Policy Debates

The issues below cover policy debates which are common to national governments across our region. Linked to each issue is a discussion paper summarizing the experience and innovations in different countries. Also linked to each issue is a debate segment, where you can contribute to online debate of the issues. If you would also like to suggest further material which could be included in one of the discussion papers, then please email it to the webmaster.

General APDY Policy Statements

*    The Fremantle Declaration (1999)
*    The Freedom 2000 Campaign (1999)
*    The Wellington Declaration (2000)
*    "We Believe..." (2000) Please email your thoughts on this draft document.

Foreign Policy: Country-Specific Policies

* China:
Where to After Joining the WTO? - Policies for Future Bilateral Relations
Hong Kong Under Chinese Rule - Developments Since the Handover
* Colombia:
Narcotic Threat to Hemispheric Security - An Anti-Drug Strategy
* Indonesia:
A Federalist Policy - A Solution to Separatism Pressure
* North Korea:
Guidelines for Successful North-South Co-operation
Easing Trade Sanctions is Not Enough - Policies for Enduring Peace
      North Korean Intemperance - A Response from Grand National Party Assemblymen
* Taiwan:
Six Security Assurances - A Proven Regional Security Policy

Foreign Policy: Specific Issues

* Aid to Less Developed Countries
Where Foreign Aid Fails
* Economic Sanctions:
A User's Guide to Economic Sanctions
* Peacekeeping Operations:
Issues and Reforms for International Operations
* Piracy:
A Growing Barrier to Maritime Trade
* Trade (Tariffs, Bounties & Other Trade Distortions)
How Special Interests Want to Amend Anti-Dumping Laws
Fast-tracking Trade with Asia and Latin America
Lessons from the Seattle WTO Meeting

Domestic Policy: Specific Issues

* Communications
      eContract 2000 - a policy contract with the High Tech community
      How Technology Increases Freedom (by Dick Armey)
* Crime Fighting
      How to Stop Judges Releasing Violent Criminals
* Economic Policy in General
      The New Zealand Blueprint for Reform
* Education
      Let the Market Set Teacher Pay
      The Real Key to Better Schools
      Getting Government Out of Higher Education
* Health Care
      A Satirical Look at Public Health Systems
      The Maryland Consumer Choice Model
* Intellectual Property   (Articles/ papers wanted ... email today)
* Corporate Welfare - Rolling it Back (Articles/papers wanted ... email today)
* The Welfare State - Rolling it Back
     Wisconsin's Success Story - by Gov Tommy Thompson & Dr William Bennett
* Taxation   (Articles/papers wanted ... email today)
      Business Taxation
      Personal Taxation
      Transaction Taxation

Red Watch

The Third Way
*    Leaked Internal Memo by Tony Blair
*    How to Respond to a Politically-Correct Witch-Hunt

Left Wing Myths
*    The Greedy 1980s
*    Lies About Low-Paying Work

Political Message & Campaign Themes

*    What is "Compassionate Conservatism"?

Historic Policy Manifestos

*    Republican Party Platform (1860) - The first US Republican Party Platform.
*    Contract With America (1994) - US Republican Party
*    Principles and Platform (2000) - Japanese Liberal Democratic Party
Aims and Principles (2000) - Canadian Progressive Conservative Party
*    The Ten Commandments - Founding principles of Judaeo-Christian Morality

Maxims to Consider

You cannot bring about prosperity by discouraging thrift.
You cannot strengthen the weak by weakening the strong.
You cannot help the wage earner by pulling down the wage payer.
You cannot help the poor by destroying the rich.
You cannot establish sound security on borrowed money.
You cannot keep out of trouble by spending more than you earn.
You cannot build character and courage by taking away a person's initiative and independence.
You cannot help men permanently by doing for them what they could and should do for themselves.
[J. H. Boetcker, Inside Maxims, 1916, reprinted in American Heritage, October 1976, p. 103.]

Asia Pacific Democrat Youth

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