BILLION DOLLAR CREDIT Letter to Editor on the news that a Korean company would grant a billiob dollar credit to a Pakistan shipping company in the private sector, by MAJYD AZIZ, written under the pen name MIKE BAXTER,  Karachi, Pakistan, March 23, 1994.
GUEST SPEAKERS IN CHAMBERS Letter to Editor (satirical) proposing to invite smugglers to provide pointers to businessmen, by MAJYD AZIZ, written under the pen name MIKE BAXTER,  Karachi, Pakistan, July 03, 1994.
KARACHI  MANAGEMENT  BOARD Letter to Editor on a way to bring sanity to Karachi during its problem with law and order etc, by MAJYD AZIZ, written under the pen name MIKE BAXTER,  Karachi, Pakistan, July 28, 1994.
THE COMEDIANS Letter to Editor on how three Pakistany politicians look like the Three Stooges, by MAJYD AZIZ, written under the pen name MIKE BAXTER,  Karachi, Pakistan, September 28, 1994.
YANKEE  JIYALAS Letter to Editor on the Opposition's brouhaha against the influx of American officials to boost the Bhutto Government, by MAJYD AZIZ, written under the pen name MIKE BAXTER,  Karachi, Pakistan, November 20, 1994.
BHUTTO--BANDARANAIKE Letter to Editor on the comments of the Sri Lankan political family on Pakistan's political family, by MAJYD AZIZ, written under the pen name MIKE BAXTER,  Karachi, Pakistan, November 29, 1994.
BEWARE BENGALI LOOK-ALIKE! Letter to Editor on the campaign by the law-enforcing agencies to remove Bangladeshis from Karachi, by MAJYD AZIZ, written under the pen name MIKE BAXTER,  Karachi, Pakistan, January 25, 1995.
UNITY GOVERNMENT Letter to Editor on the need for a broad-based national government in Pakistan, by MAJYD AZIZ, written under the pen name MIKE BAXTER,  Karachi, Pakistan, March 14, 1995.
ONE AMONG THE FEW UPRIGHT PERSONS Letter to Editor on an exemplary General of the Pakistan Army, by MAJYD AZIZ, written under the pen name MIKE BAXTER,  Karachi, Pakistan, October 22, 1995.
ST. JOSEPH'S COLLEGE Letter to Editor on the closure of the girl's college due to threats by vested interests, by MAJYD AZIZ, written under the pen name MIKE BAXTER,  Karachi, Pakistan, October 22, 1995.
PUBLICITY THROUGH CHILD LABOR Letter to Editor on the use of Child Labor by a bank to publicize its products, by MAJYD AZIZ, written under the pen name MIKE BAXTER,  Karachi, Pakistan, October 31, 1995.
WHAT MORE CAN ONE SAY Letter to Editor by way of a ditty, by MAJYD AZIZ, written under the pen name MIKE BAXTER,  Karachi, Pakistan, November 21, 1995.
BUSINESS LEADERS AT LEISURE Letter to Editor on the way the business community is taking it real easy, by MAJYD AZIZ, written under the pen name MIKE BAXTER,  Karachi, Pakistan, December 26, 1995.
ATTN: CHAIRMAN  CBR Letter to Editor on whether the winnings of a cock fight are taxable, etc, by MAJYD AZIZ, written under the pen name MIKE BAXTER,  Karachi, Pakistan, February 29, 1996.
WILL ANYONE REPRIMAND THE MINISTER? Letter to Editor on a correspondent's complaint that the Pakistany Foreign Minister imbibed alcohol during Ramadhan, by MAJYD AZIZ, written under the pen name MIKE BAXTER,  Karachi, Pakistan, March 03, 1996.
ZARDARI’S  ILLNESS Letter to Editor (satirical) on why the spouse of Benazir Bhutto was not seen in public, by MAJYD AZIZ, written under the pen name MIKE BAXTER,  Karachi, Pakistan, April 07, 1996.
KARACHI CAR NUMBERS Letter to Editor on why the number plates series was changed by the Motor Bureau, by MAJYD AZIZ, written under the pen name MIKE BAXTER,  Karachi, Pakistan, May 15, 1996.
FREE  PRESS !  AND  HOW ? Letter to Editor to DAWN on former Pakistany Prime Minister, Benazir Bhutto's letter on the role of free press in democracy, by MAJYD AZIZ, written under the pen name MIKE BAXTER,  Karachi, Pakistan, June 01, 1996.
TEN LITTLE INDIANS Letter to Editor on the ramifications if India breaks up into ten small nations, by MAJYD AZIZ, written under the pen name MIKE BAXTER,  Karachi, Pakistan, June 03, 1996.
THE SURREY MANSION Letter to Editor on former Pakistany Prime Minister, Benazir Bhutto's alleged purchase of a property in England, by MAJYD AZIZ, written under the pen name MIKE BAXTER,  Karachi, Pakistan, June 10, 1996.
TRADE WITH INDIA Letter to Editor (satirical) on Pakistan-India trade, by MAJYD AZIZ, written under the pen name MIKE BAXTER,  Karachi, Pakistan, June 13, 1996.
