Activist Resources:

"How To..." Guides for Party Activists

Here you will find a range of handbooks and guides on how to build and run a political party organisation. This section is still under construction. The material below will eventually cover everything from the running of a local branch, through to the orchestration of a national election campaign.
Please email us if you have a manual which you can contribute.

Running a Branch
Assigning Roles to Branch Office Bearers
Basic Procedures for Running Meetings
How to Chair a Meeting
Activities for Members
Planning a "Youth Parliament"
Policy Creation
Creating a Party Platform
Media Communications
Media Management
    Writing Media Releases
Poster Runs
Campus Activities
How to Respond to a Politically-Correct Witch-Hunt
International Activities
Overseas Study Visits - Template Management Principles

New Members Kit

Click here to access a "New Members Kit" which you send to new party recruits to explain how a political party operates. This document can be copied and changed to suit the needs of your political party or Youth Wing.

Clode's "Right Political Dictionary"

Like any profession, politics has its own jargon which can confuse uninitiated. Click below to read Daniel Clode's dictionary of words and terms that are commonly heard in political circles. When parties are communicating with their allies from other countries, the diverse terminology can sometimes confound even the most experienced political operatives. The following glossaries will help define terms which may be found in foreign political systems. Where possible, there are details of the country where each word has originated. If you cannot find a particular word or term here,
please email your request for a new addition in Clode's Right Political Dictionary.


Party Constitutions - Template Sections

If you need to write or rewrite a constitution for your political party or political youth movement, examine some of the models below. These templates can be adapted and edited to suit your local requirements. Constitutions are an important means of providing a fair process for events like internal elections, or preselection of party candidates. Constitutions spell out the rights of party members; the duties and powers of party officebearers; and the limit of powers possessed by party officebearers.

Preselection of Candidates for Public Office
    Internal Party Election Procedures
          Preselection of Candidates for Public Office
          Selection of Party Office Bearers (AGM voting).
          Internal Party Appeals
    Open Party Election Procedures
           Public Primary
    Alternative Election & Vote Counting Methods:
          Choosing Between Voting Systems
          (a) First Past the Post
          (b) Majoritarian Systems
                 Preferential Voting (Alternative Vote Method)
                 Run-Off Voting (Second Ballots & Exhaustive Voting)
          (c) Proportional Voting
                 Single Transferable Vote Method
                 Points Voting

Meeting Conduct
    Comprehensive Standing Orders
    The Chatham House Rule

Classic Political Speeches & Papers

If you are writing a speech, this is just the place to look for classic quotes, timeless topics and themes. These sterling examples of clear thought and firm argument should provide inspiration for any political speaker or speech writer.

    Spiro Agnew
          "An Effete Corps of Impudent Snobs" (1970) - A Castigation of Campus Leftists
    George W Bush
          "From Sea to Shining Sea" (2000) - Subject: Victory in the Super Tuesday Primary
          "A Distinctly American Internationalism" (1999) - Subject: Foreign Policy
    Benjamin Franklin
          "Dangers of a Salaried Bureaucracy" (1787) - Subject: The Virtues of Public Service
    Cardinal Clemens von Galen
          "Against Euthanasia" (1941) - Subject: Against the Concept of "Worthless Life"
    Frederick von Hayek
          "The Road to Serfdom" (1944) - Subject: Government Menace to Freedom
    Patrick Henry
          "Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death" (1775) - Subject: Attaining Liberty by War.
    Abraham Lincoln
         "Gettysburg Address" (1787) - Subject: Dedication of the Gettysberg Memorial
    Sir Robert Menzies (Australia)
          "The Forgotten People" (1942) - Subject: The Middle Class
    President Ronald Reagan (United States)
          "Creators of the Future" (1985) - Subject: Freedom's Happy Warriors
          "The Evil Empire" (1982) - Subject: Communism
          First Inaugural Speech (1981) - Subject: Everyday Heroes
          "A Time for Choosing" (1964) - Subject: Self Government
         Various Quotations (1964 - 1993)
    Henry Thoreau
          "On the Duty of Civil Disobedience" (1849) - Subject: Minimal government

Political Posters and Art

These following images can be printed on high grade paper and either framed for display on your wall, or sent to a printer for reproduction in the form of posters.
    Campaign Posters (see our guide to poster runs):
          Voluntary Student Unionism
          Socialism - Failed Experiment
    Conservative Heros:
          Margaret Thatcher
          Winston Churchill
          Ronald Reagan

Tory Tunes & Verse

*   Conservative Drinking Songs
*   Conservative Poetry & Prose
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