enron. When confronted with the fact that there was no provision in the contract for forced overtime, a “Company representative” was reported to have said, “It (the contract) doesn’t specifically say we can’t”. You just can’t beat THAT kind of logic, can you?!
Back All the News that’s Fit to Print? The “Battle Creek News” has appeared as the heavenly doctrine from your friends in Plant Management. Did you notice the subheading – “Where it all began”? I just wonder if they forget to include “and where it will all End”. It appears that the “Battle Creek News” is going to be a GRRRRRRREAT source of corporate educational and miss-informational articles intended to let you know your true place in the Company. It will be interesting to see if the information is used to continue and justify Company policies that are detrimental to our health and employment.
I feel that you should NEVER have to see only one side of any issue, so I have decided to dust off the keyboard and start cranking out this rag again. So, prepare to be exposed again to a slightly different viewpoint of what is happening to us, and the Company’s plans for the future. And as always, I welcome any information and participation from anyone.
Back Observations from a Simple Mind After looking through the premier issue of the “Battle Creek News” I can safely assume that it will be an instrument for Company policy with all the prerequisite facts and numbers to back it up. There were however, a couple of interesting items in the newsletter. One was the Attendance summary and the other was a commentary from Steve Combs. After looking at the Attendance Summary figures that showed a tremendous absent rate and then looking at the Production Summary Report and Schedule Adherences –I think congratulations are in order for us for doing so much with so few. I mean especially since most of the Ill, Will Call and Absent numbers are direct results of what I like to call Company Induced Stress Illnesses. The other interesting piece was from Steve Combs - our Operations Manager. In his statement, Steve says that our focus on daily housekeeping and general plant conditions has been good and he thanked everyone for their cooperation and adherence to POP polices. I find this to be encouraging and hope that this means that Mr. Combs will spend less time going through our trash cans, dumpsters, drawers and lockers and hopefully have more time to spend on the real issues that plague our plant operations.
Back Show your Support I’m not going to presume to tell you what to believe in or what’s right and what’s wrong. You know in your own head and heart what are the most important issues. What I would like to ask of you is please, Please, PLEASE attend the next union meeting. Let’s a least show the company that we are concerned and we do care. Let’s do this together.
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