35 SPINNING MILLS CLOSED IN SINDH Letter to Editor on two newspapers carrying the same story verbatim but written by different reporters, by MAJYD AZIZ, written under the pen name HANIF TENDER,  Karachi, Pakistan, February 11, 1992.
SMUGGLED GOODS Letter to Editor proposing that the confiscated smuggled goods be burnt, by MAJYD AZIZ, written under the pen name SATTAR TEXANA,  Karachi, Pakistan, March 03, 1994.
WOOLEN SWEATERS Letter to Editor on the high prices of woolen sweaters, by MAJYD AZIZ, written under the pen name MOOSA LAKHANI,  Karachi, Pakistan, March 07, 1994.
CASH FOR HORSES Letter to Editor on the horse trading going on in the political scenario, by MAJYD AZIZ, written under the pen name KADER K. KHERATI,  Karachi, Pakistan, March 22, 1994.
ARMYMAN   KHAR Letter to Editor on the unauthorized use of army fatigues by a civilian Federal Minister, by MAJYD AZIZ, written under the pen name MOOSA LAKHANI,  Karachi, Pakistan, April 19, 1994.
APPAREL VS SPINNERS Letter to Editor on the confrontation between the Pakistany apparel manufacturers and the textile spinners, by MAJYD AZIZ, written under the pen name SATTAR TEXANA,  Karachi, Pakistan, April 27, 1994.
UNANSWERED QUESTIONS Letter to Editor on certain relevant questions on Pakistan left unanswered, by MAJYD AZIZ, written under the pen name MOOSA LAKHANI,  Karachi, Pakistan, July 19, 1994.
BALL TAMPERING Letter to Editor on the British cricket players accusing the Pakistany team of tampering with the ball, by MAJYD AZIZ, written under the pen name HANIF TENDER,  Karachi, Pakistan, July 28, 1994.
KARACHI :  FUTURE SHOCK Letter to Editor on the future of Karachi, by MAJYD AZIZ, written under the pen name KADER K. KHERATI,  Karachi, Pakistan, August 10, 1994.
T.U.N.S. Letter to Editor on the steps taken by ex-Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif that have hurt the country, by MAJYD AZIZ, written under the pen name SATTAR TEXANA,  Karachi, Pakistan, October 13, 1994.
MUBASHIR AND HUBCO Letter to Editor on the criticism of HUBCO by a former Finance Minister, by MAJYD AZIZ, written under the pen name WALI O. TAPELO,  Karachi, Pakistan, October 16, 1994.
BRAVO, ASIF Letter to Editor on the success of the industrialists' delegation to S. Korea led by the Prime Minister's husband, by MAJYD AZIZ, written under the pen name KADER K. KHERATI,  Karachi, Pakistan, October 24, 1994.
FREE  TEXTILE  IMPORTS Letter to Editor on the government's decision to reduce the import duty on textiles, by MAJYD AZIZ, written under the pen name WALI O. TAPELO,  Karachi, Pakistan, October 28, 1994.
BANKER  DALIA Letter to Editor on Yunus Dalia, the senior executive of Habib Bank Ltd, by MAJYD AZIZ, written under the pen name WALI O. TAPELO,  Karachi, Pakistan, November 01, 1994.
VICTIMS ARE PEOPLE, NOT NUMBERS Letter to Editor on a statement by a reputed Chartered Accountant that there is no big deal in few people getting killed everyday, by MAJYD AZIZ, written under the pen name WALI O. TAPELO,  Karachi, Pakistan, November 14, 1994.
SITUATION KARACHI Letter to Editor on the prevailing tense situation in Karachi and the reasons behind it, by MAJYD AZIZ, written under the pen name HANIF TENDER,  Karachi, Pakistan, November 26, 1994.
ASSEMBLY VIPS Letter to Editor (satirical) on the demands of Assembly members for VIP status, by MAJYD AZIZ, written under the pen name MAJLO BANTVI,  Karachi, Pakistan, February 08, 1995.
ASSEMBLY VIPS Letter to Editor (satirical) further to the letter on the subject by MAJLO BANTVI on the demands of Assembly members for VIP status, by MAJYD AZIZ, written under the pen name WALI O. TAPELO,  Karachi, Pakistan, February 13, 1995.