SITE-VS-KORANGI Letter to Editor on the two industrial estates in Karachi, by MAJYD AZIZ, written under the pen name MIKE BAXTER,  Karachi, Pakistan, June 15, 1996.
BEDWEAR AND TRADE POLICY Letter to Editor on the conflicting stance of a leading textile association, by MAJYD AZIZ, written under the pen name MIKE BAXTER,  Karachi, Pakistan, August 05, 1996.
SIMPLE WAY OUT Letter to Editor on suggesting a way out for the government from imposing GST, by MAJYD AZIZ, written under the pen name MIKE BAXTER,  Karachi, Pakistan, August 08, 1996.
CLINTON’S MONEY WOES Letter to Editor on President Clinton's burgeoning legal bills, by MAJYD AZIZ, written under the pen name MIKE BAXTER,  Karachi, Pakistan, August 17, 1996.
HOMEMAKER’S HOLIDAY Letter to Editor on a news report that an Indian lady parliamentarian has introduced a bill to give housewives a day off, by MAJYD AZIZ, written under the pen name MIKE BAXTER,  Karachi, Pakistan, August 22, 1996.
DARKER SIDE OF MEMONS Letter to Editor on certain people of the Memon community who have an unsavory reputation, by MAJYD AZIZ, written under the pen name MIKE BAXTER,  Karachi, Pakistan, September 02, 1996.
CIGARETTE ADVERTISEMENTS Letter to Editor on the increase in cigarette advertisements,  by MAJYD AZIZ, written under the pen name MIKE BAXTER,  Karachi, Pakistan, September 05, 1996.
BASHIR ALIMUHAMMAD Letter to Editor on appointing an industrialist as Finance Minister, by MAJYD AZIZ, written under the pen name MIKE BAXTER,  Karachi, Pakistan, September 28, 1996.
CIA RECRUITS Letter to Editor on the news about CIA recruiting agents outside the normal way, by MAJYD AZIZ, written under the pen name MIKE BAXTER,  Karachi, Pakistan, December 11, 1996.
ARY TO THE RESCUE Letter to Editor on the loans given by a Dubai-based gold trader, by MAJYD AZIZ, written under the pen name MIKE BAXTER,  Karachi, Pakistan, December 23, 1996.
CDNS Letter to Editor on Pakistan's Council for Defense and National Security, by MAJYD AZIZ, written under the pen name MIKE BAXTER,  Karachi, Pakistan, January 13, 1997.
CAPTAIN’S COLLEAGUES Letter to Editor on why the Pakistany test cricketers have not joined their captain's political party, by MAJYD AZIZ, written under the pen name MIKE BAXTER,  Karachi, Pakistan, January 27, 1997.
BENAZIR’S LETTER TO LEGHARI Letter to Editor on former Prime Minister's complaint to President Farooq Leghari, by MAJYD AZIZ, written under the pen name MIKE BAXTER,  Karachi, Pakistan, March 11, 1997.
CHAIRMAN  CBR Letter to Editor on who should be the Chairman of CBR, by MAJYD AZIZ, written under the pen name MIKE BAXTER,  Karachi, Pakistan, March 28, 1997.
CHANGING OUR ATTITUDE TOWARDS WORK Letter to Editor on the "less work" syndrome, by MAJYD AZIZ, written under the pen name MIKE BAXTER,  Karachi, Pakistan, March 28, 1997.
WORLD CUP Letter to Editor on the need to stop discussing the Pakistany cricket team's debacle in the World Cup, by MAJYD AZIZ, written under the pen name MIKE BAXTER,  Karachi, Pakistan, April 02, 1997.
TOBACCO AND PTV Letter to Editor on why PTV does not stop cigarette advertisements, by MAJYD AZIZ, written under the pen name MIKE BAXTER,  Karachi, Pakistan, May 31, 1997.
APNA UGHAO APNA KHAO Letter to Editor on the poor performance of Pakistan's agriculturists, by MAJYD AZIZ, written under the pen name MIKE BAXTER,  Karachi, Pakistan, June 16, 1997.
THE  CONDOM  TABOO Letter to Editor on why the government is afraid to call a condom a condom, by MAJYD AZIZ, written under the pen name MIKE BAXTER,  Karachi, Pakistan, July 05, 1997.
ARMED GUARDS : FUTILE DEATHS Letter to Editor on the proliferation of armed guards, by MAJYD AZIZ, written under the pen name MIKE BAXTER,  Karachi, Pakistan, September 24, 1997.
BREAKING NEWS Letter to Editor (satirical) on an anonymous donation of the Surrey Palace to Edhi Foundation, by MAJYD AZIZ, written under the pen name MIKE BAXTER,  Karachi, Pakistan, August 26, 1997.
YAHOO  TV Letter to Editor on the need for a TV Channel by Rupert Murdoch aimed at the Pakistany audience, by MAJYD AZIZ, written under the pen name MIKE BAXTER,  Karachi, Pakistan, November 12, 1997.