ITEM OF IMPORTANCE Letter to Editor cautioning people against the Nigerians who have come up with money scams, by MAJYD AZIZ, Karachi, Pakistan, July 14, 1994.
OFFICIAL  CAR-SNATCHING Letter to Editor on the official requisitioning of private cars by police, by MAJYD AZIZ, Karachi, Pakistan, August 20, 1995.
C . P . L . C . Letter to Editor on the machination of a Sindn Governor to do away with CPLC, by MAJYD AZIZ, Karachi, Pakistan, September 26, 1995.
SUNDAY HOLIDAY Letter to Editor on the merits of reverting to Sunday as the weekly holiday, by MAJYD AZIZ, Karachi, Pakistan, October 11, 1995.
AID TO USA Letter to Editor (satirical) on the way Pakistan could help USA due to the non-passage of the budget, by MAJYD AZIZ, Karachi, Pakistan, November 16, 1995.
YOUR  CROSSWORDS  ARE  DREADFUL Letter to Editor on a Barrister's complaint that the crosswords of  The News is difficult, by MAJYD AZIZ, Karachi, Pakistan, January 10, 1996.
VILIFYING THE GUARDIAN ANGELS Letter to Editor on the vilification campaign against four devoted Good Samaritans of Karachi, by MAJYD AZIZ, Karachi, Pakistan, January 30, 1996.
UNITY, FAITH, & DISCIPLINE Letter to Editor of DAWN regarding an article about the need for another M. A. Jinnah, by MAJYD AZIZ, Karachi, Pakistan, July 02, 1996.
DHAKA FAIR Letter To Editor on the pathethic presentation of Pakistany exhibitors at the Dhaka International Fair, by MAJYD AZIZ, Karachi, Pakistan, June 23, 1997.
PRESIDENT TARAR Letter to Editor on the nomination of Rafiq Tarar as President of Pakistan, by MAJYD AZIZ, Karachi, Pakistan, December 22, 1997.
"AHMED GATES TEST" Letter to Editor on the problems faced by a Pakistany if he comes back home after being computer-trained in USA, by MAJYD AZIZ, Karachi, Pakistan, January 23, 1998.
VEHICLE CHECKING BY CPLC Letter to Editor on the attitude of citizens whose cars are checked by CPLC, by MAJYD AZIZ, Karachi, Pakistan, April 18, 1998.
TO PAY OR NOT TO PAY BEGGARS? Letter to Editor on the gullibility of people when confronted by a street beggar, by MAJYD AZIZ, Karachi, Pakistan, April 27, 1998.
AMERICAN ANTI-BOMB SWEETENERS Letter to Editor on the response by Pakistan on the United States desire that Pakistan should not detonate the Bomb, by MAJYD AZIZ, Karachi, Pakistan, May 15, 1998.
COTECNA / SGS Letter to Editor on Cotecna/SGS giving kickbacks to Pakistany politicians, by MAJYD AZIZ, Karachi, Pakistan, July 19, 1998.
THE BULBUL IS BACK Letter to Editor about the stock exchange downslide, by MAJYD AZIZ, Karachi, Pakistan, July 20, 1998.
WHEAT IMPORTS Letter to Editor about the shenanigans in import and distribution of wheat in Pakistan, by MAJYD AZIZ, Karachi, Pakistan, July 20, 1998.