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Updated: 07/30/03 11:41:29 AM |||News||| |||Editorials||| |||Archive||| |||Home|||

A Statement by the Editor

Okay, some of the stories you read in THE TROUBLED TIMES are not completely factual. All right, a lot of the stories have been "enhanced" in some way. But remember, Dear Reader, every fabrication is based on at least one fact. Even a lie is constructed to mask a truth (rule no. 1 in the corporate playbook). So no matter what kind of spin you put on it, the TRUTH is, WE ARE being forced into retirement, WE ARE losing our jobs, WE ARE living under a cloud of doubt and uncertainty, and WE ARE in danger of losing Union representation.

Truth is a commodity not used by corporations when they negotiate workers' jobs and lives down the tubes to satisfy their greed, so why should we print anything truthful about them? Hey! It's all in good fun! We still have a sense of humor; it's only our JOBS we are losing.


Spida Speaks

Dear TTTimes,

The nation's labor unions are joining with their international counterparts in an escalating campaign to fight President Bush's efforts to create a free trade zone throughout the Western Hemisphere.

I call the proposal "a Nafta clone," and urge the millions of union members nationwide to join a campaign against the trade zone like those labor mounted against the China trade deal and the North American Free Trade Agreement. The labor federation's leaders have voiced confidence that, working with environmental groups, they could persuade Congress to deny Mr. Bush the expedited negotiating authority he has said he needs to negotiate a hemispheric free trade agreement.

As far as I can see, there appears to be a total absence of worker rights and environment standards. This development has evoked fears of a "race to the bottom" as multinationals decide where to build factories based on the weakness of local laws and regulations against polluting the air and water, or the lack of worker rights. Mexico, Indonesia,Malasia and China are some of the Countries that are favoured.

To me, FTAA. is an extension of Nafta, and in my opinion Nafta has been a failure. Labor leaders from 34 countries in the Western Hemisphere met in Washington with John Sweeney, the federation's president, to map plans to fight the new free trade zone. That group, the Inter- American Regional Organization of Workers, issued a statement criticizing the trade zone, saying it would promote "a race to the bottom" in which corporations seek out countries that pay the lowest wages and have the worst working conditions.

Yesterday we had protests in all parts of Australia against Globalization and the way our rights as workers are ignored.The Media was only interested in the fighting which broke out between the Police and Protestors and forgot to mention what they were protesting about.

As long as the Media is controled by people such as Rupert Murdocks News Ltd, only the people connected to the Net will be able to find out what's really happening in this world of ours.News Ltd is one of these Companies that is openly pushing for Globalization. It's up to Web Sights such as yours and mine and many others to keep the world informed as to what the World Governments are up to.

As long as the Net remains free we will allways be a thorn in the sides of the Global Corporations.

Keep up the good fight


If he were only Alive Today
Copyright © the Troubled Times, 1999