WATER FOR ABLUTION Letter to Editor on the callous behavior of people wasting water while performing ablution in the mosques, by MAJYD AZIZ, written under the pen name WALI O. TAPELO,  Karachi, Pakistan, February 16, 1995.
ARM THE CITIZENS Letter to Editor on the need to allow arms to Karachi's citizens during the law and order imbroglio, by MAJYD AZIZ, written under the pen name WALI O. TAPELO,  Karachi, Pakistan, March 16, 1995.
DO YOU APPROVE OF TWO WEEKLY HOLIDAYS Letter to Editor arguing the concept of two weekly holidays, by MAJYD AZIZ, written under the name of his son, MUHAMMAD ALY, Karachi, Pakistan, April 05, 1995.
PREMIER NEEDS A REALITY CHECK Letter to Editor suggesting to then Prime Minister, Benazir Bhutto, that her secretariat is way off-base, by MAJYD AZIZ, written under the pen name ADAM KAKAJ,  Karachi, Pakistan, May 26, 1995.
WE ARE BETTER OFF Letter to Editor comparing the difficulties and problems created by two Prime Ministers, Benazir Bhutto and Nawaz Sharif, by MAJYD AZIZ, written under the pen name JUSUB GIGA,  Karachi, Pakistan, July 03, 1995.
WHAT MORE CAN ONE SAY Letter to Editor by way of a ditty in continuation of the same by MIKE BAXTER, by MAJYD AZIZ, written under the pen name MAJLO BANTVI,  Karachi, Pakistan, December 04, 1995.
CHEHLUM OF BUSINESS COMMUNITY Letter to Editor on the relaxing attitude of businessmen during Ramadhan, by MAJYD AZIZ written for friend AZIZ MEMON, Karachi, Pakistan, February 18, 1996.
US VISA SECTION Letter to Editor on the security concerns of the US visa consular offices, by MAJYD AZIZ, written under the pen name EBRAHIM EDVANI,  Karachi, Pakistan, September 05, 1996.
FOREIGN MINISTERS Letter to Editor on women Foreign Ministers, by MAJYD AZIZ, written under the pen name JUSUB GIGA,  Karachi, Pakistan, February 17, 1997.
BURIAL : A RATIONALE Letter to Editor on the pathetic conditions at the graveyards, by MAJYD AZIZ, written under the pen name ADAM KAKAJ,  Karachi, Pakistan, April 09, 1997.
NO SOLUTION Letter to Editor suggesting that the government payroll be slashed to save financial resources, by MAJYD AZIZ, written under the pen name JUSUB GIGA,  Karachi, Pakistan, June 02, 1997.
MIKE TYSON Letter to Editor on unIslamic activities of boxer Mike Tyson, by MAJYD AZIZ, written under the pen name JUSUB GIGA,  Karachi, Pakistan, July 02, 1997.
SPECIALIST'S SPECIAL TREATMENT Letter to Editor on the unprofessional and egoist behavior of a highly-paid doctor at Karachi's leading hospital, by MAJYD AZIZ, written under the pen name EBRAHIM EDVANI,  Karachi, Pakistan, July 07, 1997.
SMUGGLED FABRICS Letter to Editor on the proliferation of smuggled fabrics into the country and the effects on the economy, by MAJYD AZIZ, written under the name of his wife, TASNEEM DIWAN,  Karachi, Pakistan, August 14, 1998.
SMUGGLED FABRICS Letter to Editor on the proliferation of smuggled fabrics into the country and the effects on the economy, by MAJYD AZIZ, written under the name of his nephew, RYAAN ANWER,  Karachi, Pakistan, August 15, 1998.
SMUGGLED FABRICS Letter to Editor on the proliferation of smuggled fabrics into the country and the effects on the economy, by MAJYD AZIZ, written under the pen name EBRAHIM EDVANI,  Karachi, Pakistan, August 14, 1998.
NEED FOR WATER CONSERVATION Letter to Editor on the callous behavior of people wasting water while performing ablution in the mosques, by MAJYD AZIZ, written under the pen name WALI O. TAPELO,  Karachi, Pakistan, April 15, 2001.